Poetry competition CLOSED 30th June 2015 3:22pm
ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
View Profile Poems by ImperfectedStone
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Danii

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It's All About L.O.V.E

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about your celebrity idol, whether it's a love poem, a tribute to them in death, a lust poem whatever.
Be original with your words,
Show why they are worth writing about,
Do not of course write anything disrespectful or crude it should be a tribute poem not a roast.

Remember it's all for L.O.V.E  

*Note: Please be specific about who you're writing about since I'd like to know*

poet Anonymous

how many entries are we permitted? I have two.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Just one entry please :)

poet Anonymous


Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 23

Lies that are told to my face
Obsession that takes over there money
Violations of space
Existence you wish he didnt have  

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 14th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 11

Tell me you love me
Secret love?
Tell me you care
Secret love?
Tell me you'll free me
Secret love?
Do you know I'm there?
That's the pray I say every night
To the moon and I get the same response....silence
I know when we met it was short and indirectly be I caught feelings
Feelings that I can't shake
Because secret love
There is something about you
Something I can't understand
Secret love
I secretly love you
With love as far as desert sands
Even when I'm taken
I feel the emotional tugs of my secret love who doesn't understand how much I long her
Her beauty is perfect humanly impossible her eyes...the beautiful eyes I die to see one more time
Are like gate ways to the unknown
Secret love
I wish I could tell you how I feel
I want to hold you for eternity
Secret love
I've never love this real
I want you in and externally
I'd go thru anything for my secret love there is nothing I wouldn't do
But the strings of my heart will play a song in her name
Until she looks at the moon and sees my pray...it's funny because she wouldn't know it was from me....we've only official met once.....
Secret love
Are your there
Will you answer my pray

meeting skylar grey had me like ^^^^

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 19th July 2012
Forum Posts: 101

"If You Need This One"

If. You. Need. This. One.
Right here
And faith replace the lines
Stake a claim, a day remain, and 'Weh relayed the sign
Take your pain and rename this change as your joyfulness
Impatience is repulsive
Like supposed to
Ask and God'll show you
If it's me
And here's a rose away
Jesus, praises, in control
I'm like a protégé
Steady trying to make it
In the name of the
You embrace it? Well then maybe you right
Ain't needing distance
Say, you needed this one
Like a rose away
Logically addition
If it's missing, sure you'll know today

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 21

~~My Winters Angel~~

In This Moment In Time          
Our Thoughts Entwined          
In Harmony Our Words Collide          
To Form Perfect Crystalized Rhymes            
You Tantalize My Mind          
And Grace My Dreams          
Among Endless Smiles          
And Blue Skies Above          
Majestic Evergreens          
Bright white Snow          
Provides Serenity          
And Beauty that Compliment          
Your Radiant Glow          
Your Eyes Have Ways          
Of Capturing My Hearts Insecurities            
Destroying The Pain That's Hidden Inside          
An Angel In Arctic Clothing          
Sending Feelings Of Warmth          
And Flawlessness From Your Face          
Conveyed To Me Through  
The Touch Of My Finger Tips          
A Winters Whisp            
Brings Cool Breeze So Crisp          
Whisking Your Hair            
And Careesing Your Lips            
In An Image That appears
Nothing But Devine          
Snapshots Of The Future          
Made All That Much Brighter          
By The Inclusion Of 'You and I'          
My Senses Heightened By Your Presence          
Our Pasts Left Behind          
As We Float On Into Oblivion          
With Your Hand In Mine...


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17161

Its Love Actually

A soulmate trapped
in a circle of waiting
an empty fist
just keep holding on

promises made on thin air
sieves without end
No words spoken
yet strength of a liana

vice like grip
on the dying vine
never letting go
until fire turn to ember

its love actually
the fierce undying type
through thick and thin
and water run to forever

But you kept on Running
for your life

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Me Tarzan
You Jane
Me swinger
You looker
Want to
Monkey around?
Tarzan want
Tree house tryst
Maybe marry  
Tarzan promise
Never cheetah

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bc7KDyLV80 Maureen O’Sullivan nude

In all honesty, when I was a boy on the verge of pubes, Tarzan is the man I wanted be.

poet Anonymous

The Silver Spur ( Julio's Last Tango)

No man resists her dance  
when she beckons a kiss  
with a flick of her diamond dusted wrist  
But what darling so daring  
laughs at wicked wink  
of the gigolo with jingling silver spur?  

In his eyes fiercer fire than that contained in her diamonds  
swears to consume her as he snatches her pulsing wrist  
and offers no kiss for her dazzle.  

Feather and lightning roll together    
budding, thudding tempest  raping clouds of dark rouge  
a flasher’s winged tresses caress  
scarred flesh of Rough Rogue scorned  
raw unraveling of desire unto fury  

Harsh tapping of her sharply turned stiletto against his entrapping leather heel, her frayed shimmer of veiled rose rises with the thorn which thickens passion into quickened steps and no mercy is found for the heart torn  

Firm his lengthy command presses  
against trembling belly of her longing.  
Quick tendrils of thick temper whip, slip, lick  
slick, shadowed thigh and cringing, fringed hip  
urge to fly away from sting  
stayed by hand on pelvic butterfly wings  

Bent backwards under his heavy pant,  
       she spreads her fingers fondly on spinning star  
             of his silver spur  

Blood on bared, clinging teeth,  
petals shaking for his taking:  

"Oh Julio, bite my rosebud!"  
Only his bolero cord strokes her flaming cheek,  
a tease as he shakes his head in refusal.  
Sadist’s revenge for a temptation shallow.  
Smiling Latin Conqueror  

until he feels the sudden, sharp snap at his boot heel.  

The dreaded silver star hangs in her shredded, red palm,  
broken by her own angst  
bright thorns in the scarlet Night Rose bursting.  
Who is she to laugh at his spark?  
Folding in flames, their hands entwine silver spur flashing  
as he slashes her fire-weeping heart.

Inspired by Rudolph Valentino as Julio in Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The end of the dance here is a kinky twist of murder, compared to the Tango in the movie, which ended with a kiss between partners.

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

The Cool Breeze

you walk away?
-- I walk away.
he traveled back in time with his buddy,
he fought crime undercover surfing and sky diving,
without a parachute
he freed people from a bus rigged with explosives
under the Bodhi tree he became the enlightened one
then he rocked the world with his Kung Fu,
destroying the virus that plagued humanity,
HE is the ONE
he shot up thugs for killing his dog
there can be no equal
He is the ONE
the coolest breeze there ever will be

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

On Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings

for a Korean pop star


I am older than I pretend to be,
living in a state of arrested development,
child with a child.

My daughter’s lovely head rests
upon her pillow. She writes beautiful
fanfiction, makes me read it while listening
to Barber. She knows how to describe angry,
furious winds and the silent desolation
of love and longing. (Later I cry into
the cave of my pillow.)

She asks if I appreciate Buddhism. I say
I remember having admired it above other
religions, for it felt like me somehow,
it seemed to do with the inherent suffering
of humans. We talk of reincarnation.
Her solemn, beautiful eyes settle on me,
she says I must have known a great love
in my life before, and I am searching
for it desperately now.


I was always different. There was something
in me that felt too much. I have lived
in places where they housed both the silent
and the walking dead and all I felt for my
fellow humans was grief and tenderness.
For Death, the great equalizer, knows no
mercy for the delicate desperation of our
miniature parts, our diminutive feet and
hands that walk and toil and grope for
comfort. Tiny eyes that cry tears of
sorrow and need.


That man, I had him in my mouth today.
I gagged; he was not you. My mind flew
to you and I grew hungry, voracious.
To know your moans, the taste of your
essence. Such beautiful communion. I
have often longed to swallow a gun as
I long to swallow you.

I hear the strings of Barber and suddenly
you are a soldier, something so stark
and lovely, something which might befall
you someday, for in your country such things
are necessary. The violins swell and I see
all the wars and cries and violence, all
in the name of love, and I weep and pray,
with all my prayer-less self, I weep
and pray for you, my love.


You are not here with me, will never be.
My daughter said, “You survived without
him all these years, without knowing his
existence, and he not knowing yours.” But
I cry into the cool-dark cave of my pillow,
for I am without you, without you forever,
this is the way it must be. The back of my
hand is your mouth, which I kiss and lick
with haunted reverence. I weep for you
and I, my love. With all my prayer-less
self, I weep for you and I.

(for Kwon Jiyong aka G-Dragon)

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

Lights and camera flashes
Smile your bright lips at me
Nevermind those other faces my darling belongs to me

You've aged but still look oh so nice to me
Your blonde hair falls in waves around a picture perfect face

Your eyes so warm and true
And that smile makes me ooze

you are the queen of horror
the queen of my heart

tell me, you'll never depart

Jessica Lange-American Horror Story

Strange Creature
Joined 29th June 2015
Forum Posts: 2

Love is simple
Love is blind
Hence it's better left behind

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