Poetry competition CLOSED 29th June 2012 1:07am
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th May 2012
Forum Posts: 161

When the tick tocks and the tock stops...

To everything
But the human condition
The clock
Draining life from a body that knows its aging condition
The clock
Running away from you
And when the tick turn to tock...
When the tock stops
So will you...
Time waits for no man
But it won't leave you behind
It drags you by whatever it grabs
As it overtakes you
And life elsewhere goes on
But when the clicks synchronize
When they all stop
On that time
Will the earth die and wither
The sun collapse
Into its own fiery greatness
When the silence of time takes hold
What events will unfold
Will it be in fire and brimstone
Or will the world become cold
Barren and dry
As the stars fall from the sky
Leaving no light
No hope Alive
Will the eternal rain take the lives of all
Or will the universe fall into nothing
Ethereal black
surreal reality
Will the clock be turned back
Time will tell
And hopefully we have alot more of it

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

'Alice sighed wearily. "I think you might do something better with time,"
she said, "than waste it asking riddles with no answers."
"If you knew Time as well as i do," said the Hatter, " you wouldn't talk about it.
It's him" (Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland)

because I fancy facing time,
going backwards when everyone's
coming up the front.

because I like beating 'him'
as you clearly remarked,
showing him that I can easily
forget as he can easily pass me
by unnoticed.

david spears
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 18

What have we left behind?
Don't start to unpack yet,
We're running out of time.

Their is no better concept of time
quite like one who is not bound any

Us, however, have failed to see the signs
That our days now are beginning to become quite skinny

what says we are owed just one more breath
does it cross your mind we are only promised death

david spears
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 18

An hourglass he holds in his hands
Our entire life, just one grain of sand
Look at us all,
wasting what could disappear in the blink of an eye
Trying to hold something dear to us just in case we die
Rushing around like fools fading into memories
Where your name will be lost in the midst of centuries
Time is no keeper, just the motivation of life

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

Clock strikes twelve
You're already asleep
Your sweet angelic face showed no worries
Read no pain
Oh, how time flys
Winding through the skies
I would take a single moment
And slow it down
Hoping you'd stay forever
You'd never say never
It was like yesterday, we were kids with hopes and dreams
And today we put them all away
If I could slow down time
You'd be forever mine

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 16th June 2012
Forum Posts: 85


Swaying to the beat of the
Beating hearts of America
The hands
That have stuffed their fingers
So far down our throats
We are forced to listen to them

Always keeps at bay

also throws us against brick walls head first

is like our slave driver
Whipping us into submission

We bleed time
We sweat time
We eat time

Because time is what everything we do is based on

How long we fuck
How long we walk
How long we eat

We are born into it
As the face stares at us
And the hands choke us

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3546

The Quality of Tock

The sea is rushing round me
As I perch upon this rock
Fair mermaids may astound me
With the key to Neptune's lock

Yet even more enthralling
Than these mysteries I behold
The quality of tock
Is a marvel that unfolds

The quality of tock
The quality of tock
Its sound beats in my heart
And my soul is but a clock

Bold tick is just a second
And gone before we know
It pilfers minutes quickly
'Tis but a seed time sows

The quality of tock
Such gilded oboe tones
Kind comfort for the aged
While they rest their weary bones

Wise tock will linger longer
When we ready for its shock
So let bracing bells ring out
For the quality of tock

The quality of tock
The quality of tock
Its sound beats in our hearts
Yet our souls are but a clock

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604


I'm just passing the time

Who knows where time flies to when we're having fun?
at what point in the past is time gathered
and stored away into the huge pockets
in the jacket of this dimension?
or how long are its coat tails
dragging along the time spent
standing in ques or waiting
for the phone to ring?
Is there a grand hall that has on display
all the fifteen minutes of fame?
Or is time filtered of it's activities and recycled
among every living thing in the universe?
When time tells all, who does it speak to?
and where are its great healing powers
when the living start slowly dying
from the moment of conception?
is time not just as ruthless
as any other mass murderer?

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- The Mists of Time -

Each era of man is thought lost to all the ages,
When in reality, time is not ever so simply done...
Every deed is imprinted so well upon the ether,
So that the living universe itself remembers it all.
Each (every) forgotten moment known to sages,
Writ in tomes of history, in every known tongue...
And all of the poetry, every line and every meter:
Will be remembered long after a civilization's fall.

Measureless and measured, nothing is lost…
Everything endures, no matter what the cost.
All the cities that fade into the desert sands,
May one day rise again by an architect's hands.

There is a place in every mind we think is hidden,
But which every living soul possesses so secure.
A palace, grander than the gilt of old Versailles...
Wherein the moments of a lifetime are preserved.
Some think as little of it as they would a midden,
Whilst others flee to it as to some familiar shore.
Welcome and forbidden, like the evening skies...
Which either frighten or move when so observed.

Boundless and bound, nothing is forgotten,
All that is best, along with all that is rotten.
Every notion that has ever been given vent…
Cannot be taken back, once it has been sent.

In the mists of time, nothing is ever so truly past,
For even the cycles of ages can turn, like wheels.
Moving days and destinies to come and also go...
Only to come again, when the moment is at hand!
For eternity the wheels turn, and forever will last,
Causing every soul to wonder whenever it feels...
A moment that we lived before, of joy or of woe.
For always that moment will be a part of the land!

Endless and ending, nothing is beyond reach,
Not even the Heaven of which holy men preach.
We are only as far from the sacred as we sink,
And we are never truly as damned as we think.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

~-{ Beyond Midnight }-~
An Apocalyptic Inspirational Poem

The torments within me, unknown to all…
Reminding me of time’s unraveling hand.
I try to be brave, my face never betraying,
My screaming soul that hath begun to fall!
The desperate pain, obeying no command,
Cannot be eased, even by piously praying.
Doubt clouds my paths to a true salvation,
And wherever I walk, I see only memories.
I cannot find the way, as shadows enclose!
The earth rots from the soil’s corruption…
Even as the life, will not return to the trees.
I fear to live but I fear more a final repose!

Close to midnight, the time for our rebirth,
When all shall be tested to know its’ worth.

Strength in mind and body are a deception,
For no power of this world can so muster…
The fortitude to continue, without madness!
We are near a crossroads of evil conception,
All of man, who hears not God’s whisper…
Whose deeds have driven angels to sadness!
I want to turn back the clock, but it ticks on,
As we near midnight, the hour of our doom!
We knew it was coming, but we ignored it…
And we shall reap the very flame of the sun,
For we all have sinned and thusly too soon…
The hour will pass as God alone doth see fit.

Beyond midnight, when fears be manifest…
Who will be standing when falls all the rest?

I will swallow my torment and pass beyond,
Becoming stronger in ways that shall endure.
For there are powers beyond this frail world!
Follow if you can as we make paradise fond,
Even from the ashes that lie past this shore…
Far past the banners that the angels unfurled!
Oh sweet madness, you grant the inspiration:
That makes prophets and poets loudly sing…
Let hellfire come and it shall fall soft as rain!
Faith can lift even the damned from perdition,
And plant seeds that life, to a waste can bring.
So fear not, to lift the sting from horrid pain!

Close to midnight, the Dragon Mother’s eye,
Awakens from her slumber whilst worlds die.

There is no ending, not followed by an origin,
A fresh creation, to replace the one that fell…
New heavens and new earths in a multi-verse!
From fire comes ice and the ice melts our sin,
Releasing those trapped frozen even in Hell…
For God is love, and dispels every dark curse.
And so midnight passes, and time starts fresh;
All that hath happened shall occur once more!
I beheld the wheel that turns all things eternal.
We are immortal, though clad in mortal flesh;
The angels guide us, through peace and war…
Even beyond the heart, of the regions infernal.

Beyond midnight, there is the music in the air,
As in the beginning when only God was there!

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 30th May 2012
Forum Posts: 481

Congratulations Ray and Grace!
Thank you to everyone else for participating. Sorry it took me so long to choose a winner, I had a pretty busy day ;)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Congratulations Ray...Yay me!

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

congrats as well

and thanks Sublime
for taking YOUR time

(said ray pathetically happy)

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Excellent job, Ray! And I am very happy for you too, Grace. It is good to see you as the runner-up.

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