My corner

I keep trying
To force together strings of
Cyanide drenched words
About something or other
To do with hating you
But I just can't
I lay here
In my corner
Every fucking night
I sit and play sad songs on my guitar
Hoping to make myself hate you
But I just can't
You saved me
Not from anything big or scary
You didn't kill a lion
You made me stand up for myself for the first time
Even if it was against you
Some days I can get by
And I can go on
And I can make a cup of coffee
And walk out the door and be brave
And then today
it's the kind of day
Where I just want to crawl back into my corner
And play more sad songs
And maybe one day I'll find someone
And you'll find someone
We've both moved on
And there's no more resent
[no more want to resent]
And we can even be happy for each other
It's just that right now
Right here
In my corner
That seems unbearable
Written by kittiewoe (Lilly)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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