Image for the poem Adrift in Starless Solitude

Adrift in Starless Solitude

Within the starless night, an endless shroud,
A cloud of sorcery, cast its potent spell.
The sea's whisper, a sorrowful sound allowed,
Like souls' lament, bidding farewell.

Desires once aflame, igniting life's core,
Dreams of futures painted, stories to tell,
Hopes rising like the sea's majestic roar,
Now, silent adieus, as happy souls farewell.

To the girl who held my heart's decree,
Though her path I cannot compel,
Beside the sea's echoes, under moonlit plea,
Our souls entwined, now parting farewell.

A poignant, final note, a lingering chime,
Love unrequited, a fate we must quell,
In the embrace of night, marking the end of time,
A bittersweet, eternal, whispered farewell.
Written by moroccanpoet
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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