Poetry competition CLOSED 19th December 2018 9:05am
crimsin (Unveiling)
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let's see how vulnerable you can be!

Abigail C. Woods
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 4

Poetry Contest

i want to read your deepest, darkest, most personal poetry/prose!
i want to read your deepest, darkest, most personal poetry/prose! i feel like being vulnerable can be kinda therapeutic at the very least.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 10th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 31

One Day

Some day

I'll take flight o'er the mountains
Look down on our beautiful sphere
Of forest and meadow, lake and river
I drink it all in, my eyes glistening with tears
For I shall never again enjoy this view
Time is precious, time I need to spend with you

This day

I'll choose a spot next to the ocean
Meet my soulmate on the shore
Drink in her beauty and lithesome grace
Hold her tightly as if it were our last embrace
Walk through the surf hand in hand
As though alone in a faraway land

Another day

Granted to unleash our spirituality
To enjoy this world, the air we breathe
With this soulful creature within reach
On a desolate stretch of beach
Bloodied sunset spills across the bay
Me and my love one fine day

Just one more day

One day

Written by DawnRaider (Dr)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2705

little girl lost

a little girl locked in a closet        
with just a crease of light        
penetrating the darkness        
underneath the door        
three years old        
abandoned by mommy        
who lost her way home        
being schizophrenic        
sent to foster care        
neglected and abused        
wild in nature        
into the hands of Christians        
who told her they would be family        
accidentally letting the f word slip        
the sting of soap on her tongue        
nose rubbed in her own pee        
when she wet the bed        
being emotionally damaged        
this is the broken part of me        
a little girl lost        
still locked in that closet        
fingers reaching under      
a darkened door        
forever reaching for the light        
*note this is true story a part of my life
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


He was the light that showed me
only what he knew I should see,

the light that revealed back onto him
what I otherwise smelled in the dark

He was the light that warmed me, and
then went out, denying me that warmth.

The light that guided, leading me
forward, to where there was only pain.

He became all that I made of him,
blinding me, of knight taking rook.

If I had chosen a path more worn for
the ease it offered to those inclined.

Yet my trust, in spite of the scorn,
moved me to tears as he saw me reach,

taking his hand, using him as my sight,
remembering a photograph in reverse,

of what I felt and sensed, but could not see;
the casa to his nova, of a love perverse.        
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

How many entries are we allowed to post?

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Things I'll Never Say

Her soul was once a radiant fire
But now nearly all her flames have turned to ember
Her head-strong approach was something I’ve always admired
Yet now it seems like she has surrendered…
To despair and anxiety after five gruesome years
I watch on helplessly as I don’t know what to do
How can I assure her that there’s nothing to fear?
Whenever she asks me what our future holds, I haven’t got a clue
There are moments where I see determination in her worn eyes
But those days are rarer and rarer
Many days all I want to do is cry
We wouldn’t be in this situation if life had been fairer
All her life has been one struggle after another
But she managed to push on by working like heck
I love her so, oh my poor, dear mother
I fear that I’ll be the cause of her premature death.

Emptiness inside
I didn’t want to believe
That this is the final goodbye
Between you and me
I miss you Leo
Why did you have to go?
You, mom and I were the Golden Trio
Yet your life was cut short like one would blow…
Out a candle to extinguish its flames
Yet you, my dear cat, were hit by a car
That heart-stopping text from dad engulfed me in rage
And those unbelievable words had sown onto my heart a scar
Sometimes I dream of you, and I’m so happy
Only to wake up to reality, and I burst into tears
These last 10 months without you have been utterly crappy
Your affectionate personality filled our lives with cheer
Emptiness inside
I’ve now come to terms
That this is the final goodbye
The lack of a pulse and your immobile chest were enough to confirm.

I know I haven’t been the most worshipping of Christians
Only recently have I come to terms with my spirituality
Honestly, I thought that your existence was pure fiction
Yet my life experience led me to believe that your existence could be a reality
After all, you saved my mother when she was in death’s clutches
You have made it possible for me to accomplish my dream
Whenever I was done, you have been my pair of crutches
So please help me now, or I’ll burst out and scream
I’ve made a terrible choice, that shouldn’t have been so if life were different
I went all in instead of fully analyzing and opting for the safer path
I know that my face is often blank, making people think that I’m indifferent
When really, it’s my only way of protecting myself from attack
I didn’t sign up to pay this terrible price
This never would have happened had the opportunity exited back home
I had no one at the time to give me much needed advice
I feel like I’ve screwed up just as badly as the fall of Rome
So, God, Forces of the universe, my Guardian Angel
Please help my bearer and I to make it out of this shitstorm
This experience has left me rather gainful…
In what I should and shouldn’t do; I’m now informed
But I swear that I’ll bring us to the light at the end of the tunnel; no matter how painful.
Written by LunasChild8
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 366

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 237

Shining Armor

a light shown into the darkness
his spirit warm and comforting
removing slowly the chill that had
stationed itself within her heart

she was doubtful at first
that anyone would truly
take the time to see all
of who she was

she wasn't easy
though she tried not to scare
away, the only man who honestly
listened to her heart

they had met each others match
with humor and intelligence
thinking it crazy how they had
only met, here and now

he brought so much joy
to her small world,
laughter filled her lungs for hours
when they chatted and listened intently

she wasn't one to believe
in fairy tales, or even true love
but over the course of several months,
he proved her wrong over and over

so, she leapt into the deep of it
taking and giving all she could
she hadn't realized how much
she had been starved of it

they were on their journey
of life and love
creating memories
everyday, no end in sight
to their happiness

but, as life has always shown her
all things can be ripped away
no matter how hard you try to hold on
and just like that, he was gone

he lay before her in death
so peacefully, and it all just seemed
so wrong, that he could be so
without her

she held him until his warmth
and she knew he was
truly gone from her

his joy, love, protection, his warm hands and gentle gaze, his laughter, tears and beautiful smile that reached his baby blues ... all of who he was, gone
and all she has left is ...


Written by jemac
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Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 1

Confessional: 100mg Rx

I don't know how to  
Start this  
Because my heads so fucking clogged up right now and it's chasing shadows  
I slipped up.  
I always just can't trust myself to know  
I'm un-fucking-well.  
      When I am well its not because of my hand
No it's a mind altering chemical.  
Medicine- chemicals.  
   Medicine tells a person they are sick  
No matter how you slice it  
   They aren't taking it for taste.  
-I can damn well tell you that
      I think I am so strong,  
So powerful  
     That I don't need the very things  
That make me feel that power.  
      So I slip up..every single time.  
    Because at that point  
Im the biggest and the baddest  
         In my mind  
Detox after detox  
      I run and run  
         Only to end up at where my line stops  
With endless sleep  
    And no drive
        And addiction  
              And wanting to end my own damn life
  Because without those pill sized chemical meth bombs  
       Thats me. Thats where I end up.  
It hurts.  
It feels like a prison  
     Like who I am being dragged  
     And forced back into a body I never really left
But always felt uncomfortable in.  
          -  my new roomate is chemicals.  
          Anti-depressants that take a whole month to level  
       Makes your skin crawl, your stomach in either knots or constant nausea  
      Headaches or hot flashes  
                A high or critical depression  
You won't even eat  
          A chemical persona custom fit for society
But also my safety
          I want to be angry, I am angry.  
                Because I got myself back here  
                Because in the end I need them
And every fucking time it hurts.  
    Detox or cold turkey, really whatever you name it  
                 Going back on it will always be hell
                  It feels like shame  
                  It feels like-
After all this I need them.  
              And surrendering my pride, my body, my mind, my blood  
To the main treatment of what kills me  
                 Will always be a kick in the mouth  
                  Because I can't do it on my own.  
      Detoxed- clean.  
       Something always goes wrong and I can't be naturaly human for more than 2 months.  
                 Heres to pride and the very modified chemicaly advanced drug in my blood stream.  
I'll take you in the morning- cheers.  
Written by soullessexpression (I--)
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Chris Pleasures
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 31

The Boy

He who hid in plain sight; full of smiles and laughter yet driven by pure loneliness. Afraid of extending his company to others, not willing to give open arms. Paranoid that those so-called "friends" will just cause more harm.

Disconnected from the world and all who embodies it. Wanting to speak his mind but people don't seem so fond of it. Not taking a listen, To him it's important but all they hear is "Tisk" "Tisk" "Tisk" so called pure ignorance.

The Boy is a "shadow," he has no appearance.
The Boy is alone, no one has the time to hear him.

And before you know it; The Boy is dead.
Gone and non-existent.

Watch the world and his so called friends say, "I wish I would have listened."

But it's too late.

The Boy... His name was Christian
Written by Chris_Pleasures (Chris Pleasures)
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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 49

I’ve Forgotten How to Cry

The way I feel right now...
The pain I feel inside...
For some reason I can’t unleash it,
I’ve forgotten how to cry!
Being a man,
I’m not allowed to be hurt.
We’re not supposed to be affected
When our emotions are trampled in the dirt.
I don’t know why,
I just can’t let my feelings out.
Things are so unbearable,
Yet my eyes still have a drought!
Maybe if I pray...
To free my soul of pain...
To cleanse my heart of heartache...
I’ll be able to cry again!
Written by Lyrically_Inclined
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 14



I like myself
I like myself more
than anyone else
I know. I’ll never love me.
I’m aware of what love does

I would give my all
until there is nothing left
of my heart.
when that’s not enough

would he let me go?
could we go back?
would I be able to
run past that bench
he ate every donut, without pain?
could I love
another? would
he let someone else in
having known
I wasn’t enough for me?

bydk 12/05/18
Written by bydk
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Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Hungry For Darkness

‘ She was a tempest in a teapot
  begging to be served. ‘

Within me there is a chasm
littered with disappointments
sparkling with detritic symbols
of relinquishment
where I, letting go,
falling at the speed of light
became a star.

A vanilla tempest
of pearlescent milky reasoning
blurred by surrogate shadows
so weary of rote.
It was here in this condition
I created a divide, a black hole.

The beast that rose;
a multitude of graspings,
in visions of darkness wherein
human grievances
sang harmonic.

Hands cupping the void
given to a resonant mirage;
a thralldom,
a turpitude of woes filtered
through its destruction

In syrupy servitude
we fell together.
I got lost in you,
eyes spinning like
a roulette wheel
to become Infinities mate.

Tell me how this will end,
show me disintegration
in a plastering of supple sustenance
to this sanitarium of being.

Never did I become so full,
overflowing with indiscretions,
the taint was bittersweet.
And in words I derived
such sane indignity
falling in rivulets along
crevices of occlusion.

Wherein I became a darkness
mirrored in libelous convexity
like no other lens could
to view my eradication
to become a million little deaths
in vivid hindsight as I fell
into fates inadequacy.

Here in the darkness I can see nothing.
I want to become part of the void,
to be embodied.
I want to see nothing.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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