The only poem that matters
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17778
Poetry Contest Description
The Classic Corner: Agnes Török Tribute

Co-Host - JohnnyBlaze ( also the amazing artist who rendered Török's portrait )
Part XVII in an ongoing series introducing serious writers of DUP to the most well-known poets in classical and modern literature.
Agnes Török is a spoken word performer, author, TED speaker and workshop leader from Stockholm, Sweden. Török writes, publishes and teaches in two languages. Her work has been published in three collections, one spoken word album and several crowdfunded spoken word videos. She has toured on four continents and been featured at book and poetry festivals.
Her spoken word theatre shows have won awards and acclaim at the world largest spoken word festivals, and she has produced new work in collaboration with BBC, Films for Action, Dangerous Women Project and Upworthy among others.
For more information, visit
Write a new poem honoring Török inspired by any of her poems. Do your best to make us feel as though we are reading poems by Török. The more we feel you "capturing her essence" in "your own words" , the higher you will score. This will involve choice of wording, delivery, subject material, formatting, target audience - a wide range of factors.
The Rules
1. One entry per DUP persona.
2. No erotica; this is open to all ages and can't be viewed with an ECW.
3. No exact word limit; however, attempt to keep it no more than 250 - 300.
4. Any form ( including spoken word ) is acceptable ( studying the poet is advised ). If you are submitting a spoken word, post the actual poem in the body of your post. We do have deaf members, and while they may not be able to listen, they can at least read and garner the essence of your submission.
5. Hashtag your poem #AgnesTörök, and link to your poem here. Do NOT copy paste your poem to the competition. The point is to eventually direct visitors searching for Levertov to your poem via the hashtag we hope will eventually be implemented by the Webmiss.
6. In your poem's notes, provide a link to the poem(s) by Török that inspired yours ( please do not forget this step - we have had wonderful entries which were disqualified for not adhering to this simple yet required step ).
Comp will be judged by a panel including myself. You have one month; best of luck to all entrants.
NEW: The competition will be promoted across our social network sites, and winners will be published on our Website:
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
( after Agnes Török )
So welcome to my little show
Of inspiration’s need-to-know.
In search of happiness to grow
And have a life of healthy glow.
I’m not even quite twenty-three!
I’m here to show a destiny
With all of you who came to see
If what I spout’s your cup of tea.
I spent my youth to never guess
What did I know of happiness?
In my belief had I been blessed;
So now I’m here and on a quest.
Applies to you? Just raise a hand
For you and I to have a plan,
To spread a smile thru’out the land;
Uplift a life, won’t that be grand!
Alone or with a friend in crime,
It doesn’t need a word to rhyme.
But our duet between the time,
We think alike as one great mind!
To letting go without a care,
Like being filled with happy air!
Inhaling deep will take you there,
A dizzying self-love affair.
The love to laugh begins with you.
Receive the joy and when you do,
Like happy seeds that grow into
The crockpots full of happy stew!
For morning, night & afternoon,
At anytime and very soon—
To float up high over the moon;
A gift of health is laughter's boon!
So welcome to my little show
Of inspiration’s need-to-know.
In search of happiness to grow
And have a life of healthy glow.
I’m not even quite twenty-three!
I’m here to show a destiny
With all of you who came to see
If what I spout’s your cup of tea.
I spent my youth to never guess
What did I know of happiness?
In my belief had I been blessed;
So now I’m here and on a quest.
Applies to you? Just raise a hand
For you and I to have a plan,
To spread a smile thru’out the land;
Uplift a life, won’t that be grand!
Alone or with a friend in crime,
It doesn’t need a word to rhyme.
But our duet between the time,
We think alike as one great mind!
To letting go without a care,
Like being filled with happy air!
Inhaling deep will take you there,
A dizzying self-love affair.
The love to laugh begins with you.
Receive the joy and when you do,
Like happy seeds that grow into
The crockpots full of happy stew!
For morning, night & afternoon,
At anytime and very soon—
To float up high over the moon;
A gift of health is laughter's boon!
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
All Are Welcome
Scroungers of society
That’s what we are
It’s an inclusive club
They offer the same opportunities
As long as they don’t need to support you
So join join join
All are welcome
It’s a con to get you into the slave market
Be productive be proactive
But don’t let the disability hinder
They will cut you off at the knees
If it means saving money and making profit
So join join join
All are welcome
Come on it’s fun
Forget anxiety forget depression
Get out there be sociable
Just don’t get weird or lose control
Then you can’t be in the gang
So join join join
All are welcome
Jump through the hoops
It don’t matter that your disability is permanent
Any nuance of change is enough
We will punish your ass
For trying to be a member of society
So join join join
All are welcome
For to be included
You have to show willing
In being willing your disability isn’t a problem
You don’t deserve help
Get a job you scrounger
So join join join
All are welcome
Unless you are a burden
# Agnes Török
This was inspired by the Agnes Török poem Worthless
That’s what we are
It’s an inclusive club
They offer the same opportunities
As long as they don’t need to support you
So join join join
All are welcome
It’s a con to get you into the slave market
Be productive be proactive
But don’t let the disability hinder
They will cut you off at the knees
If it means saving money and making profit
So join join join
All are welcome
Come on it’s fun
Forget anxiety forget depression
Get out there be sociable
Just don’t get weird or lose control
Then you can’t be in the gang
So join join join
All are welcome
Jump through the hoops
It don’t matter that your disability is permanent
Any nuance of change is enough
We will punish your ass
For trying to be a member of society
So join join join
All are welcome
For to be included
You have to show willing
In being willing your disability isn’t a problem
You don’t deserve help
Get a job you scrounger
So join join join
All are welcome
Unless you are a burden
# Agnes Török
This was inspired by the Agnes Török poem Worthless
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
💘Love & Chocolate 🍫
Love is a slippery slope
To sex
Made all the more dangerous
When the slope
Is wet,
With a slick glaze of,
If you doubt
That chocolate
Is an aphrodisiac
That melts the heart
And fires the libido
See how lucky
You'll get
After giving your amore
A pint of,
Cottage cheese
Inspired by her poem, Comfort Food (and nightly cries)
To sex
Made all the more dangerous
When the slope
Is wet,
With a slick glaze of,
If you doubt
That chocolate
Is an aphrodisiac
That melts the heart
And fires the libido
See how lucky
You'll get
After giving your amore
A pint of,
Cottage cheese
Inspired by her poem, Comfort Food (and nightly cries)
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17778
Thank you for all the entries so far. August's Classic Corner poll is now live! Be sure to vote for next month's Female Feature to run alongside E.E. Cummings!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17778
( after Agnes Török )
or the thought thereof—
its very existence
an experience of hope—
that thing
you almost forgot
while suffering
its grave counterpart;
so liberating its truth
you are almost too afraid
to accept
it is what you deserve—
it’s fairies
sending you to sleep
with dreams again;
a prodigal son
being received
by gratitude;
or, belief in the unknown—
that which is to come:
a reward of faith—
the seemingly impossible coming to pass;
an ant who wrestled an elephant
walking away unscathed
or the thought thereof—
its very existence
an experience of hope—
that thing
you almost forgot
while suffering
its grave counterpart;
so liberating its truth
you are almost too afraid
to accept
it is what you deserve—
it’s fairies
sending you to sleep
with dreams again;
a prodigal son
being received
by gratitude;
or, belief in the unknown—
that which is to come:
a reward of faith—
the seemingly impossible coming to pass;
an ant who wrestled an elephant
walking away unscathed
Written by Ahavati
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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 177
Will Anyone Believe Me
( after Agnes Török )
How many of us, no matter our gender
or where we live, can remember a time
in our lives, - now help me, think back -
well, some of us will need to go back
further than others, when life didn’t
always mean filled with danger & fear?
Imagine how it was, and how it is now.
times of what sexual violence is today.
That we are, all of us, touched in ways
that make us victim, supporter, abuser,
enabler, judge & jury, for good or bad,
untouched? yet clean hands no longer.
I know because I was one of many who
believed as youth fresh from a cocoon
that there was only now. Now to do the
things that youth feels the God-given
right to do & be & experience perhaps
forever, being the first immortals ever.
And so, just as I ventured out beyond
the cocoon, my wings unfurled and dry
from the sun, uplifted on the breezes,
I was caught and caged into servitude
with bars of that cage existing only in
my mind, and a cage is not meant to be.
Sometimes I wonder which is stronger,
the body or the mind, and is it the body
or the mind that must break free of the
unnatural bonds by the minds that are
deranged? How did I not realize what
was being taken that’s precious to me?
Rape is ongoing around the world with
every breath we take; to every gender,
age and walk-of-life with violence that
shackles its victims, making it hard not
to become overwhelmed, or a recluse,
because rape is of the body and mind.
So if it’s happened to you, a spouse, a
lover, a family member, a dear friend,
a colleague at school, or work, in your
support group, even someone who is
not on your list, you need to know
as they ask “Will anyone believe me?”
However you reply will mean their life.
will give them light or dash all hopes,
unlock a door & open windows wide.
Take hold their hand and go outside,
show them there’s a great wide world
that’s been waiting all along for them.
We, all of us together, can ensure on
that day when the victims are freed,
and no more will people be victimized;
is when we listen to their words, and
no stigma or dogma is ever force-fed.
To stand and show that No means No.
How many of us, no matter our gender
or where we live, can remember a time
in our lives, - now help me, think back -
well, some of us will need to go back
further than others, when life didn’t
always mean filled with danger & fear?
Imagine how it was, and how it is now.
times of what sexual violence is today.
That we are, all of us, touched in ways
that make us victim, supporter, abuser,
enabler, judge & jury, for good or bad,
untouched? yet clean hands no longer.
I know because I was one of many who
believed as youth fresh from a cocoon
that there was only now. Now to do the
things that youth feels the God-given
right to do & be & experience perhaps
forever, being the first immortals ever.
And so, just as I ventured out beyond
the cocoon, my wings unfurled and dry
from the sun, uplifted on the breezes,
I was caught and caged into servitude
with bars of that cage existing only in
my mind, and a cage is not meant to be.
Sometimes I wonder which is stronger,
the body or the mind, and is it the body
or the mind that must break free of the
unnatural bonds by the minds that are
deranged? How did I not realize what
was being taken that’s precious to me?
Rape is ongoing around the world with
every breath we take; to every gender,
age and walk-of-life with violence that
shackles its victims, making it hard not
to become overwhelmed, or a recluse,
because rape is of the body and mind.
So if it’s happened to you, a spouse, a
lover, a family member, a dear friend,
a colleague at school, or work, in your
support group, even someone who is
not on your list, you need to know
as they ask “Will anyone believe me?”
However you reply will mean their life.
will give them light or dash all hopes,
unlock a door & open windows wide.
Take hold their hand and go outside,
show them there’s a great wide world
that’s been waiting all along for them.
We, all of us together, can ensure on
that day when the victims are freed,
and no more will people be victimized;
is when we listen to their words, and
no stigma or dogma is ever force-fed.
To stand and show that No means No.
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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Joined 7th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 16
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 16
Roz_EZ and Raz_ORS
The scars on my breasts
Will never heal
They are too deep
Physical mastectomy scars
Affecting my womanhood
Don't look good
In a swimsuit
Roses and razors
My gift to the world
I don't do nakedness
Only in the dark
Deeper still the psychological
The coldness of being
Need heart defibrillation
Paddles from a canoe
Cause bruised ribs
Black and blue face
The swelling is telling
My life a microcosm
Roses and razors
My ex-boyfriend
Was really an animal
Held down repeatedly
By his master's voice
Forced romanticism
Roses and razors
A kiss with a fist
Sex,sex,sex, and
Don't forget the violence
How can I?
He said I should
Get a job in Hooters
The heart shatters
Need open heart surgery
Roll away the stone
Heart transplant
To change this
This Ice Queen Bitch
Into Martha Stewart
Before the scars on my
Chest and heart
Are overtaken by
The self-inflicted scars
I cut into my arms
Razors and roses
Inspiration "This Little Fight Of Mine"
Will never heal
They are too deep
Physical mastectomy scars
Affecting my womanhood
Don't look good
In a swimsuit
Roses and razors
My gift to the world
I don't do nakedness
Only in the dark
Deeper still the psychological
The coldness of being
Need heart defibrillation
Paddles from a canoe
Cause bruised ribs
Black and blue face
The swelling is telling
My life a microcosm
Roses and razors
My ex-boyfriend
Was really an animal
Held down repeatedly
By his master's voice
Forced romanticism
Roses and razors
A kiss with a fist
Sex,sex,sex, and
Don't forget the violence
How can I?
He said I should
Get a job in Hooters
The heart shatters
Need open heart surgery
Roll away the stone
Heart transplant
To change this
This Ice Queen Bitch
Into Martha Stewart
Before the scars on my
Chest and heart
Are overtaken by
The self-inflicted scars
I cut into my arms
Razors and roses
Inspiration "This Little Fight Of Mine"
Written by imogeequeen
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Joined 27th May 2019
Forum Posts: 17
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 17
Wow analogy at its best
Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1878
Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878
The so-called “Defence” Industry is a $1.8Trillion Dollar Industry
Did you clock that?
1.8 trillion dollar’s worth of activity hell bent on destruction:
infrastructure, governments, agriculture, people’s houses, jobs.
Jobs? Don’t the those in favour of the so-called “Defence Industry”
keep reminding us how many jobs are provided by the …
… well let’s call a spade a spade … by the War Industry?
Have you ever thought how many jobs are destroyed by the War Industry,
how many livelihoods, self-employed, small-time farmers, shop-owners
small businesses blown up by the big bullies?
What do you think the 70 million people displaced by war were doing before?
Well, they were working, that’s what - doing jobs, that’s what. O.K, half of them are children, but even so.
So don’t give me that bull-shit about the War Industry providing jobs;
it destroys jobs.
… and people by the way if you hadn’t noticed - about 30 million die from wars each year - never mind the maimed as the icing on the cake for psychotic developers of insane weapons.
And what kind of jobs are they anyway? Does working on a bullet production-line make your heart sing? Does spending your undoubted engineering or computer talent developing weapons guidance systems feel like meaningful work?
Have you ever wondered why millions of refugees are heading for Europe, stimulating the rise of far-right populist leaders - and national psychic meltdowns like Brexit?
Well, their home countries have been blown up, destabilised, impoverished … that’s why they’re heading elsewhere - that’s why they’re called ‘refugees’ - they’re seeking refuge from bombs, that’s why.
The big bullies have this game, you see - it’s called blowing up the Middle East - any country will do as long as it’s not Israel. - Let’s tick a few of them off shall we, since 1980: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001- ongoing just in case you’d forgotten), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-), Syria (2008-), and any moment now, Iran again. And that’s just the Middle-East.
Do you see what I’m getting at?
The War Industry claims legitimacy as a mechanism of security & peace-making (What?!?)
The War Industry claims legitimacy because it provides jobs (What?!?)
The War Industry claims legitimacy as an economic stimulus (What?!?)
What type of work would you rather do … ?
It's a choice.
This poem was essentially motivated by the closing lines of Török's poem "Manifesto" {}, and otherwise informed for style of delivery by watching several other of her youtube performances.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Our Fight (Agnes Török Tribute)
It is okay for those tears to slip and slide down
Your face. It is okay to take off your mask, to
Take down your hair or to remove your crown
Completely because the truth confronting you
And all of us head on is something we cannot
Avoid for the long run. We shed light on a slew
Of feelings that we try to swerve. We fought
Tooth and nail against the darkness with our
Vulnerabilities still intact. Others talk or plot
Only in the easy times, but in that dark hour
When we feel the most alone and scared of
All the hard stuff we give people the power
To share their own stories. No one can un love
Us because we have no hallways or corridors
To let any of the light in. We keep our gloves
On just to feel strong and we become foragers
Looking for food or shelter as we are fully able
To survive the storm. We come to cross rivers
And across a fork in the road. We want stable
Lives and having sunshine every day could
Easily feel like living in someone else’s fable,
But we always try hard every day as the wood
From the trees continue to grow. We are all
Human in our own ways. Beautifully, good,
Bad, broken and fragilely human. The wall
Eventually comes down and we will heal from
The burdens we carry. Fears that we scrawl
On walls disappear. We no longer succumb
To fears and their power to take us with them.
Your face. It is okay to take off your mask, to
Take down your hair or to remove your crown
Completely because the truth confronting you
And all of us head on is something we cannot
Avoid for the long run. We shed light on a slew
Of feelings that we try to swerve. We fought
Tooth and nail against the darkness with our
Vulnerabilities still intact. Others talk or plot
Only in the easy times, but in that dark hour
When we feel the most alone and scared of
All the hard stuff we give people the power
To share their own stories. No one can un love
Us because we have no hallways or corridors
To let any of the light in. We keep our gloves
On just to feel strong and we become foragers
Looking for food or shelter as we are fully able
To survive the storm. We come to cross rivers
And across a fork in the road. We want stable
Lives and having sunshine every day could
Easily feel like living in someone else’s fable,
But we always try hard every day as the wood
From the trees continue to grow. We are all
Human in our own ways. Beautifully, good,
Bad, broken and fragilely human. The wall
Eventually comes down and we will heal from
The burdens we carry. Fears that we scrawl
On walls disappear. We no longer succumb
To fears and their power to take us with them.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1897
A Catalyst for Change
Perhaps as I’ve gotten older
And have seen what the world can offer,
I’ve been a little more optimistic in life,
Not just for myself, but especially those surrounding me.
By pushing myself to be more positive,
My enthusiasm can probably become contagious (viral if you will)
So that more and more people can begin to see the brighter side of things.
By changing my thinking,
I know I can become a better man,
A better father,
I can improve in so many areas in my personal life and career,
My actions will speak loud, volumes,
My compassion will reach others,
And influence the young minds around me to strive,
To be sympathetic toward those who have less.
To share,
To be of service without expecting anything in return.
If we connect at a different level,
Maybe we can understand ourselves and each other better,
It may shed light on our subconscious,
Knowing our worth and purpose,
We can become that catalyst for change,
Because in a not-so-perfect world,
We should be brave ones to push through and reach,
To lead and leave a legacy for generations to come,
If we take that first step toward change,
Like a domino effect,
More will follow.
And have seen what the world can offer,
I’ve been a little more optimistic in life,
Not just for myself, but especially those surrounding me.
By pushing myself to be more positive,
My enthusiasm can probably become contagious (viral if you will)
So that more and more people can begin to see the brighter side of things.
By changing my thinking,
I know I can become a better man,
A better father,
I can improve in so many areas in my personal life and career,
My actions will speak loud, volumes,
My compassion will reach others,
And influence the young minds around me to strive,
To be sympathetic toward those who have less.
To share,
To be of service without expecting anything in return.
If we connect at a different level,
Maybe we can understand ourselves and each other better,
It may shed light on our subconscious,
Knowing our worth and purpose,
We can become that catalyst for change,
Because in a not-so-perfect world,
We should be brave ones to push through and reach,
To lead and leave a legacy for generations to come,
If we take that first step toward change,
Like a domino effect,
More will follow.
Written by wallyroo92
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17778
Thank you again to each entrant who took the time to study and honor Török with a tributary piece. As you know, judging can be quite tough in competitions like this, which is why we have a particular scale to guide us in regards to essence, content, form, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and, lastly, adherence to guidelines. When neck-to-neck with another entrant one simple mistake can knock you out of placement. Each was judged on a scale between 1-5, with 5 being the highest possible score, 1 the lowest.
But the bottom line came down to this: Do your best to make us feel as though we are reading poems by Török
That being said, congratulations to the following winners:
First Place: Wallyroo92
Despite a slight hiccup in punctuation within the last 7 lines ( a comma needs to be a period ), we felt you totally without question conveyed Török's style and essence. This is the first time we have awarded the trophy to a poem with a punctuation error; however, Török was a stickler about not being perfect - and being perfectly imperfect - and accepting imperfections. Therefore, we could not deny you first place based on an endstop in this case.
Second Place: Heven_sent_Kathy
Despite the ampersands and a tad of inconsistent capitalization, it's very much the essence of Török. We loved that you put the reader in the Jury Box, and awarded you second place based on the premise stated in Wally's response.
Third Place: AsperberPoet56
We thought you made great use of the inspiration poem. Török got her point across by making comparisons while you got your point across by being sarcastic. It was a great twist of your own style while maintaining the essence of Török.
If each of you wishes to know your personal scores, please private message and we will be happy to share them along with our notes.
Again, thank you to all entrants who braved Török. Please join us for August's female Classic Corner Tribute featuring Anne Sexton:
But the bottom line came down to this: Do your best to make us feel as though we are reading poems by Török
That being said, congratulations to the following winners:
First Place: Wallyroo92
Despite a slight hiccup in punctuation within the last 7 lines ( a comma needs to be a period ), we felt you totally without question conveyed Török's style and essence. This is the first time we have awarded the trophy to a poem with a punctuation error; however, Török was a stickler about not being perfect - and being perfectly imperfect - and accepting imperfections. Therefore, we could not deny you first place based on an endstop in this case.
Second Place: Heven_sent_Kathy
Despite the ampersands and a tad of inconsistent capitalization, it's very much the essence of Török. We loved that you put the reader in the Jury Box, and awarded you second place based on the premise stated in Wally's response.
Third Place: AsperberPoet56
We thought you made great use of the inspiration poem. Török got her point across by making comparisons while you got your point across by being sarcastic. It was a great twist of your own style while maintaining the essence of Török.
If each of you wishes to know your personal scores, please private message and we will be happy to share them along with our notes.
Again, thank you to all entrants who braved Török. Please join us for August's female Classic Corner Tribute featuring Anne Sexton:
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
Congratulations Wallyroo on winning the competition