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Poet Introduction
A nature enthusiast, and a connoisseur of art, science, and music. Poetry, as well as music, help me to organize my thoughts, and enable me to express myself in a more constructive and creative fashion.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Robert Frost, Henry David Thoreau, Jon Krakauer, Don McLean, Carlos Castenada, Edgar Allen PoeAbout Me
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I'm a biologist, nature-enthusiast, and a conservationist. I'm also a loner. Being an introvert, and being relatively non-social, I often have trouble finding ways to express myself... hence the poetry.
When I was younger, my poetry was much darker and relied heavily on shock value, poetic technicality, and an almost obsessive need for syllabilic harmony - but with much less expressiveness and emotion.
My poetry has changed so much over the years that I decided to start fresh and make a new account, a new beginning, so to speak!
(All poetry on this profile was written by Jimmy Osborne)
When I was younger, my poetry was much darker and relied heavily on shock value, poetic technicality, and an almost obsessive need for syllabilic harmony - but with much less expressiveness and emotion.
My poetry has changed so much over the years that I decided to start fresh and make a new account, a new beginning, so to speak!
(All poetry on this profile was written by Jimmy Osborne)
My Reading List
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by Honoria
by ComfortablyKatie
Until I Fall Apart
by ComfortablyKatie
You make me smile
by KristinaX
My Wings Baby They Stretch Far
by Adelphina
Doses of Reality
by ComfortablyKatie
My Themes
Poets I Follow
All Poets I Follow (1046)





Tyrant of Words