The Saddest Lines Written

Poetry Contest Description
Classic Corner tribute to Pablo Neruda

Co-Host - Ahavati ( the architectress of these educational comps )
Part X in an ongoing series introducing serious writers of DUP to the most well-known poets, both classical and modern.
Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto (12 July 1904 – 23 September 1973), better known by his pen name and, later, legal name Pablo Neruda, was a Chilean poet-diplomat and politician. Neruda became known as a poet when he was 13 years old, and wrote in a variety of styles, including surrealist poems, historical epics, overtly political manifestos, a prose autobiography, and passionate love poems such as the ones in his collection Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (1924). He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.
Write a new poem honoring Neruda from any of his published poetry. We feel listing poems may be constricting, and want you to follow the inspiration wherever it leads.
Do your best to make us feel as though we are reading poems by Neruda. The more we feel you "capturing his essence" in "your own words" , the higher you will score. This will involve choice of wording, delivery, subject material, formatting, target audience - a wide range of factors.
The Rules
1. One entry per DUP persona.
2. No erotica; this is open to all ages and can't be viewed with an ECW.
3. No exact word limit; however, attempt to keep it no more than 250 - 300.
4. Any form is acceptable ( but studying the poet is advised ).
5. Hashtag your poem #PabloNeruda and link to your poem here. Do NOT copy paste your poem to the competition. The point is to eventually direct visitors searching for Neruda to your poem via the hashtag we hope will eventually be implemented by the Webmiss.
Comp will be judged by a panel including myself. You have one month; best of luck to all entrants.

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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
The Scent Of The Night She Was Born
It’s still not too late
as she rises by a hearth
to a knock at the door
this early evening,
carefully wrapping
herself in a long robe
from the night air,
and whoever is there,
so they will think her
a respectable whore.
Yet she sees no one
from a soft light
at the threshold
in the thin clean air
of the Chilean Andes,
with a scent of
cordwood for a fire.
Steps onto the porch,
cane chairs are stacked,
brought to her by men
who buy them from
her as payment.
She is handsome,
still a young woman
but not too much.
She remembers it
like this and no other.
She sits to wait for the
first moon’s light, and
forgets the cigarette
that she lit indoors as
it dwindles & goes out.
And a new memory
tries to surface, for
she has no memory
of being born, or the
one who bore her.
She feels she’s died,
but loses no sleep.
She’ll never weep
for burnt wood
long turned to ash
& knows not why,
but she likes to try
imagining the scent
of the night
she was
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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The Gardener
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347
The Gardener
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1347
To Linger (Neruda)
I remember you as you were in the last autumn,
in black and white, in sheets and sheets, on fallen leaves, in puddles, by torch-light -
in reflections of eyes unable to see
the metal core of your soul.
Your will still bent me as espalier trees,
the buds contorted, the bones ill at ease.
A bonfire of awe inside my youth was burning
as the delicate flowers of my spring were nurtured to show.
You relieve, as deciduous leaves, upon consistent growth.
The sheets and sheets fall, the still frame of our moment migrates
where our touches caught beneath torch-light
are frozen in black as char, in white as snow.
The heady ball of light makes puddles of us,
melts harsh history to purer reflections cast upon our familiar sky
as buds are constrained to pay my toll.
Those Autumn days hollowed out the soul.
in black and white, in sheets and sheets, on fallen leaves, in puddles, by torch-light -
in reflections of eyes unable to see
the metal core of your soul.
Your will still bent me as espalier trees,
the buds contorted, the bones ill at ease.
A bonfire of awe inside my youth was burning
as the delicate flowers of my spring were nurtured to show.
You relieve, as deciduous leaves, upon consistent growth.
The sheets and sheets fall, the still frame of our moment migrates
where our touches caught beneath torch-light
are frozen in black as char, in white as snow.
The heady ball of light makes puddles of us,
melts harsh history to purer reflections cast upon our familiar sky
as buds are constrained to pay my toll.
Those Autumn days hollowed out the soul.
Written by ImperfectedStone
(The Gardener)
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Ode to the Forbidden Fruit
It was not the apple 🍎
That was the cause
Of the man's downfall
Rather, it was the avocado
With green snakeskin hide 🐍
And a stone hardcore heart
The avocado is Satan’s pride
In the shape of the serpent’s eye
What other fruit could Eve
Use to tempt Adam's integrity,
A tender fig or fuzzy kiwi?
Or maybe a shiny cherry?
Offer a peach to an outlaw biker
And you'll get punched
Give him an avocado
And you'll get a hug
For strawberries nor nectarines
Compliment beer and football 🏈
Like the virile macho avocado
Primitive hardy with beefy flesh
Nothing says, "Masculinity"
Like a bowl of guacamole
That was the cause
Of the man's downfall
Rather, it was the avocado
With green snakeskin hide 🐍
And a stone hardcore heart
The avocado is Satan’s pride
In the shape of the serpent’s eye
What other fruit could Eve
Use to tempt Adam's integrity,
A tender fig or fuzzy kiwi?
Or maybe a shiny cherry?
Offer a peach to an outlaw biker
And you'll get punched
Give him an avocado
And you'll get a hug
For strawberries nor nectarines
Compliment beer and football 🏈
Like the virile macho avocado
Primitive hardy with beefy flesh
Nothing says, "Masculinity"
Like a bowl of guacamole
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 177
Hearing Nothing In The Snow
It was from an open balcony,
where I saw,
surrounded by
war-torn deserted streets
circling the (ruins of an) arena,
and muffled by a
winter dusting falling
where there was no sky,
muting the
approach of horses.
Black crows perch
on a gentle sway of
each horse’s back, to their
synchronized lockstep,
as mesmerizing
as the brown shirts, who
trot next to a solemn truck
in its slow percussion.
A frail boy with a rabbit,
comes out of hiding
from behind
an overturned sedan
that still smolders
from when it was torched
since before
the snow had come.
A shrill voice cracks the ice.
“Halt! Schnell
den Weg frei machen!”
The boy with onyx eyes
raises the
limp rabbit in offering.
It was dead.
A soldier jumps from the
truck, fixing a
bayonet to his rifle,
then runs up to the boy
as he lunges.
The horses, with their
Grecian necks of amber,
toss long manes,
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17570
The Fear ( After Pablo Neruda )
We are not naturally afraid of darkness;
we gestate within it, our eyes unclear
thriving in gelatinous sockets of growth—
it is birth that dilates pupils to fear.
Abuse, its steel toe boot cracking the teeth
of our solar plexus in times of innocence;
adolescence demands our participation—
microscopically studies each breath.
Breaking the spine of nonconformity
fear wills one into a submissive participant;
dominant peers lord over the weak
and life is not lived, but tolerated.
We sit on the rim of the well of darkness
and fish for fallen light with patience.
We seek havens of peaceful confinement—
ultimately concluding ourself the safest.
we gestate within it, our eyes unclear
thriving in gelatinous sockets of growth—
it is birth that dilates pupils to fear.
Abuse, its steel toe boot cracking the teeth
of our solar plexus in times of innocence;
adolescence demands our participation—
microscopically studies each breath.
Breaking the spine of nonconformity
fear wills one into a submissive participant;
dominant peers lord over the weak
and life is not lived, but tolerated.
We sit on the rim of the well of darkness
and fish for fallen light with patience.
We seek havens of peaceful confinement—
ultimately concluding ourself the safest.
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Fog of loss;
That tunnel seemed so dark
the curved ball stoped you in your tracks
Quicksand being where the ground was easily tread
any chinks of light in that dim place;
The candle flickers but won't be doused
small steps of faith come as increments of closure now
The die that is cast of inconsolable malaise
times steadies the hand to find the dawn again
To lift a spirit from its cellar dwelling
the full of disconnected question marks
You somehow brave the incline to the top
and having scaled the blackness stood aloft
The compass point with its point so bright
draws you through eclipse to that resting place
# Pablo Neruda
the curved ball stoped you in your tracks
Quicksand being where the ground was easily tread
any chinks of light in that dim place;
The candle flickers but won't be doused
small steps of faith come as increments of closure now
The die that is cast of inconsolable malaise
times steadies the hand to find the dawn again
To lift a spirit from its cellar dwelling
the full of disconnected question marks
You somehow brave the incline to the top
and having scaled the blackness stood aloft
The compass point with its point so bright
draws you through eclipse to that resting place
# Pablo Neruda
Written by slipalong
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Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
Sonnet xxvi (Love's Name)
‘I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul
I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers.’
-Pablo Neruda
Deep in the hollow heart
a flame tries to be born;
it sparks and flickers,
it only thinks of you.
It knows it must be born
for you require its warmth.
It is as a star to those who gaze
at the sky, milky and wide.
It knows its life will be short
compared to the eternity of most things.
It knows itself to be a shooting star
that dies in spite of itself
after the brightest blaze it can effect;
it burns itself for love, only love, its taste
lingers on the night air.
What was that flame I felt,
what was your name, love, love,
I always knew you cared;
when I closed my eyes you were always there
and still you were singed by my longing for you.
You were frozen in my lacking, needing.
Still, I only knew you by your name, love, love
and it was I alone who lit the flame.
It was you burning in those embers
glowing in the dark,
it was you rising; a ghost in the fire,
a resurrection of my heart.
You were the scent of all the
unbloomed flowers which
permeated my soul darkly,
solidly and straightforwardly.
I knew no other way to love you
so your arms became mine.
The light of your embrace
became mine for you.
The dark of your heart
became my heart
and somewhere
between my soul and my shadow
my love for you was born.
#Pablo Neruda
in secret, between the shadow and the soul
I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers.’
-Pablo Neruda
Deep in the hollow heart
a flame tries to be born;
it sparks and flickers,
it only thinks of you.
It knows it must be born
for you require its warmth.
It is as a star to those who gaze
at the sky, milky and wide.
It knows its life will be short
compared to the eternity of most things.
It knows itself to be a shooting star
that dies in spite of itself
after the brightest blaze it can effect;
it burns itself for love, only love, its taste
lingers on the night air.
What was that flame I felt,
what was your name, love, love,
I always knew you cared;
when I closed my eyes you were always there
and still you were singed by my longing for you.
You were frozen in my lacking, needing.
Still, I only knew you by your name, love, love
and it was I alone who lit the flame.
It was you burning in those embers
glowing in the dark,
it was you rising; a ghost in the fire,
a resurrection of my heart.
You were the scent of all the
unbloomed flowers which
permeated my soul darkly,
solidly and straightforwardly.
I knew no other way to love you
so your arms became mine.
The light of your embrace
became mine for you.
The dark of your heart
became my heart
and somewhere
between my soul and my shadow
my love for you was born.
#Pablo Neruda
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Whoop! Whoop!
The vote is on for our next Classic Corner comps!
The vote is on for our next Classic Corner comps!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17570
Greetings, honored Classic participants. The above poll for March has been closed in order to have time to prep the portraits.
Below is the new poll for April. This will close March 15 ( so beware the Ides of March and vote before then ). We are conducting this early in order to prepare DUP's NaPoWriMo Team and Comp. Thank you.
Below is the new poll for April. This will close March 15 ( so beware the Ides of March and vote before then ). We are conducting this early in order to prepare DUP's NaPoWriMo Team and Comp. Thank you.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Love Sonnet (After Neruda)
I do not love you as if you were made of the finest gold
This world has to offer or because your smile can start
A fire. I love you as the darkness desires light and cold
Touches crave warmth. There is something your heart
Always wants; to always be loved in all the right ways
And places without fear of being broken or delicate.
I wish to love the deepest parts of you, not for days
You spent in the summer, but when you felt desolate,
Alone and everyone ignored you when you needed
Love. That is when I will prove you and them wrong
Because I never let your tears or voice go unheeded.
I know only of one way to love you with no ping-pong
Battle. What I want ends with your head against my
Chest as you sleep and dream, my hand on your thigh.
This world has to offer or because your smile can start
A fire. I love you as the darkness desires light and cold
Touches crave warmth. There is something your heart
Always wants; to always be loved in all the right ways
And places without fear of being broken or delicate.
I wish to love the deepest parts of you, not for days
You spent in the summer, but when you felt desolate,
Alone and everyone ignored you when you needed
Love. That is when I will prove you and them wrong
Because I never let your tears or voice go unheeded.
I know only of one way to love you with no ping-pong
Battle. What I want ends with your head against my
Chest as you sleep and dream, my hand on your thigh.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 22nd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 171
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 171
Is There But One Truth
Is there but only one truth
painted above these eyes
edifying about
in those slivers of your sun
that make my way
is there but one love
where winters cease
and fires burn end to end
beyond these mountains
of white and grey
stagnant blurs that never lift
I wonder if the wind would ever blow
and answers would appear
written in the braille of your soul
but if I could not touch such soul
and read such tales
would futures fade
or would you feel the brazen breeze
and move those mountains
letting me know said truths
crackling in sparks
of a slow warming fire
painted above these eyes
edifying about
in those slivers of your sun
that make my way
is there but one love
where winters cease
and fires burn end to end
beyond these mountains
of white and grey
stagnant blurs that never lift
I wonder if the wind would ever blow
and answers would appear
written in the braille of your soul
but if I could not touch such soul
and read such tales
would futures fade
or would you feel the brazen breeze
and move those mountains
letting me know said truths
crackling in sparks
of a slow warming fire
Written by JusTim_
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Haley Quaquaversal
Joined 24th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 141
Haley Quaquaversal
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 141
Ode to Nothing (Neruda)
So many things
about you, nothing,
you who are often
in philosophy and theology.
I close
my eyes and see you.
I wave
my hands
behind my head and unsee you.
Unfeeling. I move
through you,
my frame framing you. Out
of you, all things begin.
The anticipation is great
at this cusp.
The astronomers
love you, they bang on
and on
about nothing,
the mathematicians
go further than zero
and call you null, some
null thing.
Love exists but goes away
with you, I feel
for former lovers. It's
an absence
that flat-lines.
In no time, no space,
no radiation, no particles-
you were a field
of lines or one,
sheeted and somehow
you noticed other
lines, another
and another, bump
in and in existence
against the other.
was born. A pair
into a quad.
Our shapes. Our universes.
One verse, indeed,
into geometry, sides, boxes,
blobs, desires and cries.
You are the before
of a fire
from the dried moss
of morass and a flint.
I know you well,
a fever burned
out my ears,
now there is no sound.
I know how you feel,
to be repelled by or to be
attracted by
those dreamers.
I exist with some
of something, that one
It is a marvel
to make art out of you,
the ideas
that cohere
in the here and after,
proof in the concrete,
by our creations
into our hands.
A duende, the infinitesimal
poof, the spark,
pops in and in
and makes new. We all see
how the energy flows
from our head to canvas
to paper to stone.
It is nothing to imagine
what you are, mystery.
Easy, that is- by a loss.
Fill it up
with leaving, write no
letters back, cut
the connected
string to friends,
old lovers, the shore.
Stay landlocked
and live
a phantasm of an ocean.
One day I’ll be unmade by you,
meanwhile, sleep
brings us
closer together.
about you, nothing,
you who are often
in philosophy and theology.
I close
my eyes and see you.
I wave
my hands
behind my head and unsee you.
Unfeeling. I move
through you,
my frame framing you. Out
of you, all things begin.
The anticipation is great
at this cusp.
The astronomers
love you, they bang on
and on
about nothing,
the mathematicians
go further than zero
and call you null, some
null thing.
Love exists but goes away
with you, I feel
for former lovers. It's
an absence
that flat-lines.
In no time, no space,
no radiation, no particles-
you were a field
of lines or one,
sheeted and somehow
you noticed other
lines, another
and another, bump
in and in existence
against the other.
was born. A pair
into a quad.
Our shapes. Our universes.
One verse, indeed,
into geometry, sides, boxes,
blobs, desires and cries.
You are the before
of a fire
from the dried moss
of morass and a flint.
I know you well,
a fever burned
out my ears,
now there is no sound.
I know how you feel,
to be repelled by or to be
attracted by
those dreamers.
I exist with some
of something, that one
It is a marvel
to make art out of you,
the ideas
that cohere
in the here and after,
proof in the concrete,
by our creations
into our hands.
A duende, the infinitesimal
poof, the spark,
pops in and in
and makes new. We all see
how the energy flows
from our head to canvas
to paper to stone.
It is nothing to imagine
what you are, mystery.
Easy, that is- by a loss.
Fill it up
with leaving, write no
letters back, cut
the connected
string to friends,
old lovers, the shore.
Stay landlocked
and live
a phantasm of an ocean.
One day I’ll be unmade by you,
meanwhile, sleep
brings us
closer together.
Written by yelluw_always
(Haley Quaquaversal)
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