Who run the world… girls!
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6087
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 6087
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem in celebration of International Women’s Day

Well hello there

International Women’s Day is on March 8th. The day is a celebration of the achievements made by women throughout history and signifies a continued mission for gender equality. First celebrated over a century ago, the day is now embraced globally to collectively champion the successes of the world’s great women, both past, present and future.
For this contest I’d like you to write a poem celebrating all things Sisterhood!
I’m looking for:
female empowerment
Women’s voices and experience
Women’s issues
Period Poetry
… whatever calls you to write as long as it’s relevant.
This contest is open to all genders. The point is to celebrate women however you identify.

• No pump n’dump erotica. Just because women are in the title does not mean we want you aggressively thrusting all over the page. Thank you kindly.
• New writes only
• This contest is open to all genders, and gender expressions. Not just cisgender women.
• Audio / video / visual allowed
• Up to two entries per human being
• No word count limits
• Comp judged by host
• Two weeks
Joined 20th July 2016
Forum Posts: 64
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 64
I Am More
When will I be enough for myself
When will I let go of all my regrets
I am not my mistakes anymore
I am not defined by my regrets anymore
I am more
More forgiving
More loving
More caring
I am more of a human than those who hurt me
I was given my life to be more
I have more regrets
I have more mistakes
But I have more strength than the common person
I am worth so much more
God chose me to handle more
When will I let go of all my regrets
I am not my mistakes anymore
I am not defined by my regrets anymore
I am more
More forgiving
More loving
More caring
I am more of a human than those who hurt me
I was given my life to be more
I have more regrets
I have more mistakes
But I have more strength than the common person
I am worth so much more
God chose me to handle more
Written by Countrygirl96
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Joined 20th July 2016
Forum Posts: 64
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 64
The Worth Of A Women
Women are a force of nature in our society
We shape the world in the palm of our hands
If it weren't for women our race would have died out decades ago
So why are Women labeled as unworthy, unaccepted, unreliable....
Women work in factories putting in twelve hour days to pay her rent
Waking up along before the sun comes up and going home at dusk
Lifting heavy boxes and running machines until her back crys with pain
Leaving her with calloused hands and numerous unexplained bruises
Women sacrifice her body to bring out children into this world
Going from a size seven to a size twelve with swollen feet and stretch marks
Suffering through sixteen hours of excruciating labor thinking this will kill her
Not giving up until she hears her newborn babies first cries bring her to tears
Women keeps her household in order juggling everyone's schedules
Making her husband breakfast before he rushes out the door to his nine to five
Taking her son to football practice before running to pick her daughter up from ballet
Spending hours cooking a meal to place on the table to enjoy with her family to end up burning it instead
Women are worth more than the rarest diamond
Women are the eighth wonder of the world
Women are a symbol of Love, Strength and Beauty
We shape the world in the palm of our hands
If it weren't for women our race would have died out decades ago
So why are Women labeled as unworthy, unaccepted, unreliable....
Women work in factories putting in twelve hour days to pay her rent
Waking up along before the sun comes up and going home at dusk
Lifting heavy boxes and running machines until her back crys with pain
Leaving her with calloused hands and numerous unexplained bruises
Women sacrifice her body to bring out children into this world
Going from a size seven to a size twelve with swollen feet and stretch marks
Suffering through sixteen hours of excruciating labor thinking this will kill her
Not giving up until she hears her newborn babies first cries bring her to tears
Women keeps her household in order juggling everyone's schedules
Making her husband breakfast before he rushes out the door to his nine to five
Taking her son to football practice before running to pick her daughter up from ballet
Spending hours cooking a meal to place on the table to enjoy with her family to end up burning it instead
Women are worth more than the rarest diamond
Women are the eighth wonder of the world
Women are a symbol of Love, Strength and Beauty
Written by Countrygirl96
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Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6087
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 6087
Hi countrygirl96. Thanks for your entries. Unfortunatly I can’t take the second poem - “the worth of a woman” because it’s new writes only. Thanks kindly. ☺️
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

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Torpedo Jamming, Rocket Mapping & Other Innovators in History
Praise your moms, praise your sisters, praise your daughters, praise your queens
Praise all the women in your life who have helped you achieved your dreams
Honor those women who have contributed to society but never got the glory
It’s March, it’s women’s history month so learn about them and tell their stories
Did you know that Hollywood star Hedy Lamarr was also an inventor?
The actress of the silver screen had patents and other inventions that still apply
During the war she came up with the idea of frequency jamming for torpedoes
And that technology eventually evolved in what we today call Wi-Fi
What about Katherine Johnson and her amazing mathematical skills?
Her manual calculations were important contributions to spaceflight
But in the earlier days women of color were never properly recognized
So now we praise her for her achievements that finally came to light
There are so many women with achievements around the world
Like Joan of Arc and Boudica, they were leaders in their militaries
There were artists like Frida, writers like Woolf, poets like Angelou
Prime Ministers and Presidents like Thatcher, Merkel and Gandhi
They’ve been doctors, lawyers, humanitarians, activists and suffragists
They’ve been bosses, pioneers in their fields and captains of industry
So let’s encourage our daughters and granddaughters and future generations
They too can be badasses and innovators just like the many women in history
Written by wallyroo92
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Forum Posts: 17120
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17120
We are Woman, Hear us Roar
He said o women how small and puny
you are born pretty and fragile fit only to procreate
preparing the food keep the house tidy
for that we will love you, give our support
Han Suyin, author doctor and politician
born in a time of change
when the world was exploding
a new culture formed by war
she survived the changes
a leader of women carving roads
towards empowerment through her pen
shared her talents with the world
a fearless leader Indira Gandhi
a trailblazer for women in determination
born during the struggle for independence
she grew up tall and strong
taking over the political helm
as Prime Minister guiding India
through all trials and tribulations
until a gunshot silenced her voice
Benazir Bhutto In the land of Pakistan
lovely woman with an elegant grace
she defied the chains of culture
and stood up on the political stage
she was a bright star shining bright
showing hope and determination to others
less fortunate than her in being heard
fought for justice until a bullet collapsed her
Malala Yusufzai was a child
when the bullet found her
for wanting to go to school
forbidden by Taliban
she found her voice in a distant land
and now speaks on the rights of children
to have an education
recipient of Nobel peace prize laureate
at the age of 17
Corazon Aquino ascended to the throne
of president in the Philippines
through tears and fears
her beloved Ninoy shed his blood
in his return with thoughts of democracy
with determination and love
but the overwhelming greed for grab
faded her into the background
"We are Woman Hear us Roar...
you are born pretty and fragile fit only to procreate
preparing the food keep the house tidy
for that we will love you, give our support
Han Suyin, author doctor and politician
born in a time of change
when the world was exploding
a new culture formed by war
she survived the changes
a leader of women carving roads
towards empowerment through her pen
shared her talents with the world
a fearless leader Indira Gandhi
a trailblazer for women in determination
born during the struggle for independence
she grew up tall and strong
taking over the political helm
as Prime Minister guiding India
through all trials and tribulations
until a gunshot silenced her voice
Benazir Bhutto In the land of Pakistan
lovely woman with an elegant grace
she defied the chains of culture
and stood up on the political stage
she was a bright star shining bright
showing hope and determination to others
less fortunate than her in being heard
fought for justice until a bullet collapsed her
Malala Yusufzai was a child
when the bullet found her
for wanting to go to school
forbidden by Taliban
she found her voice in a distant land
and now speaks on the rights of children
to have an education
recipient of Nobel peace prize laureate
at the age of 17
Corazon Aquino ascended to the throne
of president in the Philippines
through tears and fears
her beloved Ninoy shed his blood
in his return with thoughts of democracy
with determination and love
but the overwhelming greed for grab
faded her into the background
"We are Woman Hear us Roar...
Written by Grace
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Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6087
Tyrant of Words

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Thanks for your entries, WallyRoo & Grace :)
Joined 8th Mar 2016
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Tyrant of Words

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Forum Posts: 17120
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17120
Heroes and Mothers
Women in humble homes should be revered
when with their children they spin dreams
of their future greatness in ethics and creed
to achieve what they left for motherhood
for healthy sons and daughters
they toil with love always unseen
their looks judged as beauty fades
as they turn homes into the family haven
their heads may know no crowns
nor will they ever lead great nations
but within their love future seeds
of leaders and greatness reside
fathers may leave absconding from duties
but mothers stand strong despite tears
strength dredged from bottomless dedication
to go through what fate has assigned
Women, gentle hands that can be hard as steel
loving words that can roar into a storm
voices that can change the norms
even by refusing to give up a seat in a bus
Listen, World, regard us respectfully
for we are women and we are Many
when with their children they spin dreams
of their future greatness in ethics and creed
to achieve what they left for motherhood
for healthy sons and daughters
they toil with love always unseen
their looks judged as beauty fades
as they turn homes into the family haven
their heads may know no crowns
nor will they ever lead great nations
but within their love future seeds
of leaders and greatness reside
fathers may leave absconding from duties
but mothers stand strong despite tears
strength dredged from bottomless dedication
to go through what fate has assigned
Women, gentle hands that can be hard as steel
loving words that can roar into a storm
voices that can change the norms
even by refusing to give up a seat in a bus
Listen, World, regard us respectfully
for we are women and we are Many
Written by Grace
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Joined 21st Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 65
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 65
Women will put you in your place
Don’t fuck us about
As we will win the debate
Women will put you in your grave
Don’t fuck us about
Or else you won’t get laid
Women will put you on the ground
We don’t need men
We’re already profound
Don’t fuck us about
As we will win the debate
Women will put you in your grave
Don’t fuck us about
Or else you won’t get laid
Women will put you on the ground
We don’t need men
We’re already profound
Written by Kinkwizard_95
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Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6087
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 6087
Thanks Grace, willowswhimsies and kinkwizard for your entries. Appreciated :)
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 125
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 125
Menopausal Madness
You have no idea how chaotic and stressful my life has been in the last several weeks
I’m living with a passive aggressive nutjob
no more smiles or laughter
those days are over
one second she’s quiet, the next she’s crying
a minute later were having a normal conversation, the next she begins an argument
not just any argument,
screaming at the top of her lungs
something as petty as why the garbage wasn’t thrown out,
or why is there 20 dollars missing out of her wallet
clearly she forgets that she has numerous wallets throughout many different pocketbooks
she was never this forgetful
scary at times
brain fog and being tired are other symptoms she’s having
she’ll wake up each night around 3am,
wake me up and just complain about being hot and irritable
there was one time she pulled a knife on me because I made the assumption to seek help
if that’s going to upset someone, goddamn your hormones are really fucked up!
I’d like to have her committed
just until this passes through
maybe a few months, maybe a few years
I wish she was similar to Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
that way I can see the transformation taking effect, so I can run!
no man should have to go through this ordeal
I heard or read somewhere that sympathy & understanding will make your marriage or relationship stronger when a woman is going through her changes
I tried that
what did I get,
I was told that what I’m doing is phony and that everything I do is a lie
she then proceeds to back away
so I gave her the finger and told her to fuck off!
she gets up, storms into the bedroom and slams and locks the door
then I hear her bawling her eyes out
as if someone gave her some tragic news
I see why men in their late 40’s early 50’s look for a younger woman
makes sense
whoever reads this, preferably woman, you may say I’m cruel or inconsiderate
well guess what, I ‘am!
I was driven and trapped into a corner for me to now fight back
so yes, being cruel & inconsiderate is the only way to survive
I have my pride
I’m not going to take this laying down
men, if you haven’t gone through this yet with your loved one, take cover!
guys who already have lived through it, congratulations!
you deserve a medal of courage, honor & strength
I myself couldn't handle it anymore
The constant bickering and embarrassments
she put me through in front of family & friends
one Saturday night we were out with friends at a restaurant,
i glanced over to look at this other couple sitting down
she looked at me with possessed eyes raising her voice saying,
you like the way she looks?
you want to fuck her?
want me to ask her for you?
our friends were truly embarrassed
and so was i
i left the restaurant for about 10 minutes
when i returned, she didn't say a word but we didn't talk the rest of the evening
a few days later, i went to the store and picked up a few boxes of chocolate
she has increased her consumption of chocolate and other junk foods
i wanted her to be happy during her final moments here on earth
she was content pigging out but still was complaining about something
she went to bed around 11pm
when she did and i heard her snoring,
i took my pillow and smothered her to death
it took a while but i managed to make it happen
i woke up refreshed & revived
i turned to my right and saw her lying there motionless
time to call the paramedics
hopefully they buy my story that she died in her sleep
if not,
oh well
it's just a fictional story anyway.
I’m living with a passive aggressive nutjob
no more smiles or laughter
those days are over
one second she’s quiet, the next she’s crying
a minute later were having a normal conversation, the next she begins an argument
not just any argument,
screaming at the top of her lungs
something as petty as why the garbage wasn’t thrown out,
or why is there 20 dollars missing out of her wallet
clearly she forgets that she has numerous wallets throughout many different pocketbooks
she was never this forgetful
scary at times
brain fog and being tired are other symptoms she’s having
she’ll wake up each night around 3am,
wake me up and just complain about being hot and irritable
there was one time she pulled a knife on me because I made the assumption to seek help
if that’s going to upset someone, goddamn your hormones are really fucked up!
I’d like to have her committed
just until this passes through
maybe a few months, maybe a few years
I wish she was similar to Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
that way I can see the transformation taking effect, so I can run!
no man should have to go through this ordeal
I heard or read somewhere that sympathy & understanding will make your marriage or relationship stronger when a woman is going through her changes
I tried that
what did I get,
I was told that what I’m doing is phony and that everything I do is a lie
she then proceeds to back away
so I gave her the finger and told her to fuck off!
she gets up, storms into the bedroom and slams and locks the door
then I hear her bawling her eyes out
as if someone gave her some tragic news
I see why men in their late 40’s early 50’s look for a younger woman
makes sense
whoever reads this, preferably woman, you may say I’m cruel or inconsiderate
well guess what, I ‘am!
I was driven and trapped into a corner for me to now fight back
so yes, being cruel & inconsiderate is the only way to survive
I have my pride
I’m not going to take this laying down
men, if you haven’t gone through this yet with your loved one, take cover!
guys who already have lived through it, congratulations!
you deserve a medal of courage, honor & strength
I myself couldn't handle it anymore
The constant bickering and embarrassments
she put me through in front of family & friends
one Saturday night we were out with friends at a restaurant,
i glanced over to look at this other couple sitting down
she looked at me with possessed eyes raising her voice saying,
you like the way she looks?
you want to fuck her?
want me to ask her for you?
our friends were truly embarrassed
and so was i
i left the restaurant for about 10 minutes
when i returned, she didn't say a word but we didn't talk the rest of the evening
a few days later, i went to the store and picked up a few boxes of chocolate
she has increased her consumption of chocolate and other junk foods
i wanted her to be happy during her final moments here on earth
she was content pigging out but still was complaining about something
she went to bed around 11pm
when she did and i heard her snoring,
i took my pillow and smothered her to death
it took a while but i managed to make it happen
i woke up refreshed & revived
i turned to my right and saw her lying there motionless
time to call the paramedics
hopefully they buy my story that she died in her sleep
if not,
oh well
it's just a fictional story anyway.
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 125
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 125
Your All Beautiful
Women do rule men
Sexy chicks I will obey
This poem is for you
Sexy chicks I will obey
This poem is for you
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 605
They all Kissed Me
She has a quiet pride in self,
as autumn strews her path with gold,
the trees bestowed bronzed silvered wealth
on all that's worth holding in this world.
One can see in those prideful strides
this proclamation, " I am Woman! "
a sisterhood this whole world wide
reaching back to their birth of man.
And so it was across the veldt
ten times ten thousand years ago,
those yesterdays they claimed and owned
a vastly gleaming world of gold.
They walked from Eden to Bethlehem
to give lowly birthing for a King
a thousand years with each small step,
I see them here still walking.
The world's composed a myriad hymns
to sing their praises for their dance
we've never met I never knew
but they all kissed me, with her brief glance.
as autumn strews her path with gold,
the trees bestowed bronzed silvered wealth
on all that's worth holding in this world.
One can see in those prideful strides
this proclamation, " I am Woman! "
a sisterhood this whole world wide
reaching back to their birth of man.
And so it was across the veldt
ten times ten thousand years ago,
those yesterdays they claimed and owned
a vastly gleaming world of gold.
They walked from Eden to Bethlehem
to give lowly birthing for a King
a thousand years with each small step,
I see them here still walking.
The world's composed a myriad hymns
to sing their praises for their dance
we've never met I never knew
but they all kissed me, with her brief glance.
Written by Rew
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Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245
Twisted Dreamer

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Related submission no longer exists.