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Official DUP NAPOWRIMO (National Poetry Writing Month) 2017

poet Anonymous

He We Go Again

I'm running late
for a very important date  
Uh-oh, here I go  
down the rabbit hole
I feel I just can't wait

Comes a time in everyone's life
when stars are wished upon
for a second chance
Now? I'm driving a vintage car
brand spanking new as the  
Lady friend I'm taken with
and I'm taking her to
a high school dance

but I ain't here for kindling
long ago romance
or to make a fortune on sure bets

the only killing I'll be making soon
is putting a bullet in
Lee Harvey Oswald  
that brainwashed buffoon of a patsy
changing the course of history  
for the better
I'm running late for
a very important sate
Uh-oh, fucked that up
here I go AGAIN
I feel I just can't wait

This time
I'm gonna do it right
even though this time
fights me every step of the way
Alive and strange
resistant to change

the past is obdurate

inspired by Stephen King's 11/22/63

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5679

April 6—Quieting

Work-a-day world, slips
leaving ringing in ears, and
through the blood-brain

I hate you all, in
one way or another—
fabulous, getting paid to
solve issues, you created.

I long for the solace of
when the work that matters,
gets done, and
I am alone, mostly.

I shall quiet my mind, in
the spines of books,
cast off
to the library fund-raiser

Musty smells and
Yellowed pages, calm
The unquiet soul.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Ode to Leander

With bright steel tipped bow
to which none is shown prostration
only reinforced stern as is her gaze,
bedecked and decked out with arms
with which to shake the seas and skies,
proud prowling the wide waters
cruising for a bruising to inflict upon others,
though fair be her topside
it hides a fiery heart below that boils with passion
and puncturing retorts for those that scorn her,
Though many try to hold her and make her fold
in a puff of smoke she slips away
such is her elusive nature
for all but the keen eyed and those that understand her movements,
while she sails at your side
punishing those that assail her allies
destroying the would be destroyers,
none truer and loyal can be found
though on a whim she may turn and float away
not in cowardice but in command;
A love to lean on and depend on
for a long life and time.

(Day and entry 6, 22:52 GMT)

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 5

My Grandmother's Hands

My Grandmother's Hands

My Grandmother's hands told many tales
Of scrubbing steps and broken nails
Hand-washing clothes in enamel sink
Red football socks turned white towels pink

When not baking cakes at the old gas stove
Rag-rugs with old scraps of material she wove
Pantry shelves filled with powdered egg
Homemade rice pudding sprinkled with nutmeg

Sea-coal burning on an open coal fire
Bread on a toasting fork burning like a pyre
Grandma plumping up pillows from beneath granda’s head
Applying ointment to sores caused by being confined to bed

Hours spent at auctions bidding with her hand
Buying an incomplete bed wasn't what she planned
Back home in time for tea, crumpets and homemade strawberry jam,
I can still recall the smell of it, bubbling in the pan

Switching tv channels with a flick of her wrist
That’s how we did it back then, when remotes did not exist
Working hard all of her life, meeting everyone's demands
Every line and wrinkle told a story
On my Grandmother's hands
Written by Jenny1959
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 10awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 321

About to kick off new day... in Portugal so about 6 hours ahead of US. Hope that is ok.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983


My safety will be breached
And not for the first time
My mother pretends
To sleep in another room
I hear the key crunch
The front door opens
I jump with expected fright
My pulse thumps hard
Like the man coming near
I start to feel the sickness
I get waves of shaking
Darkness envelopes me
In the sharpest of edges
Door forced like legs apart
The main light stays off
I just hate being eight
It make me want to cry
Hush, shhhhhhhh!

Remember it’s just like
In the Cowboy movies
Suck out the poison
Then get flipped like a
Burger medium rare
For simulated penetration
The violence subtle
The fear palpable
The aroma is acute
Whiskey and cigarettes
Biting down on the towel
Seemed like a lifetime
This is a fuckin secret
Tears apparently pointless
Whimpering a requirement
Until the poison flows
Then my name, spoken,
Whispered, “David.”



Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 10awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 321

I Am Enough

Searching for the simple moments
Existing amid life’s confusion
To feel uncomplicated pleasure
Not a masked illusion

Wanting truth without façade
That is why I came
Knowing a real honesty
With no one placing blame

Longing tender acceptance
For all I am and I believe
Experience love and belonging
Not so difficult to conceive

Feeling I am good enough
As the person that I am
Not feeling under fire
To pass someone’s exam

Seeking freedom through a courage
Allowing vulnerability
Strength in the genuineness
Appreciate an authenticity

Hoping for no judgement
As such leaves a scar
Believing in a gentleness
With no intent to mar

Reaching for an easy grace
From the eyes of my mind
Knowing its existence
From a past once left behind

Finding space to call my home
Comfort and tranquillity
Despite the perils of the world
I’ll live in humility

Touching an uncertain future
Existing outside of the fear
Solve the complex puzzle
May it never reappear
Written by mel44

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16073

mel44 said:About to kick off new day... in Portugal so about 6 hours ahead of US. Hope that is ok.

Rock it, Baby! We're global!

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1392


Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

poème d'amour to a celestial body

I miss her orbit when she is not near
legend has it long ago we were torn apart
forever in a celestial dance
never to touch again
& those who say the moon has no gravity
do not know her as I do
for she lures me like a siren's song to the sea
& even the thought of eminent death
does not deter me
for she has a pull on my heart
stronger than any I have ever known
it beats to the tides
she creates
& I would gladly
fly into oblivion
for just a chance
to penetrate her surface
caress her Mons Rümker
touch the ridge of Vallis Alpes
swim in her mare serenitatis
watch the earth rise with her
the dawn of a new day
& if one day the heavens
fell to the earth
it would be her I would save
for she is the illuminating light
in my darkness
that guides me home


Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Peek - A - Boo

So there I was living again
doing life
living the world
minding my business
a heart filled with

Back in my sway
growing the hair
teaching kids
learning lines
and writing my way

When from out of space
in the silhouette of the moon
E.T. arrived
to  play "Peek a Boo"

Covered his head in a hoodie
seated his ass on a bicycle

Offered my mobile
he can
"phone home too".


06-04-2017 -

poet Anonymous

which level of hell is this?

patterns indiscriminate
fingers curling and unfurling
hands rubbing bruises into arms
as walls slowly fold inward
and the space I inhabit shrinks
until it's too small for me
listening intently
ears on high alert
tiny noises amplified
though muffled and distorted
choking trying to suck in air
it's too thick
not enough oxygen there
trying to remember to breathe



I'm not really under water
it only feels that way
something in my world
...isn't right
atmosphere out of kilter
I jump when a car goes by
absently scratching my neck
dragging nails
through skin already raw
can't sit still
got to move
alarms are screaming in my mind
skin crawling with tension
it's coming
I know it
I just...don't...know...what

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16073

RevolutionAL said:

Peek - A - Boo

So there I was living again
doing life
living the world
minding my business
a heart filled with

Back in my sway
growing the hair
teaching kids
learning lines
and writing my way

When from out of space
in the silhouette of the moon
E.T. arrived
to  play "Peek a Boo"

Covered his head in a hoodie
seated his ass on a bicycle

Offered my mobile
he can
"phone home too".


06-04-2017 -

Hey Al...Your previous is marked with the same date (see below). Isn't this one No 7? No need to edit. I gotcha down. Just pick it up from here.  

Loosely based  on "King John's Christmas by AA Milne"

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

April 7 ( NaPoWriMo 2017 )


The clouds flow brazen with the wind of sighs
To constant seek the one who calls for them

By names that last beyond their perishing
And leaves their seasons scented with the earth

While far below the life of air-bound song
I stand before the dawn with covered eyes

To open mouth to imitate her creed
In hopes the goddess of the morning rise

Will cast upon, assuage this subject, bowed
And give me peace that she will soon return.

poet Anonymous

Welcome to Day 7! T-minus 24 days and counting! Congratulations to everyone who made it to the first marker! We're 1/4 the way home holding at 22 participants who are eligible for the trophy:


We want to remind everyone who isn't a registered participant that you are more than welcome to hop in with us!  While you won't be eligible for the trophy, you will reap the fun and support of participating!

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