Image for the poem Hurts So Bad

Hurts So Bad

We made love through
the night, and after that you
held me tight.

I woke up
from silence,
your hands wasn't

I called out your name
and I didn't receive
a response.

I called your phone
a million times,

and still no answer.

Days, turns into months
where is my lover.?

This pain keeps
slowing me down,

It hurts so bad I'm
losing sleep.

Damn my bones is
numb, and I can't move
a inch.

Have you ever heard
a heart sound? When it
loses the feeling of love.?

Where do I begin, and
how do I found the
man I fell over
the edge for.?

My life has a dark image
and the color is just
a deep forbid.

It hurts so bad
that, my skin
turns into ash.
Written by tearrapoetry
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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