Devoted Demons

Everyone has demons but mine are devoted to causing pain
You don’t understand so let me refrain
Have you ever held a gun to your skull and were so ready to just blow your brains?
I’ve been there and done that…but never succeeded
I’ve wanted my life to end so bad I begged and pleaded
In the end I made myself cry, wither away and bleed
I walked to the edge and jumped off…… yet another fail
Why keep trying? Why not just bail?
I’ve given up all my dreams………when the only voices blaring through my head are screams…
I can’t sleep at night with the only thing I ever seem to ever dream
Is the unwashed and tattered fabric that creates my life
I can no longer shut my weary and very much teary eyes for the fear it will be my last goodbye
What’s the purpose of going on when the only thing you ever seem to do…………… is make people hate and despise you?
When you’ve never spoken a word or seen their face
I tell you why……… they can smell my mistakes and the fact I’m such a disgrace
So I’ve written my last poem………and I apologize to the people that feel the same way……… I wish people would just get to know them.
Written by sasperala
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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