Poetry competition CLOSED 17th October 2018 4:26am
View Profile Poems by cold_fusion
RUNNERS-UP: Jade-Pandora and Medinda

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The Unreasonable Man

Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

She Was Thinking

She was an athlete  
she was a leaper, a good one.
But today she wasn't leaping
'cause today she was thinking
to herself:
"The only leap worth taking is the one that never lands..."
Written by takis1917
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 82

Broken Tower

What do you see in a million years?
As I look all around me
And relay what I see;
I spy a broken tower
Of acid regret & soapy dreams
Sip pristine saline chandeliers
Held hostage by Iodine windowpanes
From which solemnly they hang
Candy coated doubt in curls of clouds
Thick & glazed like sugarcane
The sour shower of shame scours
Thy subconscious swirls with slumber
As I spy a broken tower
Plunge in a plethora of depravity
Swim in a sea of stupidity
Assassinate the stain of reality &
Sex up a puff of fantasy while the
Earth bleeds and the sky grieves
Crush the rose petals of reason
Damn,I forgot what it felt like to be
In love with Oblivion
As a lamb of my time I had no qualms
Oyster on a silver platter;
Buttered and ready to be devoured
However,it only took a second to dawn
I had to don a pair of red thongs
Before savoring the world in my palm
The storm drowning the calm
I drink the ink of my pain &
Swill the wine of deception
Into a Novocain rain
Let it pour for hours
Until the ground twinkles with stars
And the sky blooms in plush pillows of flowers
Lying awake at a haunted hour
I spy a broken tower.

Written by SeaEntity1
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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 19th May 2013
Forum Posts: 16

After Paradise

In the garden which I roam
full of trees and flowers grown
live a multitude of creatures
all unique with splendid features
rivers that twist and entwine
a web that changes over time

As my needs have changed
this garden must be rearranged
for trees I need the wood
rivers have a tendency to flood
all these creatures roaming free
eat the food that’s meant for me

My castle it now stands
vast sways of concrete are my lands
plastic flowers I can’t eat
factories reproducing meat
once I had it all
after paradise I fall

By Danny Carr  
Written by monkeyman
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1871

Realistic and Sensible

I must change with the times,
I must heed the signs,
I can’t stand still no matter how much I will or pray,
I need to learn to be flexible,
Realistic and sensible,
Or else the tides will come up and sweep me away.

And when I go with the flow,
I should be able to grow,
I’ll recognize the world through someone else’s eyes,
For everything can be subjective,
Even when it’s defective,
Between right and wrong I will be able to compromise.

I will learn to be reasonable,
And that should be feasible,
I will be emotionally rational, casual, sure and secure,
And then just maybe then,
Once in a while, now and again,
I’ll be able to change the world with charisma and allure.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

No lofty story, just one unreasonable man

His name was the 'no' man
started work
new place
old rules
get tread upon

he frowned
kept his head
his headgear
in a place no one did either

as usual
old bullies
came up
old tricks

he knew

to bring 'em down
no kicks
just the resolve

he being unreasonable
well that's what they thought
as someone with
and dogged take no shit
came along

six years on

bullies fell
came new
them fell too
time flew
many things now new
at the same old

the idea
of comply
or die
had to die
one unreasonable man
did not

one edict
at a time
Written by cold_fusion
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 363

"Thank you" to all contributors, and congratulations to our winner Cold_Fusion and runners-up Jade-Pandora and Medinda.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

ReggiePoet said:"Thank you" to all contributors, and congratulations to our winner Cold_Fusion and runners-up Jade-Pandora and Medinda.

thank You! Dear Host  ReggiePoet and Friends!

humbled...simply humbled.

mad respect to all!

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

Congrats to you, Cold_Fusion, and Jade-Pandora and Medinda as well!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Humble thanks to those who voted, and to Reggie for the opportunity. To graciously receive the honor of having placed & shared the podium with my dear friend cold fusion, and with a most recent friend Medinda.

with pen respect to All,

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