Words On A Paper

I took just one, and
held it in my hand--
your words
that came, silently
like ships on calm oceans.

I plucked another (word)--
I used to know such things
so I took them, and
touched them to my lips, and
the blood returned to dried up places.

So long--
I'd forgotten how it is to feel
(on purpose)
but you left more (words)
and I had to take each one
and smear them on my heart, things
you believe, and
want..... desire (me)

They stabbed and flowed
into dormant places, filling--
I smiled
(and cried a little)
and wrote my own words
and felt your heat, as
you devoured my thoughts
(my thighs.....)

Your waves of testosterone
came my way, and
I've opened a place for you
(the man, you are)
if you want it---

I think you do...
(and so do I)

Author's Note
Written for Willow's "Say it without saying it" comp
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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