Lost Love's Lament

In moments dark and still of night,
I ponder love's flight, once pure and bright.
The dreams we had, the plans we made,
Now lost in shadows, a bitter trade.

We laughed and held each other tight,
Promising forever, with all our might.
But time slipped by, and we lost our way,
Now left with memories, in disarray.

The moment missed, a chance so rare,
Slipped through our grasp, without a care.
Regret and sorrow, heavy in the air,
Heartbreak's weight, too much to bear.

The time when it went all wrong,
Our once sweet love, now a bitter song.
Words that cut, piercing and strong,
Love's demise, dragging us along.

Pains and tears, a relentless burn,
A heart once whole, now bruised and torn.
The dreams we shared, now distant and forlorn,
Drifting apart, each taking our turn.

Cries of anguish, silent screams,
Echo through the night, haunting our dreams.
Emptiness, shattered schemes,
Leaving us broken, ripped at the seams.

Love, so cruel and unforgiving,
Leaving us wounded, our souls still grieving.
The love that could have been, now buried,
Memories carried, our hearts wearied.

So, we mourn the loss, a love now past,
Bittersweet reminder, meant not to last.
Pain, tears, and cries, echoing loud,
A love once cherished, now just a shroud.
Written by Zombie_B (Rotting Rhymes)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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