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Visible Panty Line

I rather like it that men can see my underwear
Their eyes following my every move
And wondering what I would look like bare

I know they're wondering, are they cotton?
Or soft black lace that I've got on?
Yes, they're wondering that when they see my underwear

And what would they feel like to their touch
And they know they'd be erect, but just how much
And they're wondering what I would look like bare

And they're imagining them dropping silently to the floor
And me walking naked to the bedroom door
And all because they can see my underwear

Or maybe they're sliding down my thighs under my frock
And I'm trailing their softness over their throbbing cock
Mmm, that's why they're wondering what I'd look like bare

And, of course, if you haven't guessed it yet
My panties are now very very wet!
And that's why I like men to see my underwear
And to wonder just I'd look like bare
Written by emmastg (Emma St Giles)
Author's Note
A woman's panties have magical power over men. I know they do. And so do men, but they can do nothing about it.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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