A Poem to a Love, She Will Never See

These memories, I hold so dear
Of a long lost girl, I revere
Alone I dwell. they comfort me
Our talks of love, and what would be
They dance through my mind, all day long
Her sweet voice plays, a never-ending song
And I see her face, almost every night
Just to remember her smile brings me delight
Yet it tortures me so...

The sins of my past bind her to me
But she lives unknowing, happy and free
Cursed with these thoughts, and all I would say
On deaf ears they remain, to eat me away
When we both fell, we landed so hard...
Shattered my very being, left only a shard
As time moves on, you dull the pain
Allowing you to fall in-love once again
I never loved after the loss I endured
Seems my feelings have only matured

But it's time to let go
Give my heart it's chance to grow
Yet I'll never forget what she was to me
And I'll always love her to some degree
As I write this, I can't help but cry
Because I'm kissing your sweet memories goodbye
I know now the true mistake I made
I promised to hold you forever
I let go
And suffer as you slowly start to fade
Written by sstruhar (AFleetingMemory)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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