The Day Begins at Five!                                                                (Stupid)

The last hour of the night is 4am.
If you can get to bed at this hour,
You can still consider yourself
Having “gone to bed last night”.

Even in summer this is so.

But once you hit 5am, it’s morning.
Sober people are starting their engines up outside.
Birds start complaining about the morning news.
You’re fucked then. Your schedule’s off now.

Falling asleep after 5am is just as bad
As nodding off at 8 or 9 or 10 in the morning.
You might as well stay up and smoke another joint
And finish another level on the game.

“No rest for the wicked...”
“Live life to the fullest...”
“Plenty of time for sleep after you’re dead...”

If I were that madman up in Venezuela,
I’d institute an entire change to the state clocks:

"The day begins at 5am! That’s that!

Not 12am midnight,
Like those pagan capitalist cavedwellers still kneel to!"

Please, brothers, sisters,
Write to your local MP or Congressperson:

Move 12am over by five hours...
Have the day begin at 5am!

Written by jIMNUT_rOARIN
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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