Walk a Mile

Try walking a mile,
just 1 mile,
inside my shoes,
with your short fuse.

You'd stumble in my footsteps,
fall in the mud, subject to jests.

These shoe's 're to big, you can't fit them,
lummox, sloppy, falling without whim.

You couldn't walk a mile, in my boots,
you'd try, than quit, and call it cahoots.

Since the shoes, seem to make you a lummox,
than I say, I implore, to walk a mile in my socks.

Though you think you may pull it of, quite nicely,
you're still wearing socks that aren't very pricey.

So have fun, laughing with all your divas,
'cause while you're doing that, imma be rocking your Adidas!
Written by 2school2care (Sinchris)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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