Nobody Cares That You Were Chased by a Donkey in Sardinia

She was probably rehearsing telling the story
as the event was happening
something about a donkey
persisntely rubbing up against her
which caused the other four teachers
at our last day of school happy hour
to ask why
Why would a donkey do that?

I think he liked you, liked you
I quip
as I dip a chip into the cruelly fiery salsa
at the Mexican restaurant
in one of the most Mexican parts of town
now I'm being mildly pathetic
playing up my ethnic experience.

I was running so fast my heart rate reached 165!

says donkey woman

Your heart rate went up to 11!

Doesn't get my Spinal Tap joke
continues on
about being chased by a second donkey!
in Sardinia!

We all look around for the waiter
desperately seeking an interruption.

What's the moral of this poem?
I dunno, maybe something about living the moment
so passionately (perhaps the wrong word when donkeys are involved)
so completely
that having lived the experience is enough
no need to use the story for attention.

Or maybe the moral
is if you want to regale a group of exhausted teachers
about being chased by a donkey in Sardinia
tell it well,
or you may just end up
making an ass of yourself.
Written by Pinkdreams
Author's Note
I found myself wondering why her story fell so flat.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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