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In Love?              Inspired by _ boybrains

When you are in love
Butterflies in your stomach
Just arrive when she does
The smile is always broad
I'm smiling like an idiot
Excitement intensifies
Heartbeat and pulse quickens
Gotta watch my blood pressure
With a pleasurable sigh of relief
We fall into each other's arms
The hug, gentle and warm
Longer than 9.2 seconds
Hugging anyone else for as long
Apparently is considered inappropriate
Our lips meet a few pecks
But passion raises the ante
With longing tongues
I wish my lunch break was longer
But we part with I love yous
Full of longing tinged with sadness
At work always thinking about her
Work suffers with distractions
Missing you already for real
I am desperately in love
I am hopelessly in love

There is a cold hug, followed by
An even colder admission
She was having a motel affair
Seedy, and filthy dirty
Says it was a mistake
Says she still loves me
Trust broken leads to forgiveness
But the line in the sand
Appears to be a moveable feast
Love makes you readjust it
But what is the final straw
Where do you stop drawing it?
It is now thirty-five years later
Seven or eight affairs later
Probably many more who knows
Forgiveness line still is redrawn
Despite her cockoholc tendencies
Real love can turn you into a doormat
A loving safety net to catch her
I never cheated once vows were spoken
Took thirty-five years to realise
That she didn't truly love me
So much fake love all around
Made me desire my hole in the ground

Despite the divorce, the pattern continues
Real love never returned despite a promise
I am yet to experience real love returning
That mutual feeling of two becoming one
It's a bitter pill to swallow
It’s a bitter life lesson to take
When life faithfully led becomes
A life full of regret and bitterness
Unconditional love comes from dogs
Humans can't seem to manage that
Unrequited seems like a nice word
It’s rejected, used and abused
"The big rabbit gets fucked"
"What? Proper Fucked?"

So the rant begins
A person who is professing real love to you does not
Have any affairs or one night stands
Fidelity is vital, fuck second chances
Make you live fearfully or bully
Not be a vaginaohlic or a cockoholic
Not be dishonest or selfish, not sell fish
Act cold and aloof
Take you for granted
Demand money or gifts
Don’t be a gold diggin Ho
Don’t be a gold diggin Prick
Disrespect or belittle you
Not stop caring for you

If they do any of these
They simply do not love you
Don’t be fooled by apologies
Blow job mistakes and
Fucking accidentally

Not forgetting dishonesty
I only have three words for fake lovers
"Fuck them all"
"What proper Fucked?"

Certainly not
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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