Submissions by athar
Attraction and Fear

#forgiveness #MovingOn
#forgiveness #MovingOn
137 reads
Wake Up!
Time marches on, relentless, unstirred,
Unaware of events,
Events that might alter
The very essence of our shared realm.
The cosmic web shifts, threads anew,
Neither the present
Nor the future
Can claim certainty's helm.
A mist obscures our collective sight,
Save for a few who stand in the light.
Fed with spoonfuls of crafted tales,
Our minds shaped to fit their scales.
We wander through life's foggy veil,
Like somnambulists on a well-trodden trail.
Conditioned beings in an endless cycle,
Unaware of events,
Events that might alter
The very essence of our shared realm.
The cosmic web shifts, threads anew,
Neither the present
Nor the future
Can claim certainty's helm.
A mist obscures our collective sight,
Save for a few who stand in the light.
Fed with spoonfuls of crafted tales,
Our minds shaped to fit their scales.
We wander through life's foggy veil,
Like somnambulists on a well-trodden trail.
Conditioned beings in an endless cycle,
127 reads
Everything bears a cost,
Not merely a price to be tossed.
For every gain we seek to host,
Something else must be lost.
To earn the coin, we toil,
Sweat upon the soil.
For respect to be our lot,
We must act in ways that are not forgot.
To hold goods within our grasp,
We part with coins that clasp.
When gains are made, yet nothing's spent,
The scale tips – it's not what nature meant.
For each thing gained without a toll,
Disrupts the balance of the whole.
We must reckon with the cost,
For nothing comes...
Not merely a price to be tossed.
For every gain we seek to host,
Something else must be lost.
To earn the coin, we toil,
Sweat upon the soil.
For respect to be our lot,
We must act in ways that are not forgot.
To hold goods within our grasp,
We part with coins that clasp.
When gains are made, yet nothing's spent,
The scale tips – it's not what nature meant.
For each thing gained without a toll,
Disrupts the balance of the whole.
We must reckon with the cost,
For nothing comes...
197 reads
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Flowers and Roses

128 reads
The Legend of the Myst Phoenix’s Children
Long before the first of the bloodline were ever born, the Myst phoenix was known to all. Brilliant blue birds of fire and mist, gifted with the ability to be ever reborn in flame. They represented the memories and hopes of the people and every present cycle of life, death and rebirth that keeps the world in the balance. They had both the power to heal and to destroy.
Yet, their power came with downsides. Because of their power, people sought to control them for their own purposes. Myst Phoenix feathers were believed to have healing properties, even when separated from the...
Yet, their power came with downsides. Because of their power, people sought to control them for their own purposes. Myst Phoenix feathers were believed to have healing properties, even when separated from the...
243 reads
1 Comment
Sorya/Seraphyna’s journal XYZAB

156 reads
Sorya’s Oath
I, Sorya, child of the Mist phoenix, accept the pledge of my bloodline. I will defend my home and destroy and who would seek to destroy it. I will bring hope and healing where it is needed. I will defend the innocent and guard against those who would seek to break the natural cycle that keeps all in the balance. My fire is for my home and its people. I shall not seek to use it for personal gain or for the gain of those who would seek to misuse it. I am Sorya Faylayre and my word is my bond
169 reads
Another day
Time to let go
Time to breathe
So why am I so tense?
Why can’t I just be
My body of two demons
My joints in mal align
In sleep there is no recess
No peace in sleep Devine
By day I am exhausted
By night awake I lay
By day and night this darkness
Blots out light of day
I can ne’er defeat it
Nor run, escape or hide
Only battle it, with borrowed hope
Until a new sun doth shine
Time to breathe
So why am I so tense?
Why can’t I just be
My body of two demons
My joints in mal align
In sleep there is no recess
No peace in sleep Devine
By day I am exhausted
By night awake I lay
By day and night this darkness
Blots out light of day
I can ne’er defeat it
Nor run, escape or hide
Only battle it, with borrowed hope
Until a new sun doth shine
313 reads
red tape

352 reads
Pretty lies and convenient truths

490 reads
Twisted echoes
Twisted echoes
Tortured souls
Screaming, crying, pleading, greaving
Scratching their way
From day to day
Begging, bleeding, horror reading
Scratching through gravel
Nails broken, fingers bleeding
Screaming Horsley
Voice broken, throat sore
Running from it all
Legs exhausted
Feet blistered and bleeding
Tortured souls
Screaming, crying, pleading, greaving
Scratching their way
From day to day
Begging, bleeding, horror reading
Scratching through gravel
Nails broken, fingers bleeding
Screaming Horsley
Voice broken, throat sore
Running from it all
Legs exhausted
Feet blistered and bleeding
642 reads
A memory
A memory
Dear dreams depart
Always reality wins
But when reality catches up
Memories stay
The good, the bad and the ugly
Like a black sun
A red death, a plague
But when life catches up
Just remember
No good dream is all good
Just so
No nightmare is free of good
Dear dreams depart
Always reality wins
But when reality catches up
Memories stay
The good, the bad and the ugly
Like a black sun
A red death, a plague
But when life catches up
Just remember
No good dream is all good
Just so
No nightmare is free of good
766 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by athar