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Creepy crawling in the darkness there
A million sets of eight eyes stare
Hungry and well prepared
Creepy crawling dropping,
falling in my hair
Itch, itch, itching

Creepy crawling on my skin
They begin to decend
Digging in
Ripping holes and stretching thin
Creepy crawling under my skin
Itch, itch, itching

Creepy crawling in my veins
Feeling all their hairy legs
A million bites from venom fangs
aid in their attemps to maim
Creepy crawling in my brain
Itch, itch, itching

Creepy crawling, every part
In there feasting on my heart
Smells of blood down in the dark
A massive bloody mess they've marked
Creepy crawling, every part
Itch, itch, itching

Creepy crawling, frantic feeding
Now their numbers, slow retreating
They stack on backs
some bits for snacks
then take to crevices and cracks

Creepy crawling, quiet, quick
No more thoughts,
Creepy crawling
Death is calling
No more itch, itch, itching

Written by kayceepee2511
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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