POM December
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 149
Poetry Contest Description
Sorry for the delay. It’s time to give a shout out for outstanding work on DU
It's time for our "Poem of the Month" to be featured in the DUP 'Poem of the Month Hall of Fame' and on the official Facebook page.
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!
Please note the following when making nominations:
NOTE: The Spoken Word of the Month comp is here:
Because the vote for this com is anonymous, and spoken word pieces cannot be anonymous due to avatars and voices, we would prefer you nominate those pieces in the appropriate comp above so that voting remains fair.
NOTE: New Member ( six ( 6 ) months of less ) of the Month comp is here:
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.
3. No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.
6. One win per member within a Calendar Year.
7. You must personally notify the member that they have been nominated.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:
January 2020- NEW BEGINNINGS
February 2020 - EDIBLE WORDS
JUNE 2020 - LEPPEROCHAN (Craic-Dealer)
August 2020 Daniel Christensen
September 2020 Aspergerpoet
October 2020 Lunagreyhawk
November 2020 Kristinax
February, 2019 - SOPHIE_ERICSON
March, 2019 - AUDIOHARLEEA
April, 2019 - FROM THE ASH
May, 2019 - MISS_SUB
June, 2019 - NAAJIR
July, 2019 - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September, 2019 - MISS_SUB
October, 2019 - HOWLING_WHELMS
November, 2019 - JOHNNY BLAZE
December 2019- RACHEL_LAUREN
January, 2018 - LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February, 2018 - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March, 2018 - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
April, 2018 - CROWFLY
May, 2018 - ATOMIKBOMB
June, 2018 - MISS_SUB (Missy)
July, 2018 - MEADOWSWEET
August, 2018 - LAYLA
September, 2018 - COLD FUSION
October, 2018 - TODSKI28
November, 2018 - TheMUSE22
December, 2018 - BENDER
January, 2017 - VEE
February, 2017 - CRIMSIN
March, 2017 - ONEFIFTYSIX
June, 2017 - AEMelia564
July, 2017 - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
August, 2017 - QUIETUSQUILL
September, 2017 - _SHADOE_
October, 2017 - POETSREVENGE
November, 2017 - NAAJIR
December, 2017 - POETSPEAK
November, 2016 - JOHN FEDDELER
December, 2016 - AHAVATI
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!
Please note the following when making nominations:
NOTE: The Spoken Word of the Month comp is here:
Because the vote for this com is anonymous, and spoken word pieces cannot be anonymous due to avatars and voices, we would prefer you nominate those pieces in the appropriate comp above so that voting remains fair.
NOTE: New Member ( six ( 6 ) months of less ) of the Month comp is here:
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.
3. No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.
6. One win per member within a Calendar Year.
7. You must personally notify the member that they have been nominated.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:
January 2020- NEW BEGINNINGS
February 2020 - EDIBLE WORDS
JUNE 2020 - LEPPEROCHAN (Craic-Dealer)
August 2020 Daniel Christensen
September 2020 Aspergerpoet
October 2020 Lunagreyhawk
November 2020 Kristinax
February, 2019 - SOPHIE_ERICSON
March, 2019 - AUDIOHARLEEA
April, 2019 - FROM THE ASH
May, 2019 - MISS_SUB
June, 2019 - NAAJIR
July, 2019 - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September, 2019 - MISS_SUB
October, 2019 - HOWLING_WHELMS
November, 2019 - JOHNNY BLAZE
December 2019- RACHEL_LAUREN
January, 2018 - LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February, 2018 - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March, 2018 - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
April, 2018 - CROWFLY
May, 2018 - ATOMIKBOMB
June, 2018 - MISS_SUB (Missy)
July, 2018 - MEADOWSWEET
August, 2018 - LAYLA
September, 2018 - COLD FUSION
October, 2018 - TODSKI28
November, 2018 - TheMUSE22
December, 2018 - BENDER
January, 2017 - VEE
February, 2017 - CRIMSIN
March, 2017 - ONEFIFTYSIX
June, 2017 - AEMelia564
July, 2017 - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
August, 2017 - QUIETUSQUILL
September, 2017 - _SHADOE_
October, 2017 - POETSREVENGE
November, 2017 - NAAJIR
December, 2017 - POETSPEAK
November, 2016 - JOHN FEDDELER
December, 2016 - AHAVATI
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 298
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17634
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17634
Death Is The Only Place We Have To Go In Life (or poetry).
'Tis the obligation of any-one who takes on the title of
P O E T.
is to be willing, able, & ready to spend the remainder of
L I F E,
in study of the mysteries of that unknowable state of our
D E A T H.
a constant "state" of study, meditation, contemplation of dear death, Much
differing from the usual path of immersion in as many
diversions as possible, as the sealing of death in a psyche-boX to be away
in some subbasement of the "soul" and it's nearby
That..........is the way of the mass of regular people.
POETS Are Not regular people.
Same goes for any artist that knows she/he is intimately connected to Death.
There are only two really important 'things' in life, and those are
Birth and Death
POET is obliged let Death have a cozy chair in the main room of
M I N D,
and have daily talks as to the nature of The Thing stored away.
The Poet must be mindful and aware of the unthinkableness
of it all,
stare directly at "the fiend" as they and accept "it" as a friend, though
never all let this entity talk you into any participation in his/her schemes,
regardless of the eXtreme rewards promised. As POET, you are duty-bound
to stand again firmly, and Neutral to whatever noise ye hear.
this does not eXcluded from the joys of life. just have to cultivate a state of
transience and the oneness with the temporary nature of this life.
I'm not talkin'bout taking up gothic gloom or the dark of getting stuck in demon
shit. That is mere AFFECTATION. And will wind up in misery mental illness. Best stay away from having to rely on images, icons, year-round halloween costumes, etc.
It takes cultivation of a kind of "6th sense" thing.
Consistent meditation & (a free-floating) contemplation seem to be the best methods
of "Getting There",
There's more to being a poet than just juggling words cleverly,
So, what the hell is a POET, anyway?
) Damn, baby. I dunno. What y'gotta ask such hard questions for? (
2020DanKozakdkzk--sillinesswritten+badfoto >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Written by dkzksaxxas_DanielX
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Joined 10th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 209
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 209
Water, we are
comprised of: heart,
lungs, bones. . .
watery skeletons
beneath fibrous sinew—
streams connecting rivers
of musclular viaducts
Air becomes droplets
we wade through daily—
deltas of weight, less
a lightness of being
But, sometimes we feel
our currents shift—
the turning of tides
within our selves
with the flow, release
resistance, know
we belong—
this anchor of skin
a life(raft) of experience
floating home
comprised of: heart,
lungs, bones. . .
watery skeletons
beneath fibrous sinew—
streams connecting rivers
of musclular viaducts
Air becomes droplets
we wade through daily—
deltas of weight, less
a lightness of being
But, sometimes we feel
our currents shift—
the turning of tides
within our selves
with the flow, release
resistance, know
we belong—
this anchor of skin
a life(raft) of experience
floating home
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 10th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 209
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 209
I really have no idea, (well, maybe a bit), of what's going on. This is a disclaimer, if i did something WRONG.
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
Joined 24th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 484
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 484
Nomination deleted as the poet was a previous winner.
The Fire Elemental
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239
The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 239
Love Poem
Sometimes you never truly know
the hearts of those
to whom you give your heart.
Sometimes you think
they’ve given theirs to you,
but look to find in lieu
a clockwork toy.
When wound it prattles on
and gives a show
of doing what a human heart
must do to glow
in unison with yours.
But knock it accidentally
and little screws fall out,
until the motions come to be exposed
as twisted by an artist’s hand,
to mimic while remaining closed.
the hearts of those
to whom you give your heart.
Sometimes you think
they’ve given theirs to you,
but look to find in lieu
a clockwork toy.
When wound it prattles on
and gives a show
of doing what a human heart
must do to glow
in unison with yours.
But knock it accidentally
and little screws fall out,
until the motions come to be exposed
as twisted by an artist’s hand,
to mimic while remaining closed.
Written by The_Silly_Sibyl
(Jack Thomas)
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
Behind the Poem
I have often sat
all alone in wonder
the curve of your face
your firmness of place
within my mind
as you deftly weave
each solitary rhyme
time after time
undoing each clasp
all alone in wonder
the curve of your face
your firmness of place
within my mind
as you deftly weave
each solitary rhyme
time after time
undoing each clasp
Written by LilDragonFly
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
like the wind.
as if thine own feet wing'ed and lighter than this heady wicked air
as fast as a blue leopardess in all her ferocious steady stare
from toxins, that sear and singe upon once tender, now burning flesh
in an ardent purpose driven by a claimed honor all but repossessed
as drops of curdled blood pulse from eyes that blur with tortured sting
as reddened sputum streams out a mouth which once, such glory sing
with a chest exploding in implosion of all truths eroding
so... far ....... far... away from here, where the pain of excruciate
no longer reverberates so crystal clear
Written by Bluevelvete
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Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1800
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1800
(Inspired by the "Your Social Peeve" competition)
Good evening
It’s nice to see you
Will you be dining alone?
Oh forgive me
I didn’t see your device
Table for two then
Our specials for today
An 8 oz filet with spring vegetables and WiFi
And for your electronic friend
A nice OS upgrade
Excellent choice
And for your tablet?
Coming right up
Sorry about the delay
The chef was preoccupied
He just HAD to complete level 5
The way you two look into one another’s displays
mesmerized by love
I can tell you don’t mind the wait
One filet, medium rare
And the latest app
for your companion
Bon Appetit!
Hello, Don Ensimismados
We do take reservations
when would you like to come?
I have a table for four at 8 o'clock
We will see you then
Listen up kitchen!
I’ve got a four top coming at 8
Mr. and Mrs. Jones
and their smartphones
It’s their anniversary
What seems to be the problem?
I am so sorry
I didn’t realize it wasn’t compatible
I’ll send it back to the kitchen
Can I interest you in a charge
While you wait?
Free of charge...of course
Good evening
It’s nice to see you
Will you be dining alone?
Oh forgive me
I didn’t see your device
Table for two then
Our specials for today
An 8 oz filet with spring vegetables and WiFi
And for your electronic friend
A nice OS upgrade
Excellent choice
And for your tablet?
Coming right up
Sorry about the delay
The chef was preoccupied
He just HAD to complete level 5
The way you two look into one another’s displays
mesmerized by love
I can tell you don’t mind the wait
One filet, medium rare
And the latest app
for your companion
Bon Appetit!
Hello, Don Ensimismados
We do take reservations
when would you like to come?
I have a table for four at 8 o'clock
We will see you then
Listen up kitchen!
I’ve got a four top coming at 8
Mr. and Mrs. Jones
and their smartphones
It’s their anniversary
What seems to be the problem?
I am so sorry
I didn’t realize it wasn’t compatible
I’ll send it back to the kitchen
Can I interest you in a charge
While you wait?
Free of charge...of course
Written by Gahddess_Worship
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Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1800
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1800
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
The Butterfly (re worked)
The Butterfly
Wrapped in a silk cocoon of self doubt, the chrysalis awaits loves warming rays, sent from a poet, to warm her and to guide her, to new and better days
To help her break free her chains, to show her own true worth, to bring Sunshine to her day, for her smile I'd pay the Earth
Slowly, the cocoon cracks, there appears a pretty wing, to see her transformation is such a wondrous thing
With a little struggle the Butterfly is free, she spreads to fly, a few words of encouragement, as she takes off in the sky
Lifted by encouragement, on the wind of self belief, she soars into another happier world, void of pain and grief
Into he world of the poet, a place filled of love and desire, now my pretty Butterfly you feed this poets fire
But dont fly to close to him, like the moth did to the flame, allow his fires just to warm you, so forever you'll remain
You are now that Butterfly, as pretty as can be, and as for your lucky poet, I guess that must be me
Wrapped in a silk cocoon of self doubt, the chrysalis awaits loves warming rays, sent from a poet, to warm her and to guide her, to new and better days
To help her break free her chains, to show her own true worth, to bring Sunshine to her day, for her smile I'd pay the Earth
Slowly, the cocoon cracks, there appears a pretty wing, to see her transformation is such a wondrous thing
With a little struggle the Butterfly is free, she spreads to fly, a few words of encouragement, as she takes off in the sky
Lifted by encouragement, on the wind of self belief, she soars into another happier world, void of pain and grief
Into he world of the poet, a place filled of love and desire, now my pretty Butterfly you feed this poets fire
But dont fly to close to him, like the moth did to the flame, allow his fires just to warm you, so forever you'll remain
You are now that Butterfly, as pretty as can be, and as for your lucky poet, I guess that must be me
Written by averageJoe69
(Ron Summers)
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Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 149
Related submission no longer exists.