Conspiring Against My President

They are lying so much, causing so much distraction, it's like an alien state is wreathing from the back of the U.S.
Though not the country, it is infused and rarely seen breaking away.
Doused with water from the Lincoln Pool, the Capitol yells
not for the Capitol, but for its organization,
the name of its possessor.
"Diplomacy is collusion and treaty is allegiance.
Enemies are absolute.
And war is inevitable."
But it's only in my President's hands that the "Capitol" spoke those evils,
and only in his hands did the alien state stick out from the back of the country,
like a tumor growth,
but it was the wearing down of an infusion,
that kept voters unhopeful and reluctant in their votes.
Because the country can't move,
with another country weighing it down.
And what's that country?
But we who voted for change voted out of the political cycle
and the innerworkings that bog the one visible.
It aches. That other country aches. It is no country to me.
It's the same that lives in D.C. and never sees the schematics of the world or works those schematics to build.
They conspire against my President.
What my Media tells me is blanketed reality. What educators teach is their legacy.
Because I learned for myself and developed my own views.
They conspire against my President.
They have a statement of the denial but not one of the allegation.
That alien country paints the truth with graffiti
so that it looks as if it, the alien, is wearing a guild.
But my country is not benefited from that black eagle on our emblem's back end.
There are two countries. I know it true.
And one is conspiring against my President while one is the somber reality.
The black eagle is not endangered, but it flies and steals the bald one's food.
The bald eagle has sacrificed for the good of the black eagle that controlled it.
President, no more.
No more can we continue to let the politicians' America rule over our own.
We believe that you can exile the alien country from the body of this America.
Because when you touch this country, the reality grows; the shadow wreathes in disdain.
And we see the opposition for what it truly is
and we banish it for its raping of our national flag.
We must move forward, not to a head.
Let's go.
Written by DecipherMe
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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