Image for the poem Myra

Myra's Dance

Let me marvel at the moving and living art before me
Let me celebrate this beauty, such intricacies!
Yes, she was fearfully and wonderfully made!
All of her that is and ever will be embraces me as she lowers gracefully down
Then begins her lustful dance upon my shining pole, twenty years her senior

Dance Myra, let me sprinkle your oils
Dance Myra, let me inhabit your joys
Dance Myra, your beauty is in your movement
Please dance in all your beauty though fleeting
That which was fearfully and wonderfully made, tonight will fearfully and woefully cease
Then you're only a name and a memory of the image we beheld and touched
Myra, dance until your music stops!
Written by LostViking (Lost Viking)
Author's Note
My previous story about Myra needed this little poetic tribute to her dance.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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