White Noise

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Forum Posts: 17127
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17127
AEMelia564, thank you for your entry.
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
I am tinnitus
complex old
childhood a long time ago
all is heard are closing doors
life just ground floor chores
of yesterdays in faded print
anecdotes to make friends yawn not grin
the walking sticks relentless tap
when age blind panic tips its hat
the maze that is dementia's way
with good reason drives a wedge
disabled and infirmed with gout
to toast before the gas runs out
retirement flyers and knowing looks
an epitaph of empathy carried like a corpse
loneliness its cancer without cure
its visits are so regular
tempis fugit a slippery slope
last memorial on a suicide note
self administered euthanasia's last step
a dose that hangs on a cliff edge
to step upon deaths welcome mat
I am the me of future years mishaps
side step and dance to fates sharp claws
and jam the spring on deaths trapdoor
childhood a long time ago
all is heard are closing doors
life just ground floor chores
of yesterdays in faded print
anecdotes to make friends yawn not grin
the walking sticks relentless tap
when age blind panic tips its hat
the maze that is dementia's way
with good reason drives a wedge
disabled and infirmed with gout
to toast before the gas runs out
retirement flyers and knowing looks
an epitaph of empathy carried like a corpse
loneliness its cancer without cure
its visits are so regular
tempis fugit a slippery slope
last memorial on a suicide note
self administered euthanasia's last step
a dose that hangs on a cliff edge
to step upon deaths welcome mat
I am the me of future years mishaps
side step and dance to fates sharp claws
and jam the spring on deaths trapdoor
Written by slipalong
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Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305
Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 305
Broken Flames
In love we had been, married we once were,
So sweet, a roaring flame that we had had,
And a wonderful love that was so pure,
I never thought that it would end so bad.
I've never been fond of men my own age,
It's older folk I've always fit in with,
It was you who had brought me such courage,
And for you I took every single breath.
Little did I know, it would end like this,
Just like it did for my parents,
The whole thing had started with just a kiss,
You changed, left our marrage in fragments.
If only, in us, that flame could still burn,
And that is the flame for which I do yearn.
So sweet, a roaring flame that we had had,
And a wonderful love that was so pure,
I never thought that it would end so bad.
I've never been fond of men my own age,
It's older folk I've always fit in with,
It was you who had brought me such courage,
And for you I took every single breath.
Little did I know, it would end like this,
Just like it did for my parents,
The whole thing had started with just a kiss,
You changed, left our marrage in fragments.
If only, in us, that flame could still burn,
And that is the flame for which I do yearn.
Written by Orc_Pirate_68
(Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
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Joined 30th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 40
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 40
I just noticed, I posted " soul snatcher" in the wrong comp. It belongs to the one called "Blank space" I think. Can I delete it from here?
Forum Posts: 17127
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17127
slipalong and Orc_Pirate_68 , thank you for your respective entry.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Through the White Noise
I open my mouth to speak, but those people can only hear
The static come through like a radio that loses its signal.
To them it does not matter what I am holding near or dear
To my heart because I might as well be possessing a pistol
That is fully loaded because everyone is running the other
Way. No matter how hard I am trying to have things crystal
Clear people still choose to walk through the fog. The further
That they walk away on the wrong path they still blame me
Even though I already warned them about it. Every mother
Or father who loses their child’s love because they do not see
Or hear the storm warning coming ahead. I could be spitting
The truth and they will not believe me. I could tell that he
Would not accept it when I declare I love you as it is splitting
Him in half and not sure what side to be trusting. People may
Want to swallow the lies rather than listening to or admitting
To what is before them, the truth that that is shining like a ray
Of sunshine. You are going to be the one to make your way
Through the white noise because I am not here to play.
The static come through like a radio that loses its signal.
To them it does not matter what I am holding near or dear
To my heart because I might as well be possessing a pistol
That is fully loaded because everyone is running the other
Way. No matter how hard I am trying to have things crystal
Clear people still choose to walk through the fog. The further
That they walk away on the wrong path they still blame me
Even though I already warned them about it. Every mother
Or father who loses their child’s love because they do not see
Or hear the storm warning coming ahead. I could be spitting
The truth and they will not believe me. I could tell that he
Would not accept it when I declare I love you as it is splitting
Him in half and not sure what side to be trusting. People may
Want to swallow the lies rather than listening to or admitting
To what is before them, the truth that that is shining like a ray
Of sunshine. You are going to be the one to make your way
Through the white noise because I am not here to play.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 60
My Nightmare
I lay still
My complexion pale
My lifeless body on a table
Police tape around the crime scene
My body sliced open
Insides removed
I’ve been filled with black liquid
It drips down my sides
Like ribbons of hate
My innards replaced with waste
My body used
I stare down at the gruesome scene
My corpse defiled
Trapped in this nightmare
Screaming, screaming
My body doesn’t utter a sound
My soul has been ripped into shreds
My mind is in pieces on the floor
But I lay still
Just as I did before
My complexion pale
My lifeless body on a table
Police tape around the crime scene
My body sliced open
Insides removed
I’ve been filled with black liquid
It drips down my sides
Like ribbons of hate
My innards replaced with waste
My body used
I stare down at the gruesome scene
My corpse defiled
Trapped in this nightmare
Screaming, screaming
My body doesn’t utter a sound
My soul has been ripped into shreds
My mind is in pieces on the floor
But I lay still
Just as I did before
Written by Heart_symphony
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Forum Posts: 17127
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17127
eswaller and Heart_symphony, thank you for participating.
Joined 29th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 17
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 17
Related submission no longer exists.
Forum Posts: 17127
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17127
shaniadittee7 , thank you for participating.
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 909
time frought with peril
As the young evening with an old clock on the wall...
Plucks oceans of rhyme from the pearls of swine
While pulling palms of groove from dates of time
They deceive, inveigle and then thru obfuscation
Set bedlams of abject pain in the deed causation
As the noon spotlights on a darkness curtain call...
Rota fortunae making an intuition path into luck
Line up in droves not to see the show that sucks
A shot in the dark makes the bullet seem generic
In the time when common sense sounds esoteric
As the older morning with a young sun in the hall...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Forum Posts: 17127
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17127
runaway-mindtrain, thank you for your entry.
Joined 6th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 20
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 20
A Conversation with God
I bitch; And I moan; And I rant, 'til insane.
And curse through spit, one spite-filled name.
For, upon His high, I lower all guise,
to castigate, this Lord of Lies.
When comes 'lone times, wonder do I;
What went wrong and as to, why?
One day, sunny; the next, gray skies.
Forever now, I only sigh.
I shrug a shoulder for your gifts, Divined.
Some gifts, I guess, best left behind.
But, now am old and a wrinkled guy,
whose better days have gone, bye-bye.
Though, now I know more of self;
the good, the bad, what life has dealt.
For, the one thing age has made me see,
is the god I've cursed is truly, me.
Written by carpemax
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