Image for the poem noir for a regular dame

noir for a regular dame

it’s in the black&white of night.
the dark that’s an amalgam of shadows. shadows of secrets.
nothing good that nobody wants to know.

the white frozen flames of streetlamps where I come to lean & smoke.
the albino moon that hangs with passing clouds, defiant of the
converging storm. that moon not meant for lovers.

you can search for a good story like you search for a good woman, &
come across both in the back of a black sedan. I remember unbuttoning
her shirt. real slow. there was nothing to rush ahead to & nothing to go
back to.

her breasts were classy, elegant under the worn lace bra. beauty that tried
to separate itself from the trash of her. how many men had seen her this
way, I could nearly make out the spectral traces of tobacco-stained
moustaches, the shallow incisions of eager teeth.

I made my own marks on her, & she guided me toward her neck, that
smelled of a rare spice, maybe, the kind they don’t serve at the local
diner. I took it. I took her like she wanted me to, in the back of a black
sedan. it was a minefield of expectation. & regret.

she needed a place to stay, & she’d settle for my walk-up flat. she came
with back rubs & cold beers & she knew how to change the sheets, so I let
her in. I let her in as far as she could dance.

after a while, there were nights when she didn’t come home, & sometimes
I’d catch a joker walking out the door as I was coming up the steps. we’d
fight & she’d stand up to me, then she’d cry & I’d break down. I knew in my
whiskey-deep heart I didn’t want to be alone.

but you can’t make a woman love you when she don’t know how to love.
one night, a black&white night like this, shadows & secrets & a drunken
moon leaning on the streetlamp smoking, she was gone. smooth, like a
criminal.  ‘cause every noir needs an ending mean as sorrow.

the lovers that we used to be.
& never   (not one more night)   again…

(Artist unknown)

Written by JohnFeddeler
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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