Poetry competition CLOSED 10th September 2022 9:36pm
Jordan (D.O.C.)
View Profile Poems by Jordan


Epic Fail!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1233

Poetry Contest

The time it all went wrong!
Hello, mes petits choux.  Yesterday, someone in our house managed to do a very stupid thing.  The culprit is yet to own up, but it's a certain teenager who's usually away with the fairies.  Anyway, I decided to write about it (poem below) and it gave me a good idea for a competition.

I'd like you to tell me about a total disaster of your making, or someone else's.  Bonus points if you (a) make me laugh and (b) reassure me that I'm not the only one who inhabits a household full of clumsy oafs (I include myself in that).  Tell me how the protagonist dealt with the situation, and what was learnt from it, if anything.

~ old writes are OK on this occasion, but don't be lazy.  If they don't fulfil the brief, they won't be considered.
~ up to two entries each
~ no gratuitous sex or violence
~ tell us what happened, and how the disaster was dealt with.
~ humour is encouraged.

Have fun!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1233

Two-thirds of a tin of gloss paint

Two-thirds of a tin of  gloss paint
seeped, unchecked, all over our landing carpet;  
leaked through the railings  
and trickled down the stairs.  
Once a busy mass of browns  
with a pattern purloined from a public house,  
rivulets of paint turned our carpet white  
and now the air turned blue.  
It's not clear how the tin was dislodged  
but I discovered the catastrophe  
when I trod in something squelchy  
while making my way downstairs.  
I'd left two tins of paint stacked there  
along with sandpaper,    
old towels, cloths and brushes  
in between home-decorating jobs.  
I didn't knock them over myself,  
but that's beside the point;  
clearly, the lid hadn't been properly secured  
and guess who would have to clean it up?  
I don't sweat the small stuff  
and hoped my husband wouldn't either;  
we both HATE that carpet  
and have done since we moved in  
eighteen years ago.  
Still, it would be a gargantuan task  
to clean it up;  
difficult – almost impossible –  
like attempting to put all the toothpaste  
back in the tube after squeezing it out.  
Two hours, several old sheets, many buckets of water  
and the grease of four elbows later,  
the paint has been removed;  
its only casualty being one of the forty or so novels  
our teen had left stacked on said floor.  
One silver lining is that I'd chosen quick-drying gloss  
which is mercifully not oil- but water-based.  
As for the landing carpet,  
there's now a large, clean patch  
which doesn't quite match,  
but that's what rugs are for!  
I seem to have lost my enthusiasm for painting—  
It's probably not hard to imagine why!
Written by Wafflenose (Ellie)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

A mess or three

My crępes turned out to be pancakes
My eggs over easy turned out to be an omelet
My Angel cake looked more like a Devil's food cake
Strawberries and all
My last attempt at a Pound cake turned out to be
Two pounds of mushy goooouie stuff
So I shall not attemps a recipe
Which also suggests the use of a
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559

Smoked out of Eden

You will try
not to breathe  
shielding your eyes from the flame  
when the windows shatter  
and the walls scream  
when bodies writhe upon the floor  
But you should thank me  
for you are lucky to have witnessed  
what only I could know before  
You started with two  
until seven billion greedlings  
grew rotten to the core  
The last rats to leave  
my once perfect planet  
smoked out from the Eden  
I never intended  
to be 'yours'  
Written by Abracadabra
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3285

life hacks with a two year old

They only tell you useless things
when you're about to become a parent
like how little sleep you'll get
and how your sex life will disappear
as though you're not savvy enough
to realise babies take work

They tell you about the terrible twos
about tantrums and attitude
and how you'd happily give them back
on the bad days, if they weren't so damn cute

They don't tell you about the joys of potty training
and how in one week of trying
your two year old
will piss in everything from your shoes
to a duplo block
to the plastic bowl that held
strawberries only ten minutes ago

I leave the potty in the lounge room for pees
so we don't have to run to the bathroom
today he decided it would be fun
to pee on the couch
Written by Indie (Miss Indie)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1233

I can SOOOO relate.  Once I was in a coffee shop with a two-year old and a newborn.  I asked the toddler if she needed a wee.  She said no... and proceeded to piss all over the fancy upholstered chair she was sitting on.  I had to tell the manager and was so embarrassed.

My best advice for this age group is that their phases don't tend to last very long!  I now have teenagers and a completely different set of issues!  I don't mind a bit of bad language but have just told my 16 year old off (the same child that pissed on the coffee shop chair) for using too many F-words in one sentence.  I get that it feels big and clever to her now, but I've said it's ugly on her and lacks imagination.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941


Cradling baby girl in one arm
I used the other to pick at a scab
On my face under my beard
And drew blood

Then I smelled the poop
And looked down
To see our son with his diaper off
And a moist turd in his hand

I am the luckiest being
In this or any other galaxy
Written by SatInUGal (Kumar)
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3285

Wafflenose said:I can SOOOO relate.  Once I was in a coffee shop with a two-year old and a newborn.  I asked the toddler if she needed a wee.  She said no... and proceeded to piss all over the fancy upholstered chair she was sitting on.  I had to tell the manager and was so embarrassed.

My best advice for this age group is that their phases don't tend to last very long!  I now have teenagers and a completely different set of issues!  I don't mind a bit of bad language but have just told my 16 year old off (the same child that pissed on the coffee shop chair) for using too many F-words in one sentence.  I get that it feels big and clever to her now, but I've said it's ugly on her and lacks imagination.

I have a toddler and a teenager. I'm going through both lol. My teenager recently realised she has to curb her swearing after she accidentally called her grandmother a cunt. Both of them where motified.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1233

Lol, whoops!!!

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 113awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 338


Your home disaster reminds me of a newspaper cartoon I saw years ago when a small cnild, who seems to have been doing an experiment,  tips a tinful of paint on the floor. As his father walks in the child says: "YOU'VE BEEN HAD - the tin says "NON-DRIP"!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1233

Ha ha, how helpful!!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1233

Thank you for your interesting and thought-provoking entries.  So many bodily functions!!  Well done Jordan for winning on this occasion, and I'll leave you all some nice feedback soon.

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