
I have aspirations to become a writer,
But first I have to compose a lot of prose,
Honing in on the craft making it tighter,
And the light will appear on the path I chose.

Though my poetic works may make not reach millions,
I’m OK if it only reaches one soul,
I may not possess the intellectual brilliance,
As long as the words live long enough to be told.

I crunch numbers by day and write by night,
Seeking the meaning of life piece by piece,
It’s like finding answers when the rite feels right
Through self-reflection I feel at ease with peace.

Still I strive to write the poem that says it all,
I look for the words with purpose and focus,
Driven with inspiration I heed the call,
So that one day I’ll write my magnum opus.
Author's Note
For the Purpose Drive Life
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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