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Official DUP NAPOWRIMO (National Poetry Writing Month) 2017

Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

Springtime in the Great Atlantic North East

The mountains scream
of renewal
but the air still smells
of winter
standing outside I sip
from a tired cup of coffee
waiting for a lazy sun
to arrive
I have resigned myself
to residing within
this tiny hamlet
for the sake
of others
but I feel like
a third baseman
in the court of Camelot
waiting for the inning
to change
for here the seventh inning stretch
is a way of life
& the game just drags on
like that visit to grandmas
the one who smells of mothballs & ben-gay
& all of her food
tastes like it was made
from a cookbook
about the Great Depression
this town has a way of settling
into your lungs
like powder made from bricks
& every road
out of town has a sign
that reads
" you are now leaving the borough common-
thank you for not overstaying your welcome"
every time I read that
I think I should have
taken their advice


poet Anonymous


Says Who?

The person I wish you to be

you say that you aren't her

The friend you have in me

Well, I'm not so sure
I can stroll beaches and boardwalks
any longer without holding your
hand in mine

Did it ever occur to you
I'm the one who holds
your hair as you're praying
to the Porcelain God
after too much wine?

Still, I keep my chin up
during late night talks
while you drone on
about the latest man
that rejected you
always lying through my teeth
saying everything will turn out fine

I know you can

You insist you can't
that it goes against the
grain of the Lord's plan

Says who?

Only you do

and yet I continue
to be your number one fan
tried and true

What the hell does that tell you?

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705


One more word to complete the sentence
and a few more for the semblance
anything really,
just to raise the word count
resurrect the dead inspiration
to live once again
and complete another poem,
anything will do
any bizarre dream will do
and if I ramble on long enough
that should do for now
as I scrape the barrel
while the Muse plays elsewhere
in fields full of flowery figures of speech
with phrases in her hair
wearing little else other than symbolism
and a smile of euphemism,
meantime in the foreground it is a mean time
of scrabbling for synonyms
and phrases
amidst pleading prayers
for poignant pictures,
if only to get this damn poem
over and done with
so the day's due is done
and the scheduled scheme
is completed to fit the greater order
and avoid the unknown punishment
of a failed tribute
for the serious series host.

(Day and Entry 24, GMT 23:05)

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 342

24 of 30

Always preoccupied
By a daily routine
In those moments
Forgetting to dream

Educating the mind
Forgetting the soul
Ignoring my passions
Not feeling whole

Overlooking who I am
Forging through days
A passage unmarked
Not seen through the haze

Untrue to myself
Psyche maligned
Emotionally alone
No connection defined

I will cease to exist
If I do not allow
My grace to shine
Of this I shall vow

poet Anonymous


Welcome To The Doll House

She has the perkiest plastic tits
balancing out a cookie cutter
heart shaped ass
the perfect companion
complementing  you
in that dollhouse made of glass
where everything in your life
is on display, all for show
much like your trophy wife
same as you climbing
out of your hot tub
in that leopard spotted speedo

The more you flaunt
the mail order bride
the Rolex, the sports car
the less impressed we are

How you can never see this
through our blinds drawn
twenty-four / seven
is a mystery

Maybe the FOR SALE
sign on our front lawn
will clue you in

poet Anonymous


Stomach Butterflies

Ginger in the nude body suit
gives me the stomach butterflies
I'm talking about the Viberzi chic

She's a walking poop chute
making gas and diahrrea eyes
I know it's an advertising trick

and its working

I'm popping pill after pill
hoping that sexy gremlin will
appear and follow me everywhere
as if she was attached
to my rear

And I swear
I'll put up with
every annoying antic
and shenanigan of hers

because my feelings for her
have been released from their
colon chrysalis

and there's no putting
a cork back in the bottle

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17261

XXIV.  Experience: Integration Phase 4
           Jr. High School

Part I.  Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean

There's a time in everyone's Living
where they'll learn to appreciate
what they despise simply for its
intrinsic value to teach contrast.

You begin to recognize patterns
coagulating inside Life, formations
slowly hardening like lime jello
solidifying for dessert in the fridge.

You begin to detect rings inside
years of poems worn like condoms
to protect yourself from the mass
insemination you'd be forced to abort.

You're only 13 and yet migrating as
an albatross over the Atlantic Ocean
toward sunnier weather, without
one dream or ounce of expectation.

Part II. Southwestern USA, New Mexico

Here we are; used house, old school
carved desk - and 250 Mexicans, staring
your British wardrobe and accent down;
Your olive skin ivory from lack of sun.

The boys made their moves in hallways
between classes; the girls waited in the
bathrooms during break; I walked through
like a toll booth you get used to paying.

And if things couldn't get worse, the wicked
witch of the menstrual cycle decides she
would bring me lunch one day; what can
you do but laugh with everyone else.

In the lack of verse during the long days
were shady spots to think, to wonder if
anything had changed for the better, just
for once. You sought comfort in Words.

Until it was time to leave once more.

Part III. East Coast USA, North Carolina

The pretense was deafening despite
the numbness of experience. I was 14,
just another sardine in an auditorium
of life-long friends, of which I wasn't.

Many had barely left the county, much
less the state. Everybody knew your name;
and what you did, also what you didn't.
Those were the times you remembered.

That, and suddenly being swept up in a
religious right-of-way to dictate codes
of conduct and judgmental edicts regarding
what was acceptible in their sight.

I felt the corsette of my costume tighten
and the mask suffocating a personal belief
of One Love behind cheering pom poms
and hypocritical chants:  "Rip their head off!"

You secretly vow you'll never lose yourself,
you'll hold your own ground and belief
in the poem until old enough to write your
way out;  until you meet your first boyfriend.

I was 15 and about to learn the gruesome
contrast of a tender, loving relationship.
And there would come a time in my Life
I would appreciate what I'd once despised.  

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

April 24--Please Stop Puking On The Rugs

My darling angels, four
furry felines , sweet babies--
Mommy loves you all, but
I just shampooed the carpets
because you vomited all over them.

And now that they're clean,
the hairballs are purging

Ah, viscious cycle --lick fur,
swallow fur,
regurgitate fur.

I am no match for
your ruminous stomaches ,
but I cannot live
without you.

I know you are proud to
leave me your gifts
from the bellies, as all
cats are--

"Look! Look what I did !"

Yes, it's your art... Wag your
tails in happiness as I quietly
dispose of it, then we shall
move on from here,

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Oh you're saying, Goodbye ... for real this time (25)

Is parting really such sweet
sorrow ...
Or maybe it's the way you say it ...
Or maybe it's a language thing ...
Maybe you were drunk that night ...
Maybe I was drunk that night ...
Maybe I'm drunk right now ...
Maybe you needed sex that night ...
Maybe I needed sex that night ...
Maybe we had sex that night, and I passed out drunk ...
Maybe you're getting bored, age
does that ...
Maybe you're like that blonde
fake tan guy and don't know what the fuck you're saying ...
Nah, it's gotta be in the
language, choose as many as you
want ...
Afrikaans: Totsiens
Armenian: mnas parov (to one staying)
Armenian: tsedesoutiun
Armenian: yertas parov (to one leaving)
Cantonese: Joi Gin
Croatian: Dovidjenja (See you again)
Czech: Na shledanou
Danish: Hej (is more colloqial and can be used as 'Hello!')
Danish: Farvel
Danish Paa gensyn
Danish: Ses (Colloquial) abbreviated form of 'vi ses' meaning 'see you'
Dutch: Tot ziens
Dutch: Vaarwel
Esperanto: adiau
French: Adieus, mon amour
French: Au revoir
French: Adieu
Georgian: Shvidi
German: Auf Wiedersehen
Greek: Antio
Hebrew: Le hitra'ot
Irish Gaelic: slan agat (to one staying)
Irish Gaelic: slan leat (to one leaving)
Italian: Ciao
Italian: Arrivederci
Italian: Addio
Japanese: Sayonara
Kahabu: Alu tapahadasi minang
Lettish: Uz redzesanos
Mandarin Chinese: Zai Jian
Navajo: hagoone'
Polish: Do widzenia
Portuguese: Ate' logo
Rumanian: La revedere
Russian: Do Svidaniya
Serbian: Do vidjenja
Slovenian: Na svidanje
Spanish: Adios
Spanish: Hasta la vista
Swahili: Kwa heri
Swedish: hejda
Tagalog: paalam na
Ukranian: Do pobachennja
Welsh: Hwyl
Binary code: 001001001101
Maybe we should get the blonde
fake tan guy to build a wall around you ...
Shit, you're back ... no pizza is fine
I'll order (with any luck you'll be gone by the time it gets here)

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

April 24, 2017


The Space Between

One founded, Earthly Fire and Waters’ reign,
Exist apart, though each their essence spill.
The Fire gave Earth a taste for deluge swain,
Her open space between marked in their fill.
Once ground in heated state, the tempest came,
In rising high, released unbridled storm.
So, opened wide a place that is her claim,
The place, unseen, she granted her conform.
Took all her full release for life’s begin,
And in her spend, there’s nothing due compare,
For those who do consume remain within,
And find there warming breeze or subtle snare.
For Air is soft as night and hard as gale,
Engage caress and wantonly assail.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

April 25 ( NaPoWriMo 2017 )

Tiger Spring

I, tiger, pad my way in search of Spring
As silver notes from breath through tree limbs sing,
Its offering the gentle mist of green
To enter in the cage of Bengal queen.

This time of year brings feelings of rebirth,
The thick sense of one's body from the earth,
To welcome sirens of hormonal song
And turnings of my yearn the whole night long.

The constant circle of a lashing tail,
The rise and pitch to advertise her grail.
My tiger paces, growling timbres' thrum
In hopes the He knows where the voice comes from.

But when the sun is high I'll make my leap
To race and follow tracks of suitor deep,
And through a cloud of butterflies & bloom
To meet up and begin our honeymoon.

poet Anonymous

preservation of innocence

there's a purity in her soul
ethereal and wild
rivers of fire run through her veins
melting the hearts of those
who fall under her gaze
she sees with eyes unfiltered
what others are prone to miss
finds true spirit far more worthy
than being part of a "crowd"
seeing good when most see only dirty
woods and fields
and craggy rocks
streams that feed the need in her
to be unfettered
to be free
in this world where life
comes at a price
and the balance is often too low
to meet the rising costs
with her wind blown beauty
and love dazzled eyes
she invests the whole of her
holding nothing inside
and pain cuts much deeper
when confronted with betrayal
for she doesn't expect
what she herself couldn't do to others
pray the innocence will not one day be twisted
by cruel and inconstant players
such souls can only be found
very rarely
be gentle
do not crush her fey spirit
it's one of the last of its kind

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17261

Welcome to TACO-LOCO TUESDAY, Team Napo Poets! It's Day 25; do you know where your poems are?! We're T-minus 6 days and counting on gnawed fingernails!

We're holding strong at 21 exhausted, irritated, and just WISHING-THIS-WAS-OVER- ALREADY Poets eligible for that trophy!


Congratulations to our next Featured Napo Poet, Lord Viddax!


Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672


I reach the streets of gold
within my soul
before me are soldiers
that blaze a path before me

warriors of old
of great renown
with swords of fire
they fight the dark

Archangels vigilant
in their watch
no demon will get through
this hedge set round me

the wolves snarl
gnash their teeth
demonic drug dogs
howl with temptaion's call

I've sent my request
oh high
on the backs of Seraphim
my prayer takes flight

it reaches the heavens
sweet smoke
before the host

many dark paths
I've had to walk
I would get lost along the way
just to have to circle back again

I trek this walk
wearing combat boots
to stomp on minions
that would confound me

careful to take note
of life's markers
that I not lose my footing
in this treacherous place
with a reminder
this is war

Copyright © 2017 Crimsin. All Rights Reserved

#26 of 30

poet Anonymous


The New Gods In Town

Cherry picked with electrical solicitations
here and there in the participant's brain
sensations mimicked you will treasure
ranging anywhere from pleasure to pain

The new frontier is almost here
We've got a more work to do
It's taking longer than six days
but we're making good times
to be had by you

We're the New Gods In Town
perfecting Universe Number Two

Will you take the plunge into
this fresh virtual construct?

Or will you opt to stay behind
finish out your earthly lives
in the old physicality that is to be
reverse engineered

Layers of biological matter
shall be peeled back eventually
as we introduce ourselves to
the Old Gods long revered

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