I Hate Judging People but...

I hate judging people,
I always try to be considerable,
But I hate the people currently around me,
In this foreign state, in this foreign city.
I feel their energy,
It doesn't vibe with my energy.
They're full of a superficial strength,
Ready to rant at length,
At the slightest perceived offence,
It's anxiety inducing, and putting me on the defence,
Ready for a fight if I so much as look at someone wrong,
I've wanted to go home, all along.
I just want to do my own thing,
Not join every social media/group/team/mailing list/website/app, it really does sting.
So many extroverts, so many collaborators.
So many people who can't understand that life is more than skinny jeans and white sneakers,
Or tight clothes over unhealthy, overweight bodies,
Or stringy blond hair, over-white smiles, and work-out clothes over too skinny bodies.
I hate to judge people,
But I can't stand all these superficial people.
I'm so overwhelmed, I feel emotionally sick to my stomach,
It is giving me a heartache,
I'm not looking forward to sitting with these people for these classes,
Working on things like augmented reality, so that they can even more so, sit on their asses.
No one here is really tough,
They are soft, and waiting to pounce on every little mistake, just to look tough.
Anyone can yell,
The angrier, the more upset, the more unprepared for the world and therefore hurt, the better they yell.
I hate judging people...
But I hate these people.
Written by Orc_Pirate_68 (Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
Published | Edited 7th Mar 2020
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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