Poetry competition CLOSED 4th October 2011 3:28pm
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich
Indie (Miss Indie)
View Profile Poems by Indie
RUNNERS-UP: ImperfectedStone and lepperochan

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What Is Your Issue?

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 11th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6

Great competition.

Lost Thinker
Canada 1awards
Joined 10th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 24

Me, myself and I;
Three, yet one;
Three rolled into one.

I, stand in the shadows
Observing Me; observing Myself.
Quiet, unsure, helpless.

Myself, the powerful one;
Strong, convinving, forceful.
It rules over Me.

Me, the weak one;
Logical, knowlegeable, yet
So weak against Myself.

I, cry in the shadows;
Unable to bear the struggle,
As Myself slowly destroys Me.

Myself, so deceitful and conniving,
So full of tricks and lies,
So smooth, so convincing.

Me, searching frantically
To be perfect,to be liked by all;
To not make a mistake.

I, stand silently back;
Crying, helpless, witering
As the struggle begins to take its toll.

Myself, pours out the promises
That seem to have all the answers for Me;
That seem to be able to solve anything.

Promises of thinness and respect;
Promises of confidence and success;
Promises that are impossible to reac without myself.

Me, believing the promises
If I only follow Myself.
Follow Myself to perfection.

I, still observing closely, painfully
As Myself devours my soul
And slowly drains the life out of Me.

Myself, uses every ploy, every promise
To keep Me where she wants me;
In her complete control at all times.

Myself, is unforgiving, punishing,
If I should begin to doubt her.
Loud, degrading; beating Me back.

As I try to help Me stay strong,
Myself, loudly pulls out daggers that
Plunge through my mind, body, and soul.

The daggers ridicule, chastise, belittle and degrade
Tearing my mind, body and soul to shreds
As I slowly but surely am led step by step to the grave

Myself, has taken Me, Myself, and I;
Myself, has become one.
Myself, has won.

The ultimate goal of Myself;
The final goal of Myself.
Destruction, Murder, Death.

To be no more;
To feel no more;
To live no more.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

The Perfect Murder

The world is hungry and it's eating me alive
More More More  
Buy Buy Buy
Statistically, the watchers are the casualties
Paperdolls cut out to be consumers
Hand in hand consuming each other
The brainwash in a box just tells us to lather, rinse, repeat
This Friday Friday Friday
Work until you're dead or you'll never get fed
Would the information go deeper with a bullet in their heads?
In TV land and on the Web where the most needy seem to be the ones who have,  
Where they set the standard and all you have to do is reach the bar
Where their hands are always out, open-palmed and empty, tearing at your clothes so you will have to BUY!
Buy Buy
More More More
Your stupid little smile lets you laugh the days away
Laugh so you forget
Laugh out loud but they'll never let you go
A prison built behind your eyes, electrified
A choke collar tethered to your empty and unsatisfied desires
A siren's song of moving pictures takes you far far away from the home you never recognized
The pressures of life disappear in the explosions and sordid sex appeal
All the drama and the comedy you could ever want to feel is still never enough
It's such a burden having free will that I don't want it anymore
I'd gladly give it up for another bullet to the head
Guidance is the only thing I ever asked for
But if it could only wait until the commercial break that would be perfect
Jaded by repetition and sales-pitch saturation
Build a life around the onslaught of sensationalized sensation
Tonight my favorite character saves the world!
The control to stop it all is just out of reach  
But the never ending stimuli drowns out the want to see life where there is silence
If the noise were to disappear I might remember what I watch so hard to forget
Impossible expectations
Like a meteor wanting to make a postive and helpful impact
Maybe once I go to college I'll be up a link on the food chain, working to get fed
And I'll have someone else to boss around, with a bullet in their head

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 28th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 4

Been shown again, aware what's right
martyred and lost her sight
passed by in the cracks
the shade hides her tracks
unworthy of return
no ones concern
ignorant to thier greed
loving to hate is her need
chances lost while spun atop a pole
time froze girating this bowl
followed his steps
alone amid the depths
outcast she has forever lasted
invouluntary born to the casted

Visual Lyricist
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 7th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 77

Can We Post more then one entry?

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

lashawnscott92 said:Can We Post more then one entry?

yep, as much as you like. [:

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

It is us who bleeds
the little ones
in a country
we have never seen
were our pious words      
travel a line
of skeletal women
who wait for the pain
of loney graves

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

There are so many people who will stand up
In the cause of speaking for others but
What is the motivation for this act
I mean what do they gain to be more exact
I mean they speak for some but who will speak for all
Whose Life is more valuable....that's what I ask yall
At the moment of conception, who will we cherish
And who will receive our condolences when they perish
Some never get to taste breath, many never saw the light of day
And if they had a chance, I imagine this is what they'd say
I never got my chance to lie, I never got my chance to tell the truth
I never got to be the elderly, I never got to be the youth
I never got to Love, I never got to hate
I never had to rush, I never had to wait
I never got to laugh, I never got to cry
I didn't get to win or lose, I didn't even get to try
I have never seen the sun, I have never seen the moon
I never felt a midnight, I never touched a noon
I never got to steal, I never got to earn
I never got to teach, I never got to learn
I didn't get to work, I didn't get to play
I never had to leave, I never got to stay
I never got my chance to listen, I never got my chance to tell
I never got to buy, I never got to sell
I never got to kill, I never got to save
I never had my chance to be bad, I never had my chance to behave
I was never your worst enemy, I was never your best friend
I never forgot to say I Love you or to ask how have you been
But it's only Life right.....I mean, you got your chance to record it
But we will never get ours.....we are the aborted

"The Aborted"
by:  Eric L. Boddie

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Is it only
when a twisted sea of bones                
in decaying concrete jungles
on a barron horizon
glowing green
unnatral in the dark
do you see

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Humanity is now united
with the nations
who are divided
on the policys provided            
on how to squeese
the poor
a little more

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

is it my fault
i look like this
no baby
it's not your fault
is it your fault then
partly baby partly
why mommy
we walked a road
we didn't know
where common sence
had no meaning
where we stand at the graves            
of the ones that we gave
but a short life of grieving
when we allowed
to twist
the liveing

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Is it now
we face our darkest hour
is it now
the onslaught begins              
were injustice
kills belief
where a better life
for honest peaple
has now become
just a myth

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

When twisted nature
robs you
of your children
when you look in the mirror
who do you blame
when a child lays dieing              
on a dirty street corner
or tired to a bed
screaming in vain
look at the children
who do you blame

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

There must be
some peace of advice
thats helps you understand
the reason for the price
for striping away
common sence and pride
to stand with the faceless
where the logos advise

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

mr mad i am simply awed by ur post....da truth is always amazen.....

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