Right Now

Someone right now, is dieing of cancer,
who can't think past the last thing that he said to her.

Someone right now, is bleeding out of his insides,
and he's forgetting about all his hopes and lies.

Someone right now, is walking 18 blocks,
because his licence is expired,
he walking down, with no shoes or sock,
to work at a job where he's about to get fired.

Someone right now, has a house with no heat,
though what she's got, she thinks, is an amazing feat.

Someone right now, is passed out on the park bench,
getting kicked in the gut, punched with his leg pinched.

That same person, just left out the asylum,
where he got treated, until the made his mind numb.

And you're just sitting there, reading my stupid poem,
I just hope by now that you wish you could help them.

Just know, through all your fights and intercourse,
it's not half bad, it can only get worse.
Written by 2school2care (Sinchris)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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