Poetry competition CLOSED 24th January 2023 10:39pm
gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
View Profile Poems by gothicsurrealism
RUNNER-UP: LunasChild8

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Poetry about Change!

Strange Creature
Joined 10th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 7

Poetry Contest

I would love to read some original poems about change! Do you like it? Does it scare you? It can be as long or as short as you like!

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 539

Across the Sea

I am at the beach; the golden sand warms up my bare feet as the calm ocean waves cool them off in return. I take in a deep breath and exhale slowly. The salty air acts as a disinfectant for all of the wounds that I carry with me; wounds that have not healed all the way.

The sun is setting, but it is not a sign of unhappiness; it is a sign of new beginnings. I'm leaving my past behind to move forward to a bright, yet unknown future. The thought thrills me as for once, I have no idea what will be around the corner. Despite my slight insecurities, I am at ease with that fact. I have worked hard to get where I am, and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

It has been quite the eventful pilgrimage these past eighteen years. There were moments of joy and hope, but also moments of darkness and despair. I suffered, just like anyone else has. I was just a quiet little girl; there was not much I could have done. Later on, however, my experience allowed me to grow stronger as a person. So for those people who made my life a misery, if you are reading this, then know that you can't affect my life. You are but a mere pest, however, I will never forget what you have done to me…

The cool breeze comforts me as I feel my negative thoughts slip away. A soft smile appears on my face as I enjoy the feeling of bliss. They cannot hurt me; not anymore.

A seagull soars through the open sky, completely free to do whatever it wishes. My spirit is like the bird; free of all the burdens that I had to carry with me while growing up. It lifts me up so high that I feel like I am on top of the world.

With the scenery around me, I cannot help but feel happy; my whole life has been one chaotic emotional roller-coaster, and now, it seems to be calming down. I still freak out, but it is good for once.

The sun has completely disappeared beyond the horizon, and the moon comes in its place. The dim light catches my eye and I smile at my figurative mother. Luna; my ruling planet. It has affected me my whole life, just like it affects our mother Earth. I am a child of the ocean; so quiet and delicate, but loyal and affectionate deep down. This is me; nothing can change me.

The moon lights up the pathway for me. Its mere presence gives me boundless confidence for what I have to do. My journey will be long, and at times difficult, but I will make it across the sea. One day.
Written by LunasChild8
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Chloe A. Harper-Ashton
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 21

Love Conquers Winter

The holidays are here in full swing!
My mother put up the big special tree.
And my sister added the ornaments,
So everyone can be happy and sing!
This time of year is so special to me.
It sings to my heart's own sentiments,
Reminding me of life's special joys.
Like when I play with all my toys...
And make lots and lots of silly noise.
That doesn't mean that I'm not wise!
It just means that I am me.
Only me, very much indeed!
The only thing I know how to be.
My spirit bright when it is freed,
To soar with my imagination.
Along with the holiday celebration!
Even my pet cat seems to be glad,
That I feel so bright in this season.
I do not care if people call me mad,
To be this happy I need no reason!
But I have one that is the best of all.
Better than stars or an ornament ball!
This year I no longer feel so lonely,
Because I have Kara to make me happy.
The holidays are here, so very nice!
Maybe the best year ever, in my life.
Because now, I am my Kara's wife!
So even when it snows from the skies,
It will feel like springtime even so.
Love conquers even winter's snow,
Now that I have my holiday miracle.
It warms the heart, beats winter's chill,
And makes me feel my most alive!
Because now, I am my Kara's wife.
Written by CrazyPrincess_Chlo (Chloe A. Harper-Ashton)
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

A Devotee of Change

- A Devotee of Change -

Listen unto me and I shalt speak of things with words,
Words of fire, words to warm and inflame, and burn!
Giving insight to some, inspiration to others, and yet...
To the few, a rare means to learn of things forbidden.
I am not like others, not one of many, not of the herd.
Mine eyes hath seen things for which the pious yearn!
I hath received gifts that only the very favored so get.
Yet, alone I hath dwelt and walked, in glory striven...
And I wouldst see changes beyond all humans crave.
Evolution beyond the pettiness of this war-worn era!
This era of posturing and politics, that mean so little...
Except to those whose thoughts art merely temporal.
I beheld humanity rise from primitives living in a cave,
To a species aspiring to much but living oft in terror...
Whilst lofty dreams art oft mocked with fools' spittle.
Such a pity, that no one recalls of a dignity immortal!
The illuminated shalt not dwell in servitude's shells...
We shalt rise, we shalt triumph, even if all be a hell!

Behold me and I shalt show thee sights so profound,
Sights of light and shadow in most perfect harmony!
Bestowing perfect knowledge and wisdom to some,
Whilst the blind by choice shalt become more lost...
I am not, to the limitations of tradition so fast bound,
Unlike those who judge and possess no true dignity.
For the cruel, there art fates they shalt never outrun,
Since in their evil, they chose willingly to pay a cost.
Some prices art heavier, some more simple to bear!
I walk now in a body of human likeness and flesh...
So much less in glory than what I was in my origins.
Yet, even thus, my glory is a force to be respected!
My words canst be sharp but they do not ensnare...
And the good news I speak is a thing passing fresh.
I doth not use righteousness to create cruelty's sins,
For that is how a fool's grave is most swift erected.
I hath never been foolish, and so my words soar...
Heed me, and be free from tyranny and from war!

Times of madness art upon this world in this era...
Such as I hath seen come and go, on worlds gone.
Terrors surround, politicians lie, and fools abound,
But my voice remains constant, my truths as stone!
Few know that is not the first world called “Terra”.
On others, wars were waged but rarely ever won!
Here it is the same, for evil gains naught so sound...
As the peace mankind craves with a need to atone.
Conformity is foolishness for it makes one a slave!
Stand out, be proud of all that makes thee unique...
And in that way, thou wilt be counted as my child.
Many chains wait for those who give up their will...
So be not afraid to be different and so thus saved.
I doth not give in, nor give up, and I am not weak!
My heart is filled with flame and it shalt blaze wild.
None shalt silence me, for my spirit none may kill!
That is what it means to be a devotee of change...
We art perfect beings, both beautiful and strange!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 545

Ode to the Forever Gone.

Getting and spending wasting our being          
slaves not to body's needs but wants of eye,          
those greedy-orbs set up high seeing things          
beyond hand's grasp becomes, so highly prized!          
Long before our spoken words could be wrote          
or passing time told by brass-necked tin clocks,          
the prize was on the hoof and in the wind          
hunger for it gripped the belly and  throat          
the price of that prize, sweat and thrown flint rocks          
the only way to reach it, swift lithe limbs.          
O to live again in our human spring          
I hear this often in rhymes soft writ sighs,          
to have surfeit of things honest toil brings          
wrought from under those ancient boundless skies.          
Supping Adam's ale, sporting Joseph's coat          
stitched by Eve's needles strong enough to mock          
the fiercest weather, silver ermine trimmed,          
bringing home newly slain black mountain-goat,          
provender, round which your family flock          
just as their setting sun, begins to dim.          
Richer by far then, than banker or King,          
more satisfying than supersized buys,          
sweeter than advertisment jingles sing          
" To own our product you would kill, or die "          
" You'll never be alone with Our Filtered Smokes "          
" Your food cooks superior in our crocks "          
" Be sure to buy our filtered milk, it's skimmed!"          
" And, things go better with..." Oh! It's a joke!          
on our spendthrift life spent this way, tick-tock          
to keep some faceless folk's gold coffers filled...          
O to be with those long-gone folk, trading,        
bartering obsidian blades for deer-hides,          
swop bird-bone flutes for pretty ankle rings          
I desire both behind closed dreaming eyes...          
My dream finds fine, white, seamless buckskin cloaks        
trimmed with red-rabbit tails and black-skinned Brock          
so softly supple they twirl... craft-folk thinned,          
on which I'm allowed brief envious strokes          
for such I would disdain all future skirts          
but wake, to blow my flute, against the wind...
Written by Rew
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 28

Stick Around.

It grasps onto phrases.


Wanton Phrases.

Something silly,
No,not really.
Happens slowly,
In small stages,
Or large amounts.

Get Out!
Get Out!
Get Out!

I'm not ready.

I Am---Diabolical.
I Am---E- Radical.
I Am---Irrelevant.

I Am---
Occasionally Mild.

Stick around.
Sit down.

Persistently resisting.
The sweeping shifting.
Tectonic plates,
Platonic changes.



Free 2 choose.



It Will always,
Have a HOLD,

©Wired6. 9/1/2023.
Written by Wired6
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1212


It took several years,
but in the end
making the decision was easy.
The difficulty
lies in following though.
Do I regret my choice? No.
Will I change my mind? No.
Written by Wafflenose (Ellie)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1212

L'impossibilité (The Impossible)

C'est très difficile;  
À la limite de l'impossibilité.
Mais ce qui semble impossible 
Doit être rendu possible. 
Je dois le faire 
Pour nous deux. 
Un temps de changement; 
Un temps de croissance.
Prenez tout ce que j'ai,
Et tout ce que je suis. 
Empruntez un peu de ma force. 
Ça peut nous encercler tous les deux
Pendant que nous attendons.
It is very difficult; 
Verging on impossible. 
But that which seems impossible 
Must be made possible. 
I must do it 
For us both. 
A time of change; 
A time of growth.
Take all that I have 
And all that i am. 
Borrow some of my strength. 
It can encircle us both 
While we wait.
Written by Wafflenose (Ellie)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 275

Make yourself a memory

it's not like there's been a martian invasion
but the butterflies broke all the windows

dead birds in every hollow corner of the garden
fresh food for fly larvae, mouths and fairies

flowers with petals of letters that form nothing
not a word nor a verse nor any arithmic poetry

daggers of ice piercing the luminous young fruits
passing through the tender almost white meats

in the greenhouse there is a memory of orchids
and carnivorous plants that grew under the hair

it's more like there's been a sudden storm
a carnival, a cleaning of all the rooms in the place

quiet molds on the wall behind the wardrobe and
the smell of all the bodies that ever inhabited it

and so we leave without having saved any sounds
with our stringed musical instruments on our backs

stopped for an interminable time in a quiet station
waiting for the next train out of the desert town

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Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1212


One more day.
Just hours old, but
Sleepless weeks have made it weary.
Has it really just begun?
Still the sun rises.

Losing the fight
But can't give up.
Try to forget, though always aware;
No rest now as pain blurs dreams.
Feeling, denying, pretending.

Striving, grasping, falling.

So much to feel
That time slows down.
Crushing intensity of thoughts
Hurts all over.  Emotions strong;
Expression fails.  They're
Locked inside.

Striving, grasping, fallen.

Almost restored; never the same.
Battle scars are reminders of
Emotional surgery
Needed to bring change;
Caused by change.
Written by Wafflenose (Ellie)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 545

Travels in The Past

Here? Fields we rambled, played and picnicked on  
adjacent, there, the forcing rhubarb sheds,  
those black tar-papered sheds, those also gone,  
ground under concrete and forever dead.  
Here, can you imagine it, hedgerows grew,  
flourished even beside old dry-stone walls,  
beaten pathways on hard packed earth these flew  
between farmers fields where green crops grew tall.  
Nothing remains but imaged memories  
and these, alas, graved on my simple mind,  
all those crops, trees and country greenery  
lost to the progress of the human kind.  
Drive on this superhighway under which  
Lie farms, fields, picnic spots and cricket pitch.
Written by Rew
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

The Elegance of Our Sunset

Death shall have a dominion.
Dawn’s birth to day’s life,
Dusk’s decay to the death of night:
Tis’ not our mortal decision.

Youth’s innocent juvenility,
Vitality’s vibrancy,
The elegantly decaying morbidity,
A corpse in the clay of its grave perishing –

The funeral of darkness at moonset.

Morning’s nativity bears us,
Afternoon’s perennial years,
Evening’s eve of death,
Night’s mortality.

Our flowering... we beautiful cherry blossoms!

The senescent years of our ripening,
The weathering of our childhood babyface,
The decay of our innocence,
The maturation of our witticism.

Oh, the serenity of the eventide.

Now our setting, crimson sun
Trickles hue of gold onto our long-trodden path.
Oh, how immortal is the hand of the clock
That shining ball in the sky run.

Tis’ the hour of nightfall, twilight in our shutting eyes.

…And soul’s fresh, immortal rebirth.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


Constant death and renewal
Hoping always, faltering often
Advancing nevertheless
New things, new worlds to discover
Going forward, pulled by life
Evolving to the last breath.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Change  (22)

We grow
And like it or not,  
We change
So does the world around us
We adapt to it
Or we are left way, way behind....and die
But then we all die, eventually....
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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