Tashaa_is_dead (Natasha)

Lost Thinker
1awards Canada
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Member Since 10th August 2011
Tashaa_is_dead joined 4954 days ago and last visited 3881 days ago
Comments 11
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About Me

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Helloo. I am Natasha. I am a gifted dancer some may say, and I love to write, sing, dance, act and swim. I love my jobs, and animals.

Pleasee leave me with some honest critique. Even if it's something as small as, "You spelt this word wrong"

My favorite quotes include ,

"In a dancer, there is a reverence for such forgotten things as the miracle of the small beautiful bones and their delicate strength."
~Martha Graham

"People tend to look at dancers like we are these little jewels,
little cardboard cut-outs,
and yet we have blood and guts and go through Hell."
~Susan Jaffe

"The trained dancer must not only have grace and elegance,
but also the leap of an Olympic hurdler,
the balance of a tight-rope walker
and panther-like strength and agility."
~Camilla Jessel

“There are three steps you have to complete
to become a professional dancer: learn to dance, learn to perform
and learn how to cope with injuries.”
~D. Gere

“You're not here by mistake. Someone at your audition
watched you dance and saw something special.
All you've gotta do is figure out how to find that again.”
~Center Stage

“Common sense would tell parents
never to send their children to a ballet school.
Common sense would tell teenagers
that there is a wider and happier world
beyond the grueling strictures of daily barre and class.
Common sense would tell the graduating student
that there are infinitely superior ways of making money
than joining a professional ballet company.
Common sense would tell a young dancer
that very few (laughably few) of his or her colleagues
will ever make it to the top or even near the top.
Yet... there remains the dance and the dancer.”
~Author Unknown

Hey Tasha since you left such a nice message on my page I'm gonna return the favor

She forgot to add that she's one of the most amazing people you'll ever know and that she has somebody special that cares about her more than anything She's funny and original and open to people, and she's also one of the toughest people I know

Love, Josh <3

My Reading List

Cutting Ties by daggerguns (.......................)

Poets I Follow
