Image for the poem A poem is...

A poem is...

"Poetry relies upon trope." - Harold Bloom
a loose rondelet

A poem is.
A zoetrope. A drum is what
a poem is.
A poem is a spinning drum,
a frame about a central bulb.
Illusions of movements of dreams.
A poem is.
Written by Casted_Runes (Mr Karswell)
Author's Note
Image sourced from this YouTube video:

From the Wikipedia entry for "Rondelet":

"Rondelet is the diminutive of rondel, a similar, longer verse form. This is the basic structure:

Line 1: A—four syllables
Line 2: b—eight syllables
Line 3: A—repeat of line one
Line 4: a—eight syllables
Line 5: b—eight syllables
Line 6: b—eight syllables
Line 7: A—repeat of line one"
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