An Answer to Joseph's Marriage Proposal

Lauryn’s mind wailed for her to call a halt to this scene, but her body wouldn't obey. The bedroom, cast in the gentle glow of a bedside lamp, felt heavy with an unspoken tension. The air was heavy under the weight of decisions, and her bed covered with disheveled sheets and scattered clothes, mirrored the chaos she felt inside.    
Standing naked by the window, she gazed into the night as if hoping to find solace in the city lights below. Her bedroom, once a sanctuary to their love, now seemed like a battlefield where emotions waged war against reason. The silence was punctuated only by the distant hum of the city and the erratic rhythm of her heart and that of the child within her.    
Joseph admired her, unaware of her internal struggle. For Lauryn, the distance between them seemed insurmountable, both physically and emotionally, as if an invisible force might break them apart.    
There had been so many lovers, she thought to herself, several in that very room. How could she ever commit, even to a man she loved so much. She knew her restless spirit would eventually fold to another man's desires. She couldn’t do this to Joseph, but he’d asked her to marry him. She hadn’t answered. Three days without their touching had passed and she feared he might assume her answer.    
The old bedside clock left by her father continued its rhythmic ticking, a constant reminder of the passing time and the urgency of the moment. The room reached a crescendo of tension, and as their eyes met, an unspoken plea for connection drew them together.    
In a few swift steps, Joseph approached her, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. The warmth of his touch penetrated the cold barrier that had separated them. Their eyes locked, and without uttering a word, the emotional chasm began to close though the question of their future still hung in the air.    
Slowly, tentatively, Lauryn yielded to their unspoken desire. She fell into a tight embrace with Joseph and felt the ache in her chest melt. The room, once fraught with conflict, now became a haven as the doors of intimacy flew open. The silence transformed into an array of shared breaths and beating hearts.    
Moments later as Joseph’s cock found its home inside of Lauryn, she melted around its heat, whispering, “I want to die here.” The bedside clock continued to mark the passing of time as two bodies pressed against each other again and again in a frenzied panic.    
Joseph never realized Lauryn’s eyes were wet with tears and that with each of his desirous thrusts the faces of past lovers flashed into her view. She let her mind open to these scenes from the past. Her past became a jumble of body parts and images of writhing bodies seeking what they would never have. Intimacy.  
Then to Lauryn’s surprise, names began to flash along with the faces, each contorted in expressions of passion as she remembered them. There was Alex Taylor. She remembered him for his kindness. Then Nolan Foster came into view. She remembered the way he ticked her with his tongue. Or was it Forester, she wasn't sure but she remembered his tongue. There had also been Gabriel Rodriguez, and Owen. She couldn’t remember Owen’s last name, but she saw him the clearest as he rose over her bound together with her as one.  
Finally, Lauryn shook away the visions and found Joseph, kissing him long and deep as he continued his pressing in. As he reached the summit of his desires and began to tip toward ejaculation, Lauryn realized how fragile their relationship was. She knew she would eventually fall under the lustful spell of another man. But still, she loved Joseph and wanted him to be happy.    
After Joseph finish, Lauryn rested on her back as Joseph gently rubbed her stomach.    
“Yes,” said Lauryn.    
Joseph looked at her but didn’t speak.    
“Yes, I’ll marry you,” Lauryn said, her voice cracking. She wondered if it was from emotion or doubt.    
They kissed and drifted to sleep.
Written by Nizana (Lauryn)
Published | Edited 13th May 2024
Author's Note
Life needs to be simpler when you're carrying child. But this happened and I wrote it as a short story for my journal. Names of past lovers were changed.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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