Blank Space
Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
Frightful Nightmare
Under the bed the growling starts
purr of furry monsters dare
to frighten snoring peaceful sleepers
to wake to the yowls of possessed spirits
The walls, they shake to crashing sounds
of discordant piano sounds
played by white bony fingers
of spectres in grey misty shrouds
The screams of tortured souls
that hit the rafters and resounds
to the four walls of nightmares
in gangrenous light of waking hours
The shrieks shrill like bells
wakes up the sleeper, mouth agape
wipe sweating face with trembling hands
Thank the Gods it was just a dream….
-Not an Entry-
Under the bed the growling starts
purr of furry monsters dare
to frighten snoring peaceful sleepers
to wake to the yowls of possessed spirits
The walls, they shake to crashing sounds
of discordant piano sounds
played by white bony fingers
of spectres in grey misty shrouds
The screams of tortured souls
that hit the rafters and resounds
to the four walls of nightmares
in gangrenous light of waking hours
The shrieks shrill like bells
wakes up the sleeper, mouth agape
wipe sweating face with trembling hands
Thank the Gods it was just a dream….
-Not an Entry-
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 236
Based On A Dream
In the dead of a summer's night
i sneak out wearing just pyjamas
and down to the black beach i go
as if pulled along by a wire
i am 5
The night is so quiet the air still
the sea is calm and the tide is low
the moon emits an eerie glow
my feet are bare and cold
but onto the beach i must go
On the water's edge i see a thing
walk closer and rub my eyes
wet and covered in seaweed
sits a small wooden shed
and from a tiny square window
a yellow light shines from inside
No this cannot be
i am frightened
my senses heightened
yet i am pulled towards this
this unnatural thing
my heart is pounding
alarm bells are ringing
singing in my head
i must go on
i am there and there is a door
i hesitate for a second
rapid shallow breathing
i know this is wrong
slowly i reach out
and push the door ajar
Something grabs my arm
and roughly yanks me inside
and now it is too late
oh God
too late
There are two of them
they are so tall
and their shiny tight suits
pitch black
and their heads their heads
triangular in shape
not human
The leader the one who took me
speaks into my brain
look around what do you see?
a table my mind yells out
A Table
lay down on it face down
no i won't
i can't see their eyes
i am thrown on the table
My arms and legs are fastened
my pyjama top ripped to shreds
please please let me go
no no
leader leans in close to my ear
i am almost dying of fear
Listen Closely
My friend has a long whip for you
he will strike you three times
the pain of the first exquisite
the second will cripple you for life
but the third you little insect
it will strike you dead
Still pleading the first blow lands
my back feels like it exploded
i am just a little boy i cry
why do you hurt me?
why are you so evil?
they both laugh
because we like it
i must escape i must wake up i must escape
the second tears into me
unimaginable searing pain
a sweet taste in my mouth
i twist my head to see the brute
as he raises his mighty black arm
i am doomed
i wake up in my bed and try to scream
but not a sound comes out
my back is hurting it's burning
and mom and dad are not in the room
and i can't move my legs
somehow irrevocably
my universe has shifted
A tear puddle forms on my pillow
while all that i can think of
those shiny black suits the whip
those heads
the cold wet table
the callous wickedness
and crippled for life
crippled for life
but i live
In the dead of a summer's night
i sneak out wearing just pyjamas
and down to the black beach i go
as if pulled along by a wire
i am 5
The night is so quiet the air still
the sea is calm and the tide is low
the moon emits an eerie glow
my feet are bare and cold
but onto the beach i must go
On the water's edge i see a thing
walk closer and rub my eyes
wet and covered in seaweed
sits a small wooden shed
and from a tiny square window
a yellow light shines from inside
No this cannot be
i am frightened
my senses heightened
yet i am pulled towards this
this unnatural thing
my heart is pounding
alarm bells are ringing
singing in my head
i must go on
i am there and there is a door
i hesitate for a second
rapid shallow breathing
i know this is wrong
slowly i reach out
and push the door ajar
Something grabs my arm
and roughly yanks me inside
and now it is too late
oh God
too late
There are two of them
they are so tall
and their shiny tight suits
pitch black
and their heads their heads
triangular in shape
not human
The leader the one who took me
speaks into my brain
look around what do you see?
a table my mind yells out
A Table
lay down on it face down
no i won't
i can't see their eyes
i am thrown on the table
My arms and legs are fastened
my pyjama top ripped to shreds
please please let me go
no no
leader leans in close to my ear
i am almost dying of fear
Listen Closely
My friend has a long whip for you
he will strike you three times
the pain of the first exquisite
the second will cripple you for life
but the third you little insect
it will strike you dead
Still pleading the first blow lands
my back feels like it exploded
i am just a little boy i cry
why do you hurt me?
why are you so evil?
they both laugh
because we like it
i must escape i must wake up i must escape
the second tears into me
unimaginable searing pain
a sweet taste in my mouth
i twist my head to see the brute
as he raises his mighty black arm
i am doomed
i wake up in my bed and try to scream
but not a sound comes out
my back is hurting it's burning
and mom and dad are not in the room
and i can't move my legs
somehow irrevocably
my universe has shifted
A tear puddle forms on my pillow
while all that i can think of
those shiny black suits the whip
those heads
the cold wet table
the callous wickedness
and crippled for life
crippled for life
but i live
Written by Northern1
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Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
Northern1, thank you for your entry.
Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305
Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 305
Blood...So Much Blood....
Florescent bulbs brightly shine on me, as I stand at the oaken lectern,
It is my turn,
"My turn...
My turn..." I quietly recite to myself,
To give a public speech for which I have yet to prepare myself.
A sea of expecting faces,
A sea of unknown faces,
And on top of it all, my head begins to itch,
As the bugs fall, and crawl all over my paper which,
Is full of words I did not write,
In a language I can't even write!
I stand before a court room which will decide my fate
Based upon my speech, but in their eyes, I see only hate.
I apparently had killed a woman out of jealous rage.
Now, trapped in this cage of a stage,
As the song "Summer Overture" begins to play,
I hear the exasperation that comes with my delay.
I am frozen in place, I cannot speak these words,
I cannot even read these words!
I involuntarily scratch my head,
These bugs I shed,
"Will they see them?" I dread,
My head stings, fingernails filled with bug excrement, scabs, and blood,
From my now un-scabbed scalp, I bleed out this flood of blood,
And my heart suffers shock of the disapproving faces.
In my consciousness, I begin having lapses,
And hit the grayish brown, tweed, carpet with a "THUD!"
Lying in a pool of blood, much blood....
I hear the bored audience, disapprovingly get up and walk out,
I lay there, bleeding out...
"Is this how I am to die?" I cry.
Paper on the floor and pen, I see,
Reach, and with the last of my energy,
Scrawl the words "Tell Brad come to my funeral I love him"
No punctuation, my sentence unended, my last moments dim.
My ending...grim.
I fold the paper and with a shaky hand, place it within my pocket,
I don't want the blood all over it,
So that they can still read it,
So that he can still read it.
I lie there, breathing becoming labored,
My face no longer colored,
And my saliva blood flavored.
Help comes too late,
I died during the wait,
Who knew this would be my fate?
It is my turn,
"My turn...
My turn..." I quietly recite to myself,
To give a public speech for which I have yet to prepare myself.
A sea of expecting faces,
A sea of unknown faces,
And on top of it all, my head begins to itch,
As the bugs fall, and crawl all over my paper which,
Is full of words I did not write,
In a language I can't even write!
I stand before a court room which will decide my fate
Based upon my speech, but in their eyes, I see only hate.
I apparently had killed a woman out of jealous rage.
Now, trapped in this cage of a stage,
As the song "Summer Overture" begins to play,
I hear the exasperation that comes with my delay.
I am frozen in place, I cannot speak these words,
I cannot even read these words!
I involuntarily scratch my head,
These bugs I shed,
"Will they see them?" I dread,
My head stings, fingernails filled with bug excrement, scabs, and blood,
From my now un-scabbed scalp, I bleed out this flood of blood,
And my heart suffers shock of the disapproving faces.
In my consciousness, I begin having lapses,
And hit the grayish brown, tweed, carpet with a "THUD!"
Lying in a pool of blood, much blood....
I hear the bored audience, disapprovingly get up and walk out,
I lay there, bleeding out...
"Is this how I am to die?" I cry.
Paper on the floor and pen, I see,
Reach, and with the last of my energy,
Scrawl the words "Tell Brad come to my funeral I love him"
No punctuation, my sentence unended, my last moments dim.
My ending...grim.
I fold the paper and with a shaky hand, place it within my pocket,
I don't want the blood all over it,
So that they can still read it,
So that he can still read it.
I lie there, breathing becoming labored,
My face no longer colored,
And my saliva blood flavored.
Help comes too late,
I died during the wait,
Who knew this would be my fate?
Written by Orc_Pirate_68
(Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
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Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
Orc_Pirate_68, thank you for your entry.
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 60
Gargoyles heckling
While my limbs are shredded
Pulled from the sockets
And thrown around the room
“This isn’t real” I whisper
To my ghost hovering above
As another shot of pain
Rips through my body
My blood gushes
Filling the room
My detached limbs float
Further away
Reoccurring nightmares
Of my mutilated carcass
The room starts to flood
Drowning me in my own blood
While my limbs are shredded
Pulled from the sockets
And thrown around the room
“This isn’t real” I whisper
To my ghost hovering above
As another shot of pain
Rips through my body
My blood gushes
Filling the room
My detached limbs float
Further away
Reoccurring nightmares
Of my mutilated carcass
The room starts to flood
Drowning me in my own blood
Written by Heart_symphony
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Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
Heart_symphony, thank you for your entry.
Joined 28th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 26
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 26
"The Man in the Red Jacket"
Times Square in the old days
feeling brave in a big way
various magicians fight for their street space
clutching balloons and amusements and card tricks
Catching attention with a silly word and a wand flick
there are no rules on a magic carpet
I am standing here with a wide grin
focusing on the Man In The Red Jacket
He's staring at me as we share this moment
He knows about me, he knows that I dreamt this
The Man gives a wink but I'm unsure of the context
A half-lucid dream, and I haven't quite grasped it yet.
The audience is blurry and laughing and filling the silence
I don't see faces except for that Man in the Jacket's
He's old and has class, but his eyes hold some darkness.
He's fooling the crowd, but I know he has secrets.
His show is over, it's time to compliment the work.
Our hands shake and I don't think I feel our skin touch.
He's smiling but most of the emotion is in the stare.
I say "That was amazing" but his grin has changed into despair.
He walks away from me shaking his head, muttering.
I ask "What the hell is wrong?" and he swings back towards me.
"You don't know you're dreaming, do you?" He says as he spits on the ground.
He stomps away, embarrassed that he had to spell it all out.
When what he says hits home, the audience starts disappearing in waves.
Their faces aren't blurry now but they're filled with hot rage.
They begin attacking me and shouting to "just fucking grab him"
As I slip back into consciousness, I wonder who might be The Man in the Red Jacket.
Times Square in the old days
feeling brave in a big way
various magicians fight for their street space
clutching balloons and amusements and card tricks
Catching attention with a silly word and a wand flick
there are no rules on a magic carpet
I am standing here with a wide grin
focusing on the Man In The Red Jacket
He's staring at me as we share this moment
He knows about me, he knows that I dreamt this
The Man gives a wink but I'm unsure of the context
A half-lucid dream, and I haven't quite grasped it yet.
The audience is blurry and laughing and filling the silence
I don't see faces except for that Man in the Jacket's
He's old and has class, but his eyes hold some darkness.
He's fooling the crowd, but I know he has secrets.
His show is over, it's time to compliment the work.
Our hands shake and I don't think I feel our skin touch.
He's smiling but most of the emotion is in the stare.
I say "That was amazing" but his grin has changed into despair.
He walks away from me shaking his head, muttering.
I ask "What the hell is wrong?" and he swings back towards me.
"You don't know you're dreaming, do you?" He says as he spits on the ground.
He stomps away, embarrassed that he had to spell it all out.
When what he says hits home, the audience starts disappearing in waves.
Their faces aren't blurry now but they're filled with hot rage.
They begin attacking me and shouting to "just fucking grab him"
As I slip back into consciousness, I wonder who might be The Man in the Red Jacket.
Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
TooSadToDance, thanks for participating.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
( a Sonnet )
The days are drifting by without me here,
Though not for trying hard and do I care.
A time ago it all seemed very clear,
Until I found I’m really over there.
I sent myself a card “wish you were here”,
By then it had returned “no one at home”.
To look inside, to see me disappear,
I ponder what for me’s the great unknown.
I spend away the reasons in a dream,
To toil on end at nothing, foolishly.
So unaware that I’m not what I seem,
As air is life and shade is from a tree.
To ne’er recall what do I have to fret,
I think I know I should but I forget.
Copyright©️2018 Jade Pandora. All Rights Reserved.
The days are drifting by without me here,
Though not for trying hard and do I care.
A time ago it all seemed very clear,
Until I found I’m really over there.
I sent myself a card “wish you were here”,
By then it had returned “no one at home”.
To look inside, to see me disappear,
I ponder what for me’s the great unknown.
I spend away the reasons in a dream,
To toil on end at nothing, foolishly.
So unaware that I’m not what I seem,
As air is life and shade is from a tree.
To ne’er recall what do I have to fret,
I think I know I should but I forget.
Copyright©️2018 Jade Pandora. All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
Thank you Jade for your entry.

<< post removed >>
Joined 30th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 40
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 40
Soul Snatcher
With utter horror
I awake at night
a creature demonic
I can't move or fight
It crawls up on me
Its limbs cold and dead
It can't get in my ear
so it tries my mouth instead
I want so to scream
to chase it away
but it keeps on coming
and speechless I lay
My body is frozen
the cadaverous beast
tries orifice after orifice
I'm the lamb to be fleeced
Struggling hard
I then realize
I am still dreaming
so I can't vocalize
In my mind I think
"Wake up, damn...wake up!"
I finally scream
and take a last look close up:
Black skin with long claws
fingers nimble and strong
the demon lets go
"My god, this took long."
And as I sit upright
I still feel the sensation
of the creature on me
even after cessation
I will always wonder
if this was real
or merely a dream
I could strongly feel
The worst about this
was I could not scream
It almost got inside me
as insane as it may seem
I awake at night
a creature demonic
I can't move or fight
It crawls up on me
Its limbs cold and dead
It can't get in my ear
so it tries my mouth instead
I want so to scream
to chase it away
but it keeps on coming
and speechless I lay
My body is frozen
the cadaverous beast
tries orifice after orifice
I'm the lamb to be fleeced
Struggling hard
I then realize
I am still dreaming
so I can't vocalize
In my mind I think
"Wake up, damn...wake up!"
I finally scream
and take a last look close up:
Black skin with long claws
fingers nimble and strong
the demon lets go
"My god, this took long."
And as I sit upright
I still feel the sensation
of the creature on me
even after cessation
I will always wonder
if this was real
or merely a dream
I could strongly feel
The worst about this
was I could not scream
It almost got inside me
as insane as it may seem
Written by Angelast1
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Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
T_V_Walker and Angelast1, thank you for your respective entry.
Forum Posts: 364
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364
Related submission no longer exists.