story time 1

i look at my ceiling
my mind draws a blank
what ive brought into being
as my hopes sank

the sun is shining
but i dont mind
a lovers pining
but he wont find
his lady love
who's locked away
she's turned a dove
as his mind did fray
before dusk
and after dawn
he was very frank
his mind was gone
he searched the world over
for his lady love
couldnt find her
so he began
to kill every dove
for if he couldnt have her
no one could
once again he fell apart
as he doned his hood
 the slughter began
many a life did end
people frightend
becuase he did tend
to kill the enlightend
across the land
but,what happens
or what usually will
the guards they did find him
he'll wait till...

suddenly he awoke
only to find
he was in a padded cell
out of his mind
because,folks you see
he was like you and me
he just happend to be...
mentally unhinged
his mind was singed
without a doubt
that padded room
he'll never get out
Written by yourdarkboi (kersionix)
Author's Note
moral of story:dont get cought

i want to start doing these every monday
comment if i should
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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