My Garden

My garden is secret.
She is enclosed in a brick wall
I built to hide her.
Everyday I tend to pink peonies,
White daffodils, lady banks rose bushes that
Grow up the trellis, and my weeping willow
That sways over gerber daisies and yellow tulips.
I've watched the sun rays and water drops
Aid my tending, helping my garden thrive, grow
And become beautiful.

The wall around my garden has kept her safe.
She has survived the storms
that have tried to ravage and destroy her.
The ill-doers have attempted to break in and pick
Through her beauty to leave her desolate,
But the wall has protected her.
I have protected her.

My garden wants me to tear down the wall.
She wants to be seen and loved by another.
My garden aches to bring joy and peace to another.
I warn my garden of how hard it might be. How
You think you can bring joy and peace to others
Only to have them pick it from you.
She remains fast my garden, she is ready.
Ready for the wall to come down.
Ready to take the bad along with the good.
Ready to live, thrive, and grow free.

I'm going to listen to my garden.
Give her what she wants.
I'm eager to see, feel and live in her freedom.
My garden with no more walls
No more constraints,
She will be even more beautiful than before.
And all will see what I've been hiding behind this wall.
The best part of me will be on display and
I will be loved.
Written by LivePassion
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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