Poetry competition CLOSED 16th September 2023 4:11pm
View Profile Poems by Rew


Your Two Cents Worth

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 646

Poetry Contest

What has has changed in your lifetime, keeping politics out of the poem. At least 10 lines.

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Changes (x22)

When I was young, banks closed at 3PM
You needed to change a check?
Needed funds for the week-end?  Best get a move on....

When I was young there was no métro
To go downtown  took a good hour plus to get there
Nowadays it takes maybe twenty minutes

When I was young you had only bus tickets
No fancy passes like today

When I was young, no internet
And newspapers weighed a ton
Now they are pretty much all gone

True, the internet is a huge plus
Everything available at the click
Of a button.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605

What went West?

The slickity-click of ticket machines                
toted by conductor or conductress,              
on clattering trams, screeching on steel wheels,              
me, delivering newspapers to the wrong address,              
where breakfast smells mingled with shrieking kids              
and cheesy milkmen's " gahn, give us a flash "              
a dozen voices squealing  "  bags me first dibs "              
for wearing the milk monitor's blue and white sash...              
My red bike, on which I toured my small world,              
the one with white-wall tyres and two tone seat,              
do you remember it? Proper boys and girls...              
please, remember... squeaking round memories' streets?              
Or were you the oik who, on one of my rides,              
Screeched " Hoy! Geroff an milk it, swotty-four-eyes! ``
Written by Rew
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

A Glitch in Time

and there he stood
with his low hood
the grey figure in sight
commanding fright
his scythe shines
for unholy harvests

the child was birthed
at the strike of twelve
he smiled eyes closed
there...so much love

Scytheman stood awhile
his face broke in unfamiliar smile
for a while he remembered sunshine
and then he brought the baby
to Glory.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605

Thanks for the prompt it set me off, just fine

Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 311

multi-hued memories

angel wings spread above us
silent guardians in glimmering hover
benevolent gaze steady upon their flock
stained glass manifestations
brilliantly fragmented
as sun shone through their panes
once a week there I was
feeling special just to be in their presence
blessed by the mere touch
of warm rays caressing my face
like the fingers of a loving god
I remember tracing intricate patterns in the wood
one thumbnail following a crack in the grain
small feet dangling free
well above carpet worn thin by prayer-bent knees
little silver buckles biting with each gentle swing
the pinching pull of tender flesh
where skirts didn't quite cover my thighs
and the drone in the pulpit going on and on
mother's hand vice-gripping my leg
if I so much as looked like I might move
as I fought to be still
not my strongest virtues
like a roving river in constant motion
my tiny body forever moving
{only ever bound by society's constraints}
reverence was expected
and I was the wild child
unearthly & uncommon
always humming softly beneath my breath
twitchy & touchy
sensitive to textures & moods
never quite understood
truly, a bit of a conundrum
the unnatural kid with too many questions
and quite a fervent imagination
{a world in which I preferred to spend all my time}
stood failingly in comparison
side by side all the other children sitting quietly
the epitome of perfection
little girls with their beautiful curls & immaculate dresses
never heard
only seen
{but if they don't hear you
are you really there...
just a thought}

and then there was me
the outcast leaf on the family tree
always rumpled & disheveled
because movement was part of my being
never quite able to make a full connection
only slightly
around the edges
but today I think of that pew
all those hours spent trying to conform
doing my best to please & fit in
and here I am
no longer trying...

Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878



The minute I chose to continue my education
A lot of things began to change for me
I experienced a different kind of aspiration
Which instantly grew a new curiosity

It stated a thirst for knowledge and understanding
Through books and conversations with friends
For it was one of the ways to help my advancing
In the area of self improvement to make amends
Education also served as a constant reminder
That things are always changing and evolving
Keeping up with the hustle of the daily grinder
And It also helped me be better at problem solving

But most of all education gave a different point of view
In the intricate way the world and people work
And as technologies continue to have break through
I must keep to my wits and not be left in the murk
Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

a summertime's worth of liberation

The scent of honeysuckle    
infiltrates my memories  
conjuring long bike rides    
banana seats    
and double dipped ice cream cones    
Those first senses of teen freedom,    
watermelon jolly ranchers    
building forts    
making nightly fire pits    
for warding off mosquitoes    
From days first light    
until fireflies twinkle bright;  
being among those friends    
was sacred and profound, that group      
was certainty in friends forever
Having the time of your life (up until then)    
was cemented in all that glorious youth;    
night swimming amidst the jasmine    
that first kiss, from the red-headed boy    
that I always squealed was "Ewww"...    
Sprinklers, water balloons    
hide and seek in the dark;  
my favorite was Kick the Can    
being so scared while hiding,    
that I swear I was going to pee myself    
Sleepovers, prank calls    
mixed with attempts at light as a feather    
backyard camping, s'mores    
toilet papering houses    
lawn darts and jiffy popcorn    
Summer carnivals, illegal fireworks    
collecting money for "Jerry's Kids"    
sleeping in the cool basement    
watching this new novelty called MTV    
understanding in full what' being unique'   
really meant    
Discovering a solid sense of self    
without usual pressures    
an oasis of summertime stretched before me  
where latitude was happily given    
because out of their hair, was also their freedom    
And three months    
of successful 'emancipation'    
was it's own    
cherished reward    
Written by Bluevelvete
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Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559

The Biggest Change

The conversation
never stops
How bad the weather's got
the way that summer's not
a little boy's freedom to roam
I still miss Grandma's chocolate waffles
the sweetest toffee apples
skipping happy all the way home
Grandpa drove a pony and trap
shot rabbits in the field out back
At school girls couldn't wear pants
and on Sunday's God said
you couldn't play gin lest the Devil walked in
to dirty your hands
We shared the phone line with a neighbor
the only jam came in a jar
Dad's car the only traffic on our street
I hated bony herrings for Friday tea
cabbage boiled for hours to make it sweet
and a teaspoon of sennapods
waiting cold for those who wouldn't eat
Funerals weddings christenings
reflect the real speed of things
though now change comes so fast
I barely notice until the mirror screams
but hospital chairs feel harder
young folks seem scared sometimes
just saying hello
and so the biggest change
must be me
Written by Abracadabra
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605

Adagio? I thank you kindly for the award. If this was my competition Robert would've got the award.

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