Connection, passion and commitment

If chaos wasn't good, no one would have love,
In the plots of destiny, passion was found.
In the whirlwind of life, where everything is uncertain,
love flourishes free, it is never deserted.

In fierce storms, hearts meet
and in the gales of the soul, feelings ride.
If chaos wasn't good, no one would get lost
in the incessant search for joy.

Chaos is the stage where love is proven.
It is in disarray that passion renews.
If chaos wasn't good, no one would dare
diving deep into one's own fantasy.

In chaos, there is beauty in living disorder,
in confusion, love persists and captivates.
If chaos wasn't good, no one would launch
in the adventures that life intertwined.

Chaos is the dance of the stars in the sky,
It's the whisper of the wind, it's sweet honey.
If chaos wasn't good, no one would surrender
to the surprises that destiny prepared.

Because it is in chaos that love reveals itself,
in disorder, madness is always beautiful.
If chaos wasn't good, no one would have love,
but we do, because in chaos life is saved.
Author's Note
Sing me a song of connection, passion and commitment... and let me drown in your sweat.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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