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Playing with the devil

The devil he got me
I'm Fuked once again
Go on, just have one,                               U know I'm ur best friend.
And Now feeling broken, oh poor little me,
play with the devil, and you will soon see

The destruction and heartache, it won't be long now,                                    it all will consume you, have you crying out how!!

Don't be surprised, cause You've been here before, you know how it works once you've open that door!

So many times I said id stay right on track, I'd never do anything that could take me way back.                            
                                                                   But here i now sit, all that's left is a shell, this shit is the devil and I'm now back in its hell.

This is the last one, I said days before, and now Im out chasing and needing to score. I've done all my money, it never takes long, u do what u need to, it's all kinds of wrong.

All my hard work, means nothing no more, I'm back to the junkie I was once before

The mix in the spoon, has taken my soul, the cough that then follows, It makes me feel whole

Well that's what I think as it goes through my vein, then it wears off so I do it again!

Oh how my habit, it's back in full force, I thought I could beat it, ha, yer right, of course!!

The devil he wins, each time that we play, my life is his playground, which game is it today?

Taking your kids, your family is next, he's not even near finished, he'll get to the rest.

The sweating, the scatting the pain and the guilt, fuk why'd I do this, now I've lost all that I built!

They say it gets harder to get back and stay clean, please god forgive me and stop being so mean, I know I stopped caring and ran on self will, I struggle to own it and this disease fuken kills.                                                      We want someone to blame, cause it's never our fault, why would we want this, locked down and chained by the bolt.

You dance with the devil, you'll  loose every time, he's always beside you, controlling your mind.                          the voice is so loud when u wanna break free, it's so fucking evil, his hold over me,

The first time you dance, wasn't it sweet, the euphoria takes over right down to you feet, if only you knew it was then that you lost, your life as you knew it, was gone at what cost? I wish I was cured of this fuken 'disease' but it never leaves me, I can't ever feel at ease.

I thought I had found the love of my life, I thought we would make it, until we touched ice.
My instincts and gut feeling told me don't test this out, but my disease is much stronger and took over my doubt.

Was it all worth it? of course not at all,  but that still won't stop me from using some more!!

So when you think I'm gone,
and you can finally be at ease,
Just remember this,
I will always be here, im your fucking disease!
Written by Angeldemon21021981
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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