Growing Stronger

Twenty six years
And counting
That's how long
We are together
Time flies so fast
That the years seem
To fade away quickly

We've grown together
Through the years
Through the bitterness
And sweetness of life
Through its highs and lows
Through its ups and downs
You and I - We had it all

Life did not spare us
From its vagaries
Its hands dealt us
A harder blow
Than what others
Have experienced
But we weren't knocked down

We came out stronger
From every blow
That life gave us
We hurdled every roadblock
And overcame every challenge
We are born for life
To win over its battles

Now that we're older
I can understand life
Better than before
I can appreciate everything
That it gives to us
I can dance to every beat of its music
And live through it all

We are growing stronger
From every challenge we faced
Becoming better at dealing
With every troubles that life throw at us
Loving each other more
Living one day at a time

Written by Summerrain75
Author's Note
The way I see our life through my own lens.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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