Never Say GoodBye

She doesn't say goodbye
It's something her family taught her
That Goodbyes are said only when
You're okay with never seeing them again
Her Grandma once said that goodbyes
Are like closing the doors to people
Ending an encounter with...
"see you" or "talk to you soon" or "later"
Are all like leaving the door open
It's cementing the fact you want
To see them again in future
Goodbyes are permanent...
Goodbyes feel so very final
When people say goodbye to her
She has to remind herself
That not everyone is raised like her
If she tells you goodbye most people think
There's nothing to it, but to me I know the truth
Permanently closing the door to her life
Written by BlueBeastGirl (Beasty)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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