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Please Vote

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

lepperochan said:hullo, fellow homos (sapiens)

If you're putting your competition up for a vote please bear in mind -naming some of the poets in comments below their respective entries is probably not the wisest move ever-

thank you, you're all very beautiful  

You only see those comments because you're a Guardian sir, when flagged as "non entry" by a Guardian, those posts won't show up to others while voting is underway. Guardians however, are burdened with trying to unsee such things when voting, so your advice is sound nonetheless

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Messaged and voted 👍🏻

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

This is getting silly. Is there no way of just finishing certain comps due to length of time?

I’m not being funny or owt but that doppelgänger comp has been running since June. I mean give it a pot noodle and a blanket and it would be a fkn squatter...

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

Miss_Sub said:This is getting silly. Is there no way of just finishing certain comps due to length of time?

I’m not being funny or owt but that doppelgänger comp has been running since June. I mean give it a pot noodle and a blanket and it would be a fkn squatter...

There are 79 entries for that competition, so it's hard for one to get enough votes, I don't think competitions with so many entries should be going to public vote, I will try to implement some solutions when I have time

poet Anonymous

Thanking you. 😁

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2336

admin said:

There are 79 entries for that competition, so it's hard for one to get enough votes, I don't think competitions with so many entries should be going to public vote, I will try to implement some solutions when I have time

In the past i brought up a polling system for comps like that.
Maybe a Ladder System of elimination Polling system.
Where after the first Poll, the Ladder contains all with the most votes and then another vote takes place where the most votes keep eliminating the lesser and ensuing Ladder Polling continues until it produces a winner.

Just trying to help, Webmiss  

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17668

The comp in question deviated from the original intent, which was a Doppelganger mirroring the classic competitions. Entrants were supposed to write poetry in the style of another DU member. And while many did, many more came in with tribute poems ABOUT other DU members, some dating years back. And when one did, the other did, and so forth.  They were all very lovely; however, made for a backlog of entries not truly pertaining to the Doppelganger aspect of the comp.  It was too late to stop the ball once it got rolling, and rolling, and rolling . . .probably would've been suicidal had someone tried.

Now we're still attempting to dislodge it from the pass it became wedged in so the rest can pass through easily!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2336

Ahavati said:The comp in question deviated from the original intent, which was a Doppelganger mirroring the classic competitions. Entrants were supposed to write poetry in the style of another DU member. And while many did, many more came in with tribute poems ABOUT other DU members, some dating years back. And when one did, the other did, and so forth.  They were all very lovely; however, made for a backlog of entries not truly pertaining to the Doppelganger aspect of the comp.  It was too late to stop the ball once it got rolling, and rolling, and rolling . . .probably would've been suicidal had someone tried.

Now we're still attempting to dislodge it from the pass it became wedged in so the rest can pass through easily!

Nevertheless (& despite what has transpired)
do You think my idea is valid and doable?

Your description about how this convoluted clusterf*ck aged is on pointe but now what to do about it and what to do when it happens again?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17668

Tallen said:

Nevertheless (& despite what has transpired)
do You think my idea is valid and doable?

Your description about how this convoluted clusterf*ck aged is on pointe but now what to do about it and what to do when it happens again?

I have no idea what would work at this point! It's almost become a fixture here!  But, yes, your suggestion does have merit!

I am still envisioning a big stick under it and everyone jumping on it to dislodge it!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14628

One idea might have been to put forward only the submissions which adhered to the rules...

poet Anonymous

Well actually... the description of the competition here clearly says in the style of or about... so people did follow the rules.

Says it here. Twice.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14628

I stand correctified 😎

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