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Why do the trump haters get to have all the say??

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Ahavati said:

I'll find the time to review those links, particularly the Brunson case, at some point today or tomorrow and respond accordingly.

Well that was quick - I did it on my morning break ( but it helps to have 14 years of legal experience as well ). I was expecting pages of legal jargon rather than two brief articles.

The first thing I noticed is that the first link is from a Christian paper; however, rather than assume it was a radical right publication ( because there are many types of "Christians" ) I opted to read it anyway.

May 28, 2024
Petition DENIED

(The three defendant's recused themselves in the decision. The remaining six voted. Raland did not get the four votes that was needed.)

Okay, skipping to the bottom line - the three defendants ( Liberal SCOTUS judges - reason below) recused themselves of voting on the Brunson Bro suit, leaving only the conservative members of SCOTUS left to vote.

In the Order denying "Cert." (refusing to hear the appeal) reference is made to  28 U. S. C. §455(b)(5)(i), which requires Justices to recuse themselves if their "impartiality might reasonable be questions", and Code of Conduct for Justices of the Supreme  Court of the United States, Canon 3B(2)(d)(i), specifically stating the Canon requires this when a Justice is a "party to the  proceeding".  As named Defendants in the case, the Justices were simply complying with the Law, and Ethical Standards.

Can't blame the liberals for this outcome, as no liberal justices voted. Therefore, the denial came from the conservative judges. Most likely because they found no merit in the case to begin with, despite giving it every advantage, i.e. - their clerks contacting Brunson requesting as much info as possible.

In essence, the case was considered meritless, a grasping at straws. Could you imagine if EVERY PERSON who BELIEVED something to be true sued congress because they didn't believe it to be true? From election day November 2020 - to the January 2021 certification - countless investigations were done in regard to meritless claims that the election was stolen.

Don't you think the conservative SCOTUS would've JUMPED ALL OVER this if there had been merit to the suits? Of course they would've.

MAGA are the only group who refuses to believe the election wasn't stolen. Upstanding republicans have admitted it wasn't.

I don't know why everyone is so upset. Harris only has a 50% chance of winning the electoral college regardless of whether or not she buries Trump under millions of popular votes. We've all learned the hard way that the popular votes don't determine the election, the Electoral College does. And MAGA loyalists have been working hard on that aspect, which is why Trump isn't worried about votes in general.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598

As I have read over this thread after some absence, I can say if mods feel its too much, then they can delete. Politics and Religion should never be allowed on these types of websites. You allow us to write about deep dark issues, and erotic writes, that should be enough. If you want to write about politics and or religion,  keep it to you own page. These are my thoughts not yours....over an out. Also, I am not a racist, and fuck off for calling me one, IF you did. A lot of you LOVE to word your posts in a certain way.   Thats not smarts, thats not college, that years of internet forum bullshit.
keep this, delete this I dont care either way. <3 everyone here knows where I stand.
Good day, sirs and ladies. <3

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

RyanBlackborough said:No one's really discussing anything, you're all yelling at each other.
What will that achieve?
No matter who wins you'll all still be pissed off. So no one really wins.

The nature of politics is to divide for no reason. I try hard to simply present facts for all to judge as they want. As far as a "discussion", the nature of online messaging is NOT true discussion, which historical only works in person between two or a few more people. These forums seem to be useful for presenting information but not to discuss.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

In a statement to RyanBlackborough, Anonymous has declared that..."The nature of politics is to divide for no reason."... which demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the word "politics".

A broader understanding of the definition has us realize that their statement only addresses the uglier aspect of the rich history of the word "politic" which as an adjective means..."seeming sensible and judicious in the circumstances"...at least according to my copy of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, which also has me thinking about a likely etymological association with words like "polite" and "politesse'".

That doesn't sound divisive to me.

Please consult your own philological sources for verification.🤓

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

BTW... the worst antisemites are Netanyahu and Trump...


Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
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FYI to Anonymous...once you block someone then no quote or reply box appears to provide anybody with an opportunity to apologize, which is one reason why I've never blocked anyone...

or deleted things that they've said on my page.

Stand by what you say.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

MidnightSonneteer said:FYI to Anonymous...once you block someone then no quote or reply box appears to provide anybody with an opportunity to apologize, which is one reason why I've never blocked anyone...

or deleted things that they've said on my page.

Stand by what you say.

Blocking is the only way I can keep MAGA off my personal page and from commenting on my poetry submissions ( which have absolutely nothing to do with politics ). Unfortunately, it doesn't stop them shadowing me to various forum threads, which have nothing to do with politics, to regurgitate their vitriol. I have never seen a more vindictive, spiteful group of people in my life. You would think they all suffer from OCD and are totally and uncontrollably obsessed.

But then again, as I have said, those who cannot control their own actions feel it necessary to control others in order to feel some type of control in their own lives.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14554

"I have never seen a more vindictive, spiteful group of people in my life."

Both Democrats and Trump supporters have proved themselves spiteful and vindictive.

If you want to group a people together how about the Jews. funny enough funded and weaponizd by the Democrats (at this time, during these atrocities)

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

lepperochan said:"I have never seen a more vindictive, spiteful group of people in my life."

Both Democrats and Trump supporters have proved themselves spiteful and vindictive.

If you want to group a people together how about the Jews. funny enough funded and weaponizd by the Democrats (at this time, during these atrocities)

Excuse me, I have NEVER invaded a MAGA**'s personal page with political bullshit. Nor have I shadowed them to other threads ( that have nothing to do with politics ) to spew spiteful vitriol.

**I don't use the term Republicans here because there are Republicans on this board ( and at large ) I admire and respect, despite disagreeing with them politically. I've had some very nice conversations void of name-slinging or gender slurs ( camel-toe, etc. ) that are so prevalent in this thread.

I will agree with you on the Israel-Hammas war and the Palestinians caught in the middle. I have always felt a two-state should've been created the moment that Israel was established. We have to keep in mind there are many Jews who despite Netanyahu's 'Zionism' and are in full agreement of a two-state establishment.

Also, it was both Democrats AND Republicans who passed the $95 billion emergency defense spending bill. McConnell and Johnson both pushed their party to support the bill, both labeling themselves "Reagan Republicans".

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

Ahavati said:

Blocking is the only way I can keep MAGA off my personal page and from commenting on my poetry submissions ( which have absolutely nothing to do with politics ). Unfortunately, it doesn't stop them shadowing me to various forum threads, which have nothing to do with politics, to regurgitate their vitriol. I have never seen a more vindictive, spiteful group of people in my life. You would think they all suffer from OCD and are totally and uncontrollably obsessed.

But then again, as I have said, those who cannot control their own actions feel it necessary to control others in order to feel some type of control in their own lives.

I think of blocking as being an internet version of biblical shunning, and while tempting, there's a miniscule chance that some of the less rudimentary and dainty MAGA ragamuffins will eventually clue in to the value of good faith communications, which has it incumbent on all non-MAGA folks to role model the graciousness that they are sorely lacking, much like that Star Trek episode where Spock tells Kirk and McCoy, that while he finds emotional humans to be rather vexing, he realizes that nowhere else is he and his logic more required.

Careful though, we mustn't let it dawn upon them that the Star Trek Federation is...WOKE.

Oh heavens to Betsy!  Did I say WOKE out loud?  

Now begin the countdown to industrial strength trolling:)

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14554


You miss understood, perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

I was speaking in general. both sides have supporters who are quite animated. It was a Trump supporter who took a shot at him first.

I've said a few times along the way, if it comes to a time where supporters are fill with hate, and rage just at the sight of each other we have all lost. we have all lost.

I fully accept its not the way things are here on the site, but as Strider said some pages back, dialogue is the only way forward is people speaking to each other

Terms of Israel, I don't think much will change in the short term whomever is president. I think there's a fair chance we might all be at war by the middle of next year. the way things are looking Ireland will be a part of NATO, so essentially an arm of the US mitary. not that we have any planes or ships

but yeah, I don't think we all have that much time left in whatever bubbles our respective states provide. scary thought

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1817

MidnightSonneteer said:

I got your discourse right here...


Interesting link.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

lepperochan said:@Avaht

You miss understood, perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

I was speaking in general. both sides have supporters who are quite animated. It was a Trump supporter who took a shot at him first.

Sorry. MS and I were discussing blocking here at DU, and why we did didn't. I didn't realize you were referring to the general population. I would have to agree with you on that point. There are some nasty people out there on both sides.

I've said a few times along the way, if it comes to a time where supporters are fill with hate, and rage just at the sight of each other we have all lost. we have all lost.

I fully accept its not the way things are here on the site, but as Strider said some pages back, dialogue is the only way forward is people speaking to each other

I agree; however, it's the way we speak to each other that matters. When Trump won the presidency via the college electorate, I felt like gagging, especially when Clinton buried him with the popular vote; HOWEVER, I accepted that he was the President of the United States and thus MY president whether I liked it or not.

I've yet to see anyone who is MAGA, particularly from this board ( those in general that have, albeit very few ), do the same with Biden. It's been four years of drivel and whining that the election was stolen from them.

In acceptance lieth peace. And those who learn to accept situations they can't control nor change find peace in the hope that change is the only constant. Those who don't accept situations they can't control or change cause constant discord because they are not at peace with themselves.

Terms of Israel, I don't think much will change in the short term whomever is president. I think there's a fair chance we might all be at war by the middle of next year. the way things are looking Ireland will be a part of NATO, so essentially an arm of the US mitary. not that we have any planes or ships

but yeah, I don't think we all have that much time left in whatever bubbles our respective states provide. scary thought

Who needs planes or ships when you're the "fighting Irish"?!

You may be right about the war. I have my own theory on that one.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

MidnightSonneteer said:

I think of blocking as being an internet version of biblical shunning, and while tempting, there's a miniscule chance that some of the less rudimentary and dainty MAGA ragamuffins will eventually clue in to the value of good faith communications, which has it incumbent on all non-MAGA folks to role model the graciousness that they are sorely lacking, much like that Star Trek episode where Spock tells Kirk and McCoy, that while he finds emotional humans to be rather vexing, he realizes that nowhere else is he and his logic more required.

Careful though, we mustn't let it dawn upon them that the Star Trek Federation is...WOKE.

Oh heavens to Betsy!  Did I say WOKE out loud?  

Now begin the countdown to industrial strength trolling:)

You absolutely DID say it out loud! I'm WOKE as f*uck and proud of it.

I admire your reasons for not blocking; however, I need to maintain my boundaries in whatever way I can. I can't control them shadowing me in the forums throughout threads that have nothing to do with politics; however, I can damn sure prevent them from regurgitating their vitriol on my poetry submissions.

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