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Birthday 21st January
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 6th December 2012
LaKu joined 4476 days ago and last visited 2404 days ago
Comments 20
Forum Posts 23
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Poet Introduction

When I was younger I thought that poetry had rules and what I was writing was rubbish. In time I learned that there are no rules in poetry, no fouls to commit, there is only your naked soul, laid down there. Exposed, but more secure than ever.

Favorite Poets/Writers

C. Bukowski, John Keats, Hunter S Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Billy Collins.

About Me

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Hello, my name is Dimitris and I am from Greece. I am 27 years old and I write about five years now. I didn't let anyone read those poems because I was insecure like anything that has to do with me, but when I started sharing them with strangers at first, but when I started getting positive feedback I felt really good and started sharing most of my work on Facebook, real life friends and also I sometimes post haikus or other short poems on my college campus. I Study psychology  and Anthropology or Philosophy as I minor. Currently I am writing a book in Greek compiled by short stories connected via characters and events, that are true and happened at me or people I know.  Ideologically, human life is merely a flash or a thunder compared to how many people lived and died before us. When we write something, it stays here forever. Ten years after I die someone might accidently step on a poem of mine, this is what I want my life to be, leaving  something behind that hopefully will have an impact on someone.

My Reading List

A Robot? by marcella1

Poets I Follow
