"The Hours"

She said, "Can you take me, can you
take me home; and, there, can you
make me whole,"

"I just need a Friend to help me mend;
 do whatever you know to make this,
 for me, happen,"

She explained that she doesn't normally
do things this way, but, that there was
something about me that just made her
comfortable, and, that my arms around
her would make her feel so warm

So, I took her home and we ate, and, drank and talked for hours... then, she
asked if she, we could take a shower,
and, I obliged

And, we made love for hours; and, then,
we both called in the next day and left
the shades down for hours and hours
until the sun went down
Written by hungrypan74 (Dantalyon)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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